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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    @CAT5 be turning into CRUBE5.
  2. beni

    I bloody love For Tracy Hyde and need their discography already.
  3. I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO BRING THIS UP BEFORE ME GOD BLESS YOU YASSSS. It got met with such backlash (from what I've read) but its dark nature and stand out among any kids movie which is why I love it so much. It just sticks with you for the wrong reasons, lol. My other favourite from Disney which isn't listed and has yet to be comment on is definitely The Emperor's New Groove. How come no one has!? The worst crime of them all is that it didn't get any awards whatsoever. What. The. Hell!? More thumbs up to everyone who commented on The Great Mouse Detective. I don't want to bring up any other of my favourites in case someone else mentions them because I get way too happy seeing that, aha. Shout-outs to @saishuu, @Jigsaw9 and @Lestat too. A Goofy Movie is my guilty pleasure and Oliver & Company is impossibly underrated. As for the popular ones of Disney, Hercules, The Incredibles and Mulan are my babies. With Ghibli, I'm agreeing on how much of a masterpiece Howl's Moving Castle is. Forget Spirited Away being the most popular one, Howl's Moving Castle should always be on a list for 'The Greatest Movies Ever' imo.
  4. ^ I love you, I love this band, and I love that album. God bless fitz for bringing them up this year. [2] Simply can't get enough of 'Night Time'. The perfection is out of this world.
  5. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #38: What are your favourite movies from Studio Ghibli/Walt Disney Pictures? (Multiple choice) To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not. Please note: We are talking about Ghibli's and Disney's animated movies. All the movies in Ghibli's collection have been listed, but there's plenty more releases associated to them that's not been covered so feel free to selected 'Other(s)' and tell us whatever else you've enjoyed from them. As for Disney, they have a much larger amount of distributed works. I have listed their supposedly more famous/most favoured titles. Can't find your favourite? For the whole list, see here. Disney's movies like Who Framed Roger Rabbit isn't listed because it's both a live action movie as well as an animated movie. It can still be a contender for this list. Anything under each name can be commented on. If a movie has sequels like Toy Story, please do vote for that. Feel free to comment if you want to say which Toy Story (for example) is your favourite.
  6. Wow, completely missed this thread. After such an anjoyable first album, I am quite interested in this. Awesome looks all round.
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Quite excited after enjoying his previous release so much. Will have to listen to it.
  8. beni

    Anyone up for some dubtrack fun in a bit?
  9. Neat. Glad knowing they're still around. Will have to check the release out.
  10. Omg, he's sooooooooooooooooooo good! Love, love, love it. Apart from him, everyone else noted is new to me, aha. Nice to see some shared likes for artists too as well as discovering new ones. So I'm going to go ahead and make this a Taiwanese/Chinese appreciation thread. Think that might work better, hopefully it won't look too cluttered for others. As a starter for the Chinese picks, I simply adore Fifi Rong. A recent find, but one of my favourite atm for non-Japanese music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBwCmuB3MnE
  11. Like the name and overall look. Will have to keep an eye on this.
  12. ^ You got that right girlfriend! I've played her before in plug with that exact vid, aha. Also, loving what you've shared. It's the kind of music I don't know a lot about when it comes to Taiwanese music so thank you for posting. ;;
  13. Interesting POTW choice. Some of these can be overcome, but ones like 'possessiveness' can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the extent of it. It's similar to how people can be clingy and jealous imo, which I honestly think is nice if it's not too much.
  14. We've got a Jpop thread, J-indie thread, Japanese oldies thread and even a Korean indie thread. How about we add Taiwanese and Chinese music to the mix? Anyone with me? Here's a few of my favourites (Taiwanese wise) to kick start this off. I think it goes to show my favourite genre when it comes to Taiwanese music is Mandopop (honestly when is it not right? aha~). But I also enjoy a few rock bands too. I've got plenty of pop artists on the tip of my tongue to name, but I'll need to dig into my library more for others. When it comes to Chinese music, I don't know as much with that but I'm also interested in it. So for now, who are your favored musicians from Taiwan and/or China? Feel free to contribute, share and discuss anything Taiwanese/Chinese music related~
  15. beni

    So I just had this idea for a new thread as a collection of the best Japanese commercials out there, mainly for the lols. Example: Schwarzenegger makes everything even butter. Do you have any favourites? Any that leave you in stitches?
  16. beni

    This needs to be bumped. This is why we have Tumblr. This is life. *clicks link* DAMN IT WHY NO MORE SINCE 2013? ;;
  17. beni

    *eternally screams* THE HYPE IS TOO REAL! I need to get my own PS4 after all these upcoming PS4 games, hot damn. I was so obsessed with the first game and completed it so quickly, having another addition of it is truly brilliant.
  18. beni

    ^ The beauty is too much. I'm just going to try and wait patiently for it and complete it as a remaster instead of trying to rush through the game on my PC.
  19. I had wanted to check out Kidori Kidori for a while now and when I saw that it was in the running for this countdown I was reminded to get to it and thought that it was the best time to do so. It's a great album, I wish I didn't have a writing block yesterday and had enough time in the day to type up a blurb for it as well. Thank you @fitear1590 and @doombox for that. +1 to '!'~
  20. Everything wrong with this post in less than thirty seconds. (< - props to anyone who gets this) I DON'T HAVE AN INTROUCTION THREAD ON MONOCHROME-HEAVEN Thread title typo. It's 'hi guys'. Please don't give us back the old CAT. We like the 'new CAT'. STAY AWAY *makes the topic bumped anyway~* Copyrighting names. You mean TWATwes, not CATwes. OR would be too confusing. Have mercy. Captain obvious, Debatable, Debatable. [2] = this over your music any day Troll alert. Try me. True, True, False. Ultimate hypocrite. Alert number dos. Don't give me that. No. ilu reari
  21. beni

    I am so excited for Ajin. Totally going to give Boku dake ga Inai Machi a go too, it looks like its got pretty art. I've lost interest in Durarara!! but the first series was awesome. Will have to think about picking that back up again. I love how this is quite literally the starting pack when it comes to any anime of recent time because that's usually all there is, lol.
  22. beni

    Hyped~ Don't listen to them enough as it is.
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