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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I'd still buy. XD I really disliked her and that song at first, but I can jam to it now. I also love how there's so many different PV's for it, you never see that, or at least that many lol. I only lost a bit of hope in Nakata after hearing that latest CAPSULE album (no, I will not get over it). Thanks for the shout out so I spotted this. I believe I've read some Last.fm yolks talking about this one. New Seiko is always welcome, of course. Pretty random but enjoyable PV. It has its charming moments though. I thought it was a laid back number until the chorus came in, ahaha. I do love the progression of the song, but it does seem to go on for a bit longer than I'd like. It's a grower though, for sure. Dat opening and ending dough. <3 Does anyone have any opinions on that Amuro album? So Western, I couldn't enjoy most of it, lmao. x'D Dat Guetta being credited as the artist of the last one too lol *stabs PC* XD
  2. beni

    .-. For fudge sake.
  3. beni

    Happy birthday @babyruby911, and @トカゲ, and @arya92!!! : 3 And for today, happy birthday to another three, @Izumi, @deshabillz, and @bountyxhunter~
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3HhjH7RXTI
  5. So excited for the Karaoke Contest! (σ゚∀゚)σ Bring ituuuuu~

  6. Giving it a listen as I type. Am on track four and I'm struggling seeing how they're immitating Ling at this moment. It's not as in your face as I was expecting which is pretty disappointing. I can see how the male and female vocals can be quite reminiscent to Ling and even the loud instruments. Amazing type up, but not an amazing release. Quite disappointing apart from a couple of sections such as opener 'pirorhythm stabilizer ~ only your world ~,' and closer, 'さらば浮世写し絵の如く (do - do gigantic evolution ver).' Totally agreeing on everything @Pho has said. Will keep an eye on them either way to see if they can make the melodies I'm hoping for.
  7. beni

    Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to MH! Exciting to have you, hopefully you can have fun here too. Hope to see you around, enjoy~
  8. Love these kind of quizzes! My results: 11 Quality Time 8 Words of Affirmation 6 Acts of Service 3 Physical Touch 2 Receiving Gifts Pretty accurate I'd say. Wish the 'receiving gifts' was a 1 and the 'Acts of Service' was lower. Surprised with the touch one though, since I am pretty touchy feely even with friends and family. x'D Guess I'll have to take it again in a couple years' time, aha.
  9. beni

    Happy birthday @Kazuya Tanizawa!!!!!!
  10. I've ticked pretty much everything apart from 'other' in the features I enjoy since my brain isn't working at the moment but I love everything which happens here so anything else not listed would make sense me ticking it. xP I didn't tick the 'Search function' because I rarely ever manage to find the thread/post I want doing so. The 'Index page' is also a rarity, as well as 'Quick Navigation' page since I get too confussled with that. x'D
  11. beni

    Yep! Oh it's on~ : 3 Even though I only have a few plays myself, this'll be entertaining and different. Many thanks to the metal thread we have here lol. x'D
  12. beni

    Bravely Second: End Layer 'is planned to be released in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in 2016.' Still playing the first game, Bravely Default and I haven't gotten far in it at all but I'm excited for this release. It's one of my favourite games on the 3DS.
  13. beni

    Recently discovered Orphan Black and am addicted. Series 1 was a thrilling watch while half way into series 2 I am starting to lose interest for some reason. I'm still excited to see what'll happen in series 3 even though I've spoiled a few parts for myself. Latest OITNB season is coming over to the UK in about a week or so. That'll be an interested watch even though I've enjoyed OB more and am now iffy about it. Will try to look into more series randomly to see if any grab me as much as OB could.
  14. Extreme metal plug theme set for today! I know a few of you who aren't plug regulars are fans of the genre so why not try it today? Link: https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. yakihiko


      beni and metal together? was that possible?

    2. kyoisKILLINGME



    3. beni


      lmao. Only managed to play one song and had only two others queued so it was tough. XD But hella enjoyable theme for the short time I got to be there. x3

    4. Show next comments  120 more
  15. beni

    As long as everyone agrees, then it's cool. But try to avoid long songs if the DJ wait list is big.
  16. beni

    Happy birthday you lovely people for yesterday and today~~ @musikktroll, @The Libertine, @kousei_horror_kei, @Merlin Coryell and @Tsumiya @kingofallpuddin, @SydneyBoy1101 and @fragmentedNaito First two usernames are the best usernames ever. x'D
  17. beni

    A best of album is best. 8D
  18. Having never listened to them before, I really enjoyed that album. Very glad I checked it out.
  19. beni

    PV will grow on me, defo. Either way, I'm really looking forward to this. Thank you for this news!
  20. beni

    Happy birthday @Kasumichan~
  21. beni

    Thank you for informing @fictioninhope! I'd love to have this little guy and this one, pretty please! x3 Thank you so much to both of you again for this. Hope you get what you want. Icedad will be thrilled, aha.
  22. beni

    I hella approve.
  23. beni

    After such a long gap with wishing anyone a happy birthday, today is delightful indeed! Happy birthday you lovely lot~ @Velvet_Alchemy, @socialriot, @horoby, @BloodRoses, @Hayato, , @ittousei, @rikuri, @DOGharu.
  24. Just did my first exam in Maths after three years. I was hoping with age comes wisdom (more like common sense in my case). Unfortunate how it's more like the exam itself has gotten smarter. .-.

    1. Metoichi


      fuck maths beni !!

    2. Biopanda


      yeah! who needs numbers anyways! Dirty stuck up numbers aint never helped nobody!

  25. beni

    Gosh, I'm not feeling the beta version. Will take some getting used to. Thank goodness it updated your account info, I had about only 200 artists when I first clicked on the alert of it. x'D
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