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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Bumping just to inform... there's a kitty and bean in plug now if more yolks want to join us. ^^
  2. beni

    That sounds awesome! Nice theme idea, @Amoz. will add that to the list, defo. About the upcoming theme, that'll be on IF can make it. If she doesn't get back to us on here before Sunday, me or another friend can alert her. I just hope she's recovering.
  3. beni

    ^ I was AFK during the last Sunday, but did you manage to get in on time? I only know what time it is in EU officially when it's a Sunday, which is 8.00pm. Hope that helps in some way. Apologies for only seeing your question now. To everyone, here's something to take notice of. @CAT5 has updated the rules regarding Plug so please read when you have the time. They were discussed by both of us. The rules can be located at the top left when clicking the room name. If anyone wants to discuss about them, then feel free to do so here.
  4. beni

    I went ahead and added the tag 'best new releases' to this series for easier access. Onto my pick...s (finally). Album wise, it's been hard throughout the whole year. I'll dig a number of tracks from a release, but won't fully love it as a whole. So I have only a couple I can safely name throughout the months. As for May, it's only one album release at the moment for this month that I adore thoroughly. Chanty - Chantyの世界へようこそ These guys are surprisingly varied, there's something for most to enjoy in this even if you prefer a different kind of VK style. I hadn't given them a listen until I tried out one of their singles before this, followed on to this album. Just really digging it at the moment. I'm sure most know about them so I won't go on. I just really want to encourage more to give this one a try, I don't usually adore a VK release as much as this. Apart from enjoying mainly singles this month (which is hella surprising if you know me lol), Chanty's album is the only one which I completely enjoyed. I'll edit this once I decided on a second and third place. xD Very sorry for my one spot. ^^;;
  5. beni

    Happy birthday adorable @Metoichi!! And @Charlotte_neko ^^
  6. Happy birthday to Furik for yesterday, and Metoichi for today! ^^

    1. Metoichi



  7. beni

    Bathtub Shitter is my personal favourite at the moment. How anyone can have that as their band name is beyond me. x'D
  8. beni

    Sorry it's both of us again. ^^;; I almost missed this, huffity. You and ender-chan have the most beautiful dragons. >w< I'm also interested in one from Aika and Nariene. And.. if I may ask another from Malware and Virus too..? Too gorgeous. ;w; Excited to see how they'll turn out. *lurkes outside of hope-chan's dragon lair* x3 I am so getting back to this thread one day to show off my dragons, a.k.a. the ones you two and others have kindly given me. <3 x'D
  9. beni

    A very merry, happy birthday to @Furik! x3 And a happy birthday to @krizalidash and @Dea Gazerock.
  10. beni

    I think that's for the best, . Thanks @CAT5. Hope you feel better soon !
  11. beni

    Happy birthday @emmny! x3 And @Genya_Sama and @piyu_kotodama~
  12. beni

    Happy birthday @Mikuto, @DieZu and @Headphonechild!
  13. beni

    The thread hadn't been bumped so I wanted to be sure by asking. I was also hoping for that so , do you mind doing us the honour of making it official? : 3
  14. beni

    Guessing it's a free-for-all tomorrow?
  15. beni

    ' ultimate selfie = his new avi. We knew it.
  16. beni

    Apart from already mentioned BORIS and gallhammer, knellt or should I say, kill my bleeding smile I am obsessed with. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't those two linked in a way? I never got onto knellt even though I'd like to, but I'm a big fan of kill my bleeding smile's self titled mini album. Only ever saw the name Flower Travellin' Band and I never thought they'd be a hardcore band. x'D And Jurassic Jade look and sound amazing~ >w< Love this thread. It really helps those out who don't know much about the genre. (I really did only know of the bands I've mentioned here. x'D) You the man. <3
  17. beni

    I ventured into this thread hoping to discover some Jazz I'd enjoy. I've never really gotten into Jazz, and I know so very little. I really surprised myself here, actually enjoying a couple instrumental tracks you've put up above, @CAT5; Takuya Kuroda and cro-magnon. Must remember to check out more of Paris Match and uni-birth. It's embarrassing to admit but I already knew of Pe'z, well, Pe'zmoku (thanks to this anime song) and I had no idea they were jazz. x'D My favourites have already been mentioned here, but I'd like to show more appreciation for them. I already knew of all three, but it's thanks to this thread I looked into the first two. <3 Really dig orange pekoe's vocal work. And their album covers are gorgeous. Quite old fashioned in appearance and sound. So fresh and appealing overall. Uri Nakayama is so delightful. One of my favourite covers and my first actual love in the Jazz area. JiLL-Decoy association. <3
  18. beni

    Why/how does D'ERLANGER have so few listeners on Last.fm? o.o Wowzers.
  19. Your current profile picture deserves all the likes in MH. xD *waves the Show Yourself thread in the air*

  20. omg. This is where we disagree. </3 I adore it. x'D
  21. Hello and welcome back to MH! Lovely to have you back and to see your introduction. : 3 And such great timing too for that karaoke contest!! x3 I do hope you can enjoy your second round of MH and hopefully, we can keep you for a bit longer, aha. ^^ Awesome to have you in the plug as well as the Skype chat so yay~ Also, you got great taste in music and a great voice of course.
  22. beni

    Happy birthday @Aion and dear @Ito-san. <3
  23. Happy birthday Ito-san!

    1. Aferni


      Happy Birthday Ito! [2]

  24. beni

    How about non celebrity yolks covering songs on Youtube and such? I've been spending today searching for such and I've come up with a handful I'd like to play in plug so I just thought this might be a possible theme since we all have varied taste and it might work out quite nicely.
  25. beni

    Happy birthday, yolks! x3 @IllusioMan, @mizuki, @Cupcakes, @Hakoniwa, @illusion_is_mine, @Okumura Visual Kei and ! : 3
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