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Everything posted by beni

  1. There's probably already a thread on this and it's probably not the best wording, but this thread is about those English songs done and performed by non-Japanese musicians that are in the OST/credited in any form of entertainment, meaning games, anime and TV/movies e.c.t. The instant one I think of is Franz Ferniland's Do You Want To, which is the ending theme for the anime Paradise Kiss. I'm sure there's plenty so I'm interested, what else is there? I'll post again with those I can remember.
  2. Exciting stuff. Totally checking out of course.
  3. How could I have forgotten these? *slaps self, then cries whilst listening*
  4. Did you mean 88 or Boys and Girls, maybe? Because then I'm in an agreement. Their anime songs helped me be introduced to Visual Kei and are standouts within anime themes themselves if you ask me. I'm upset that they missed out a place but I'm happy seeing another comment on them.
  5. beni

    I meant bad in a good way. That's just how I see take in his voice. I love his voice because it's so distinctive.
  6. beni

    Bye cat
  7. I'm not too sure what I'd vote for in the poll even now. If I had to complain about one thing when it comes to VK, it definitely would be able the lack of woman within the genre. I love everything from the music to the style, but the majority of the bands consisting of only males can get disappointing.
  8. beni

    Went for one of my VK biases, Lycaon ofc. But Rentrer en Soi are more than deserving in winning this poll. A solid and cool band. I can't help but favor the worst of the worst vocals in any genre. ='D
  9. beni

    secret base is on it? Going to have to check it out now just because of that. They're doing the opposite of getting better and better if you ask me but I'm sure I'll give in to this.
  10. beni

    Hopefully this isn't for the long run.
  11. beni

    Sing in the shower/bath, run, and dance.
  12. beni

    Hello and welcome to MH, a pleasure to have you. I hope you enjoy your time here!
  13. beni

    Thanks to @doombox, I'll have to check this out.
  14. beni

    What bands do you think have the best banter with one another? Or are there any artists you think have plenty to give? I was going to use interviews as an example on this one, but then I remembered the Alice Nine channel and how they would scare Nao on various occasions. My favourite part is when he goes into the haunted house. His screams never fail to make me laugh, that was the best set up.
  15. beni

    I'm personally insulted.
  16. The topic for the very best and the very worst of both dubs and Engrish. This can be for any form of entertainment, be it anime, movies/TV, games, the lot. Whenever you have a comment about any voice acting, feel free to laugh and hate on it right here. Discovering the stupidest YT videos possible is one of my favourite pastimes, and looking into voice acting isn't any different, especially dub work. I have no idea what this is but it's beautiful. You can't leave out anime in this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKo82gKwBXE I applaud any usage of Engrish in anime, period. There's also a YTber anime reviewer who reviewed both Mars of Destruction and Super Kid as the worst animes and showed what should be crowned as the most monotone death moments of any show anywhere. Wish I could rediscover it. Some other personal favourites outside of YouTube I discovered by watching are: Having just watched Jackie Chan's Drunken Master, the dub not fitting their mouth movement made the fighting even funnier. Bless them. I wish I could locate Jdrama videos that have such funny coverage of well known actors/actresses trying to speak English. Anyway, if those above I do find I'll be sure to post. If you already know of any goodies, feel free to share and enjoy with us.
  17. I thought this might be some good fun. I thought of Meto and he got it. How dare they not have a face for him. Anyway, I'm wondering if there's any obscure artists he'd still be able to guess. I've never managed to catch him out, even when using musicians, game and fictional characters. Feel free to also include screenshots, they're always funny. I want to see his defeated look because god damn his smug expression. "i'm too good for you babe" Someone please beat him to a pulp. Play the game here!
  18. beni

    ^ We have the opposite problem, lol. I really want to play Onichanbara, the gameplay looks so fun. I have Bayonetta and while its gameplay is really awesome, I have yet to be sucked into the story enough to bother picking it up now and again. Totally worthy to play with just for the gameplay though!
  19. beni

    ^ Remove le spoiler boi and grace us with your presence completely u-u <3 Thought it's been a while. Been a while touching makeup too.
  20. This is cheating but I just had to post it. One of my favourite openings to a TV show. Wish it was longer, thank god for people who extend them!
  21. We've got threads about certain looks, but how about certain hairstyles? I can't personally remember any outstanding ones, but I do have personal favourites, and from what I've seen, we have no thread dedicated to just hairdos. So, what are your favs? Are there any you think really stand out? Any that influence your look? See under the spoiler for a few of my favs. Feel free to add your own and even your reasons why you're in favor of the hairdo(s).
  22. beni

    You can still respond to each person separately when multi-quoting. This is to prevent spam.
  23. beni

    Happy birthday to @Uglymouth, @Fin Paulux and @Vitne Eveille.
  24. beni

    huffity unf <3
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