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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I admit, I used to like his music before I actually discovered that there's more music outside of MTV as a kid. But how he even has a career now is beyond me. Was it false that he assaulted his then girlfriend, Rihanna? Such absurdity. Anyway, I'll give it to his past self (I really loathe his recent music for obvious reasons and because it's so embarrassingly bad) for his songs Forever and With You. I really liked them when I was younger, so they've undoubtedly been lodged into my mind no matter how much I'd rather they not be.
  2. beni

    I got a hold of the Eternity album when it was (I'm assuming accidentally) uploaded as a Japanese release, lol. That's the only reason I know them, but I remember them because of their name. I really like how it sounds, and that goes for their music too. The female has a really lovely voice, interesting mix of sounds with her tone. I'd listen to them more if I wasn't such a Jmusic head.
  3. beni

    I love it. New jam.
  4. Neat band battle, so many baes. Approved. While I do like some THE NOVEMBERS here and then, don't get me wrong, but, Plastic Tree are my favourite band for many reasons and have been since I got into J-music. No contest here for me. : 3 Edit: Damn it, that added option. XD
  5. GOOOOOON~ Those eyes. That look. That spirit... I can't wait~ To break you. ♥

    1. CAT5


      nah, I'm good bruh.

    2. yakihiko


      I prefer Kurapika, he can finish Hisoka and Gon :3

    3. beni


      lol yaki, get out! XD

  6. beni

    Correct! I thought the second one'd catch everyone out because it's so lame, lol. I'm guessing the false one in yours is statement 3 (your one is difficult!) I'll give this another go~ 1. I was a cross country competitor during my school days. 2. I was awarded with the 'Student with the most unique style' in Sixth Form. 3. I've ridden a camel before on holiday a few years ago.
  7. That's some great news, indeed.
  8. beni

    I REALLY want to play Gravity Rush *ahemavatarahem* but I don't have either console to play it on. ;-;
  9. beni

    Still in the mist of Hunter x Hunter and near the end of the Chimera Ant arc. I found it really silly at first, the enemy being huge ants was more funny than anything, but seeing how they all look now makes you forget about that. From what I remembered reading, viewers got really annoyed with the narration being so involved (and from just typing the arc into google things like boring and overrated come up @~@), and that's especially noticeable with these episodes with the Royal Guard 'boss' fights. I like how they've done that though. It was a sudden addition, and all the new information coming in one episode after another can be daunting, but against the nail biting scenes that either are in the mist of battle or making their way to the battle, it's probably the most gripping Hunter has ever been. The quality and consistency the mangaka has done is well worth credit. More so than he gets, I feel. It's too bad he's become uninterested(?) in his work, I can see HxH being one of the big three (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece), I'm quite shocked it's not as spoken about as those tbh. My only problem with it is the main characters being so young, it makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes. Wish there was a time skip. For this season, I really want to get to Ajin and ERASED, as already brought up. There's so much good stuff to check out. I even checked out episode one of Bakumatsu Rock just because. I'm not serious about it at all, but that art. I really want the PS3 game of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, should really try a bit of the anime itself beforehand.
  10. beni

