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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    ^ Nah, she's lovely. Her first release was gorgeous, I have to listen to it again some time. That Hirone-chan is a literal offspring of Seiko in every way. o-o
  2. beni

    Added everyone. Will be using this more often as I get back into anime watching.
  3. beni

    Happy birthday , @Augie1995, @Youko_o and @cherushii. Also~ @sakuracchan and @Hektism. And to 21st birthday, @smilesxchibi.
  4. beni

    Great to see this intro! (Bless you, ). Nice intro, name and band (list). I spot Pura. <3 Love your last sentence too, haha. See you around, and keep enjoying MH!
  5. beni

    Another new release so soon. Upcoming new mini album. Also extremely hyped for the new Yun*chi album.
  6. beni

    Happy birthday @Yuuko, @Tenmei, @diva-rin! As well as @shrugoff, @blackcatgirl98 and @Kurage chan.
  7. beni

    Not an instrumental music fan, but I was meant to try these guys out ages ago. Honestly going to give this a listen just for the Chara track but gave the above song a go. Not really feeling it mainly due to the vocals and sound overall. Could be a grower though, thanks for posting.
  8. :[

    1. nick



    2. yakihiko



      ( ・ ω ・ )

      /  ⌒U、


    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      what happened D:

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  9. beni

    cute theme next week
  10. beni

    Free-for-all today then.
  11. beni

    Aww yay. x3 Thank you, ender-san. Anyone else for it too?
  12. Awesome introduction! Lovely to have you, I hope you enjoy your time here on MH. Lovely set of favourites too, and I love how you put down others you plan to look into. My favourite band (well, one of the many ones I love but this one takes the cake for me) is Plastic Tree (also Lycaon and AvelCain!) so I do encourage you give them a go! Look out for more links and such in the 'Site Announcements of Awesome' at the top and check out the chat next to the 'release list' too. Also, your English is amazing, no worries. If you have any questions or concerns, send a PM to the users with a red or blue name. See you around!
  13. Happy birthday to chewi and indigo.

    1. doombox


      Oh snap! Happy birthday, guys!

    2. Tetora


      Happy Birthday.

  14. beni

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @chewi and @indigo as well as all you guys~ @ryoga-kun, @mikezizz, @katgrey, @Discoma, @terry, and @Niwatori.
  15. beni

    In plug now~ Remember to say in here if you want a theme in advance. It will be a free for all if no theme is brought up. Am digging the cute theme.
  16. beni

    Happy birthday @Licio123 and everyone~
  17. beni

    Monochrome Heaven is the best heaven... with a bit of hell as the side dish when it comes to certain threads. So yeah, crack.
  18. beni

    That's the one! I should've known by the 'new' on it but I assumed it meant how it was on Wii then moved to the 3DS. ^^;
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