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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby
  2. beni

    omfg, @Nagisa and @colorfuljinsei... XDD
  3. beni

    -17 >: D
  4. Tracklist: 1. ◯生物 (◯Seibutsu) 2. フラスコ (Frasco) 3. マイム (Mime) 4. ハシエンダ (Haçienda) 5. 告白 (Kokuhaku) 6. インソムニアブルース (Insomnia Blues) 7. float 8. 落花 (Rakka) 9. スラッシングパンプキン•デスマーチ (Thrashing pumpkin death march) 10. スロウ (slow) 11. 剥製 (Kakusei) 12. ●静物 (●Seibutsu) | Plastic Tree execute an album with more highlights than a thick, full head of hair can take. It's impossible for 'disappointment' and 'new Plastic Tree album' to be together in the same sentence, as they prove once again. 剥製 (Hakusei) is the bands thirteenth full length album and it's been a painful wait even with a handful of singles and another mini-album occupying us up until December of last year. But it can be safely said that it was well worth the wait. Much like how Ink worked with a complimentary opener and closer, 剥製 is organised in the same manner. Being a dramatic and emotional instrumental as the final track, but with a bit of Ryutaro goodness in the first one, both match wonderfully. This encourages a repeat thanks to the same soft piano melody used in both to tie them together. "●静物" (●Seibutsu) ends the album on a gorgeous yet sad note, quite literally, while "◯生物" (◯Seibutsu) sets a tone that captures the shoegaze genre that plays off of Ryutaro's vocalization like a charm. "フラスコ" (Frasco), track two, starts the album off beautifully after the wonderful opener, and while simple, it still stands out on its own. Its sound makes you picture a journey across a beautiful landscape. I get that feeling of travelling with this one, and moving onto my pair of favourites on the album, it only gets more adventurous in the mid section of the release. "インソムニアブルース" (Insomnia blues) has an unbelievable flow with an incredibly gorgeous chorus. Ryutaro's mumbled vocals are almost overpowered by the pounding music, fitting to their shoegaze tendencies. With a melody that reminds me of their classic song "水槽。"(suisou), it's another underwater like tune I always adore the sound of. The track that follows after this is more than fitting. "float" continues this setting, adopting a more peaceful sound. "float" is one of their more soft rock tunes, and while not much happens, that's how the magic works. It's another track that flows effortlessly, with slant rhyme schemes and repeated lyrics, coming off as rather romantic; it's a must include when going on vacation, despite what craziness they're probably singing about. "剥製" (Hakusei), as you might have noticed, is the album title's track, and most certainly deserving. Being one of their slowest songs, it grabs you straight away with a melancholic tune as they do best. The prompt whispering and drum hits at the start sets the mood and with it being the final track before the penultimate song, it sure is a climax despite its linear path throughout. I can't forget to expand on the recent singles "マイム" (Mime), "スロウ" (slow) and "落花" (Rakka) that I mentioned earlier. Usually for me, the singles are always the stand out points, but this is the exception to the rule. The rest of 剥製 manages to prove its worth against the strong singles, and I personally find that incredible and rare. When looking at the singles on their own, "マイム" plays like a classic Plastic Tree tune, with questionable, riddle-like lyrics, and a psychedelic charm to it. This brings me back to how the band sounded on "トレモロ" (Tremelo) because of the theatrical delivery. While "落花" (Rakka) has a simpler structure, as I had already described in September's RT, it's still a very solid submission with instantly catchy and familiar riffs as expected. But it's "スロウ" (slow) that proves to be one of the highlights of 剥製 for me. The slower paced melody creates an idealistic, lonely setting - the kind Plastic Tree are known for forging. "スロウ" (slow) never quite reaches a climax, but it takes you down a current you wish wouldn't end. It's very complimentary to their similar song "Blueback" mixed with "Ink", which spells out perfection by the way. The album isn't all peaceful sounding though. "スラッシングパンプキン•デスマーチ" (Thrashing pumpkin death march) is one of the louder songs Plastic Tree have put out, and while eccentric and bubbly, it comes off as lost and unnecessary. I'm grateful for the autotune put over Ryutaro's voice, making it even more entertaining; yet it almost comes off as another silly cover like they did with "バカになったのに" (Baka ni Natta no ni). While it's a neat addition and adds variety, it fails to pull through in the long run because it sticks out like a sore thumb, and not one you'd kiss better. On the topic of pain, there's also "ハシエンダ" (Haçienda), which comes off as a song I swear I've heard from them before. I thought I was going mental when comparing the track's title to their mini-album, echo's tracklist. Being one of the quicker paced numbers on the album didn't do it any favors, instead cornering it like a deer in headlights. It's enjoyable if you can forgive its copy-and-paste tune, but this time their experimentation made a song that just doesn't mesh. It's quite a bore if I had to admit it. There's also a track that fits nicely (well, not so nicely since it's not exactly a compliment) into the 'grower material' section. "告白" (Kokuhaku) was so mediocre on first listen, and against two similar and better tracks, this was left in the dust. But with a catchy chorus that invades your head space it does its job in complimenting its companion tracks. If you're (somehow!) new to the guys, this is not to be missed. If you've been a long time listener of them, this is not to be missed. 剥製 may not be perfect, but it's going to be impossible not to treasure it as much as their previous works. Plastic Tree have surely made their fans proud. The band shows that you can still be simple yet effective when putting out music, doing what you're best at doing and still excelling at it (let's just forgive and forget those few clangers)! CDJapan | Amazon
  5. beni

