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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Have only recently started listening to new material after joining the ORZ. I used to find a new musician, download one item and stick with that. My library used to be pretty small by looking into only a few bands/artists. Now I try to look into as many new releases across the genres I'm into so I can keep contributing as a OR.
  2. beni

    ^ Bumping to remind.
  3. Always a compilation album. If they don't have any, then I go for the album with the most tracks or considered the best.
  4. beni

    I like the sound of post/math-rock and shoegaze. x3 Also, I miss plugging with you and pho btw .__. [2]
  5. beni

    Sunday plugs will always be on. If there's no theme announced, then it'll be a free-for-all.
  6. beni

    Wish to go so hopefully it happens.
  7. beni

    Welcome back~ Great to see you again. Thank you for your continued contribution and loyalty even when busy/away. Glad to see you're doing well, good luck with everything. If you send a PM to one of the Admins requesting the name change, they'll do it for you. Hope you continue to enjoy MH!
  8. beni

    Happy birthday @Trombe~ Aaaaaaand @*りりこ* as well as @VisualGrief! Including @gyakutai, @Moumoku_Shoujo, and @Rakuen.
  9. beni

    Sometimes I wish I had straight black hair because of him.
  10. beni

    ^Agreed, apart from the hair. I love that hairstyle. Still, it's exciting to see him releasing new material (extremely hopeful for a new album after this or after a few more singles). This has also encouraged me to check out his most recent singles just so I can update myself.
  11. Happy birthday to herpes and Manic.

  12. beni

    Happy birthday guys~ @Manic @okuribikasou @albertfrankshai @bylizxo @herpes
  13. beni

    Wow, nice! Very exciting.
  14. beni

    ^ Hope to see you next time ! ;; Is anyone up for another theme this coming Sunday?
  15. Happy birthday, Zeus-sama~

  16. beni

    Darn, wish I could go.
  17. beni

  18. Just out of curiosity, and because the MAL thread reminded me, does anyone have an account on MyDramaList? Update: Totally not planning on watching the whole of Yusuke Yamamoto and Koji Seto's filmography, hehe.
  19. omg these threads are back <3 x'D I mean I will do my very best! even though i don't know what i'm doing~
  20. beni

    4th!? Damn, I wish him well.
  21. beni

    Happy birthday to and @DarkWater~
  22. I'd like to say X Japan, but for the quicker/easier getting into, AKFG would be a good one as a starter in my eyes.
  23. beni

    Can be outside of Japanese music too, but good thinking, that's a go ahead point. Thanks for that. Pretty much. It's just prefered that it's mostly Japanese music. Valid point so just go over the rules again if you can.
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