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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    omg, I did this with my English teacher recently. She asked me how Sam is (she had taught him when he was my age) and I went to her with a confused look 'who?' And she went 'I thought that was your brother's name?' And I was like 'OHHHHHHH. Yeah. I do have a brother called Sam! You mean him!' x'D
  2. beni

    I used to watch this quite a bit because I crushed on Zooey Deschanel so hard. She's such a darling.
  3. As if I've never posted in here, fffffffff. Rewatching tad bits of Hanazakari no Kimitachi e because it has the best ensemble of a character cast I have ever seen. <3 Also slowly getting through the live action of OHSHC, Switch Girl!! and Tumbling. If I had more time on my hands, I would sit down and watch as many Asians dramas as I could. I used to just watch one episode of as many as I can and forget to get back to most of them, ahaha.
  4. beni

    RuPaul's Drag Race is the best god damn thing in the world. So late to the party.
  5. beni

    Since it's too soon now, there'll be no theme tomorrow, right? What would everyone like next week?
  6. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #25: What position do you sleep in? This is a multiple choice question, depending on if you're single or are in a relationship. Options go in order of statistics, starting with the most common positions. External links can be clicked on by the images for further information. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/advice/a34764/what-sleep-position-says-about-your-relationship/ Or are you more like this? Statistics under spoiler: From his survey of 1000 people, Idzikowski identified six positions and claimed to detect personality traits based on them: Fetus (41%) Log (15%) Yearner (13%) Soldier (8%) Freefall (7%) Starfish (5%) The remaining 11% stated their position varied or did not know. A Canadian survey found very different preferences, with 39% of respondents preferring the "log" position and 28% preferring to sleep on their side with their legs bent. Couples A Travelodge survey found that 50% of British couples prefer sleeping back-to-back, either not touching (27%) or touching (23%). Spooning was next, with the man on the outside 20% of the time vs. 8% with the woman on the outside. 10% favored the "lovers' knot" (facing each other with legs intertwined), though all but 2% separated before going to sleep. The "Hollywood pose" of the woman with her head and arm on the man's chest was chosen by 4%. To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  7. beni

    Happy birthday to @billa_k and @eryurei~
  8. beni

    omg awesome news. Almost missed this!
  9. Do you ever just

    1. Aferni



    2. Lestat


      Have you ever just found a carrot stuck in your

    3. Show next comments  117 more
  10. beni

    Happy birthday @Mycota and @loveviolence~
  11. beni

    Never used soulseek before either. But if this is about kitty's colletion then GIMME. <3
  12. beni

    Bumping this because this needs to be brought back. <3 Will upload some origami and kirigami at some point! x3
  13. beni

    I thought we could have a possible ship. </3
  14. beni

    Looking up possible gif sigs and: I just became more of a fan. Also: lol
  15. beni

    Jellyfishes. Owls. CAT-5s. Pandas. Bats. Crows.
  16. beni

    Isn't Tokami's vocalist a fan of D's Asagi? Vocalist's name is even Agato, lol.
  17. beni

    A Lolita kind of dress.
  18. beni

    Was hoping for another man with a wig and beard because such flawlessness. I swear 'Heroes' won only because of the visuals, the song really disappointed me after hearing it was popular to win. Either way, it is really cool and memorable compared to all the other performances. I WISH Russia or even Austria won instead. Like, omg, HOW DID THEY GET 0 VOTES!?
  19. beni

    ^ Totes!
  20. beni

  21. beni

    My nigga, you spelt Withering to death. wrong.
  22. beni

    Hiya! Welcome to MH~ Nice favourites! Lovely to have you. Awesome to see a couple fresh blood coming in after so long! I do hope you enjoy your time here. Please look out for the plug announcements on Sundays so that you can join, as well as the chat entitled 'château de monochromium.' Have fun and see you around~
  23. beni

    Happy birthday @Mau!
  24. beni

    ^ , GET ON IT GURL!
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