  6. Simply state a band/musician or two that have been with you for many years that you still adore as much as when you first got into them. But, also do the same for another band/artist or two that you used to adore but didn't stay with you to this day below that. I thought this'd be nice to see how your taste has developed while also seeing what has managed to stick with you through that change. I'll go first as an example: Likey: Plastic Tree and Asian Kung-Fu Generation - I've always associated myself with Pura's music. Their lyrics always touch me no matter how I'm feeling, for better and for worse, and somehow, my response to them can be so different. They can make me think and were a way I could express my feelings. They're my musical rock pretty much. XD There's something really interesting about AKFG, who have a really simple and copy-and-paste like structure, but still pull off some of the best melodies and songs that withstand all these years for me. They're one of my many bands I'll not listen to for a bit but always spam when I go back to them, and still super stan them as hard as I did at first. No more likey: UVERworld and One OK Rock - I used to be into both bands a lot when I first discovered J-music, but now it's not often I go back to their albums that I had used to spam a couple of years ago. I'm going to blame myself for looking at them in the same way I did with Paramore, they were my teenage sweethearts but both don't really do it for me anymore. Songs I used to love to listen too when I was angry and tired from school I don't feel that much energy towards anymore, even my favourite songs from them have lost their touch on me.
  7. beni

    Band: MoNoLith Song: AQUARIUM Why?: One of the best rock/pop infused VK songs I've ever heard. Good god that chorus stays in my head for days and even weeks! The rough, growling vocals and verses juxtaposes gorgeously with the clear vocals that helps the really pop influenced chorus blossom against an otherwise typical VK song. It's a kick ass tune as well as being beautiful because of its conflicting structure and clearly opposing sides. With crystal clear vocals (that really makes the whole look/PV absolutely splendid, let me tell you) and wonderfully polished harsh shrieks, it's your typical VK dish but with that always appreciated softer side of synth trickles as its chorus. I have yet to hear such an impressive VK song that excels at this mixture so perfectly. It's one of my favourite VK songs, and that's been so for a while now. It's instantly memorable, and it's always a song I keep in the back of my mind to run back to for more.
  8. beni

    I can safely say for sure now that PLASTICZOOMS' releases keeps getting more and more awesome. Their sound has shifted and changed for the better, and they continue to flourish and improve their already established sound with some new and slightly different implements here and there. They're the first band that comes to mind now after not being able to answer this thread for a while.
  9. We've got a most recently purchased thread, so how about a discovery one? Be it that you're not that much of an instant fan, or if you're digging it as soon as your ears graced the sound, feel free to share your most recent new artist/band you've found. It's encouraged you talk a little bit about it, or just simple answers to questions like: What do you like about it/dislike about it, do you think it's a grower, will you be following the musician from now on, do you think you'll ever go back to it? What's its genre, is it new to you? What about the artist's ethnicity, is it outside what you'd usually search for/stumble on? And all that jazz~ Without further ado... This really is what I've randomly stumbled on a few minutes ago: Not really a fan of the talking instead of singing delivery, but that chorus is hilarious and fun and don't get me started on the video. I'll be coming back to watch instead of listening really, that's for sure. EDIT: I just checked out their other stuff and it's much more up my street and not so down right silly and nuts. Real smooth rock dudes, glad I stumbled on 'em.
  10. beni

    I'm sold, I don't care if it's only got one star. That didn't stop me with Dumb and Dumber To. XD
  11. Followed the topic until I located my French songs to link. Here's a few which are more pop than anything. I only recently started digging into French music and I'm most prone to pop overall, but hopefully you can find them helpful/enjoyable despite the genre. Charlotte Gainsbourg is amazing but seems to just sing in English, therefor I won't link any video but just bring her up.
  12. beni

    Chara and her baby girl, Sumire. I love this picture so much. Funny how young chara looks, she could easily pass as Sumire's sister. ofc this is the only one off of the top of my head ^^;
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