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Everything posted by beni

  1. What emotions inside of you, or the music itself initially drew you to Japanese music (from Visual Kei, to Japanese Rock, to Japanese Indie, etc...) and has that list of emotions grown or changed over time as you grew, and discovered new bands? Lyrics were (and still are to some extent) a major draw in when it comes to music to be since ever. When I first got into Japanese music, I'd check out Jpop because I liked the sadness and tranquility most singers expressed in their ballads, such as Utada. I always had a thing for weak/pitchy vocals, and soon after I discovered singers like Ryu of Pura, Gackt, Hyde and T.M Revolution all becoming my favourites. This is because of their themes in their songs such as loneliness and lost love are emphasized because of their 'broken' voices. Overall, the emotions are pure and devastating. Gackt never fails to make me cry on occasions, and I love it when songs can make me so emotional. I'd deal with various emotions like anger to these slower and quieter songs too. Another factor which has been evident since I first for into Japanese music was Oshare Kei; LM.C and An Cafe in particular. I think it's some of the most uplifting music out there, and it never fails to make me happy. My taste in this music hasn't changed at all through the years since I got into Jmusic really, I just got into more and more musicians, like 9GOATS BLACK OUT and other VK ones. Do you find unique feelings in Japanese music that you can`t find elsewhere? I don't give anything apart from Asian music a chance these days really. I doubt it's because of the Japanese tie in (like anime/manga, the culture, e.c.t) but more because of the language. I find the Japanese language really pretty and elegant, and that's why I think Japanese music has that charm I don't find anywhere else. Jmusic is now something in need every day, so I think it's unique to me in that I can't go without it too long. Do you relate more to the musicians or sound than other kinds of music? Musician wise, I can say yes. Never have I found a musician as interesting as Ryu from Pura. I think I can relate to him in a way. Nothing pulls me in more than lyrics and vocals though. The sound or music isn't too much of a big factor in what I enjoy either, even if ballads is more of my thing than anything. If the energy is right, and the beat catches me, then that's all I need. It just becomes more powerful is the lyrics are impactful.
  2. beni

    Kisaki Project. [2] Where I first heard of Kisaki, so I most fond of Kisaki here due to that reason really.
  3. beni

    Also, refrain from putting up Private Messages out into the open. It's a 'PM' for a reason. Be considerate.
  4. Let's make the upcoming Trade-Off even! If you like the look of the activity, please come and join so everyone whose entered can do so. ;3 http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/36834-monochrome-heavens-2nd-free-for-all-trade-off/

  5. beni

    Just a reminder that tomorrow is part 2 of the female vocalists theme!
  6. beni

    Neat! Hello and welcome to MH~ I hope you enjoy your time here. Look out for anything new related at the top in 'Announcements of Awesome' and join us in the chat that's located right next to the 'Release List' also located right at the top. Hope to see you around~
  7. beni

  8. beni

    Stalker mode activated. Now to actually use both...
  9. Happy birthday deathangel and leafwork <33

    1. deathangel
    2. nick


      Happy birthday both of you! Have a great day.

    3. yakihiko


      Happy bday to both

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  10. beni

    Cool, had no idea about the rehash, quite a choice. Still thought it'd be an interesting comparision anyway. Seeing as this was their latest stuff, I just went for it.
  11. beni

    These two all female bands began morphing into a different kind of girl band from how they originally debuted. Aldious started out as a metal/Visual Kei group, now becoming more like the typical mainstream girl band, while FLiP were known for their rocking tunes which now sounds like sweet, sugary J-pop. (Sound when they debuted) (Sound change, plus change of vocalist) Sound when they debuted (Sound change)
  12. beni

    ^ lol. I was highly agitated when I saw that Natsume song will be used for 'Pixels.' Guess it's fitting but.. eww. Really can't decide whether I love the girl or hate the girl. Personally becoming rather uninterested with Kyary. It's all very copy-and-paste. Don't really have much to add other than I'm interested in the upcoming SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] album. Literally staying up-to-date with all this on arama, lol. All of that drama about Fukase and Kyary, and Ayumi vs Namie doe.
  13. Happy birthday Tets~

    1. CAT5


      oh snap, Happy B-Day Tetora!

    2. Licio123
    3. Tetora


      Thanks a lot!

  14. beni

    Requesting to change the thread title to 'no future of lastfm'
  15. beni

    I'm so done.
  16. beni

    r.i.p last.fm. Holy damn it looks and works terribly. ;;
  17. beni

    Awesomeness. So we can make it official? Female Vocalist p.2 this coming Sunday~ Done~ xp
  18. beni

    Would like a theme next week too. Out of the three brought up, I'd love a part 2 to female vocals.
  19. beni

    Created a second one. Will have all my interests in one. Follow if you want.
  20. beni

    This preview of their recent album came out at the start of this year. Really nice stuff, had forgotten to recommend since I heard it.
  21. beni

    Moderator Message: This might be the Toasted Waffles section, but let's keep things on topic. Either participate with your own parodies, or don't comment at all.
  22. beni

    Your dildo gives me life.

    1. fitear1590


      Without any context whatsoever, this is golden.

    2. CAT5
  23. beni

    Happy birthday you two lovelies~ @clow_eriol and @SwampMan~~
  24. beni

    APOLOGIES FOR SUCH LATENESS. Happy birthday to everyone previously~ <3 And to our member @Prophet for today!
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