    Just seeing those two words together makes me want to drown in my own tears.
  11. Warning: 18+ content. It's a fact that many Visual Novels are Eroge games, meaning they're NSFW. While there's patches for most of these that remove such scenes, and some even allowing an option to do so in its Japanese release, PLEASE REFRAIN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHEN WANTING TO ADDRESS ANY ADULT THEMES. Purchasable Visual Novels will more than likely have cut out these scenes for sure. Fair warning ahead! What's a Visual Novel? Visual Novels usually contain voicing acting, music and anime like characters stills, and are very text heavy (some even have live-action stills/footage). Actual gameplay isn't a major feature in these. The biggest interaction is usually making choices (with an acceptation of a few unique games which we'll get to in a bit). What this means is that the player takes the position of the main character/protagonist and makes certain options for them that can change the plot's progression. This is usually two or three choices. These are known as routes (the main one being called the common route), that can lead further into the story, to a bad end or a game over. Some Visual Novels might not even have this option, and they're referred to as Kinetic Novels/Sound Novels. Visual Novels can either be short, lengthy, or extremely lengthy, being over 50+ hours (see Fate/Stay) to completely unlock/see everything it has to offer. As the name suggests, a Visual Novel has mixed media, just look at it as an anime styled book. What's an Otome? Take this as a genre of simulator/dating sim games (while VNs can have such a focus, not all of them do, while the majority of Otomes' main objective is being a dating simulator). This is typically aimed at a female audience, with the main goal of the plot being that the player has to develop a relationship with a man out of a variety of guys (this is known as a reverse harem), or even females if it's a same-sex game. A harem can be in Visual Novels too, but the main point of an Otome is it being about dating, therefor a dating sim. Visual Novels are usually always purchased, and can be quite expensive, but Otome games can be free of charge, 'label your own price', or purchasable at almost the same price. Popular Otome games have been adapted, for example, there's the well known Diabolik Lovers, Amnesia, Uta no Prince-sama and Hakuōki. In the same case, did you know that Clannad, Higurashi, Little Busters! and Danganronpa were Visual Novels at first, then adapted into the anime series? As already brought up, there's some Visual Novels with features more than just your typical VN. A prime example of this is Kamidori Alchemy Meister, which also has role playing mechanics when you can go to battle and do item creations. I'm currently playing this one, but I'm sure there's more examples with such elements in them too. Got any resources then? I recommend sakevisual as a starter if you're new to Otomes. Their short games are free to download and those which aren't have a demo available. It's where I first fell in love with this genre of gaming. I love, love, love this site that updates and lists a variety of new Otome features. Easy navigation, and very friendly/helpful runners of the site. Also, check out tumblr for even easier findings of Otome information. For the Boy's Love genre, check out this forum for lastest news, help and translations and links for games. Something else to note is that while these genres are typically for PC, Mac, and Android, games on other consoles can be classified as them. For example, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (NDS), Ace Attorney (NDS/3DS) and Steins;Gate (PS3, ported) all have Visual Novel features. Feel free to bring up anything that as mechanics already spoken of on any platform. So what do I have to say on them? I love 'em, which is why I created this thread. I didn't jump on board straight away in making it due to its content, so please, as a reminder, let's keep this as clean and neat as possible, avoiding talking about or linking anything gory, disturbing and/or sexual. Feel free to give out NSFW warnings when necessary though. My favourite Visual Novels are those done by Nitro+chiral. Their Boy's Love in particular. Sweet Pool (Boy's Love) and Saya no Uta (recommended to those with a strong stomach) are my favourite Visual Novels. They're both similar with dark and bloody content, but they're totally gripping, with some of the neatest music in any media I've ever heard. OSTs usually go over my head, but they totally nailed it to enhance the atmosphere and it really does hit you in the face (well, ears) when it's only that you're hearing while reading the text/story. I wasn't expecting Sweet Pool to be as emotional as it was, and it really left an impression on me, more so than anything else I'll list. Just go play it already! I've played both DRAMAtical Murder and its spin-off, DMMD Reconnect, but I find the whole thing overrated which ruined it for me by the time I finished playing through them. In the same way, after finishing Togaichu No Chi, I can't understand all the fever and love over it. They were both worth while though, but nothing stood out unlike the first two I mentioned. I've started Nitro's Lamento-Beyond the Void, which is the longest game Nitro ever made and it being recently translated completely, I was so hyped for it. It's super fun and interesting as to where I've got to and hopefully it gets only better the more it gets into it. I'm slowly making my way through Enzai - Falsely Accused and Ever 17. The first is another Boys Love one, and it's probably the most disturbing one yet (as least to me), so fair warning to those with a light heart. It's about a boy being.. well, falsely accused, and trying to deal with his inmates while also finding a way of being freed from prison. It's nail biting stuff and also quite old fashioned, since the art looks super outdated and mediocre music at best, but all can be forgiven for its plot. However, the NSFW content can be an understandable turn off because of how real the setting is, so fair warning again! Ever17 was made by the same people who did 999, and this is super recommended and safe for everyone. Nothing NSFW here! Check out the whole infinity series by KID in fact! It has the same mysterious and suffocating setting as 999/Virute's Last Reward. It's very well made and has a gripping story and wonderful visuals all round. I'm really unsure in bringing this one up but I have to because it's such a stand out for all the wrong reasons; Hadaka Shitsuji. I cannot and will not recommend this to any living soul unless you want to regret everything you've ever made. It's a painfully stupid and embarrassing game, and it's truly cringe worthy and almost wants you to rip out your own eyes with what visuals it displays. Extremely NSFW, google at your own risk. I was obsessed for a good time with Lucky Dog 1, which is about a mafia group of five dudes who are in jail. They attempt a break out one day when they all receieve a letter from their boss stating if the main character can successfully break them all out, he'll be the new boss of CR-5 (the mafia's group name). It's not that long of a game really, but it has repeat value when going through your possible suitor's routes. Rather melodramatic but cute at the same time, nothing too NSFW apart from happy love making at the end of each route. Or death if you make the wrong move... And don't get me started on the beautiful art. With Otome games, I like playing the free ones. I have yet to get to the well known ones already listed above, but here's a few I've played and completed. Halloween Otome is pretty fun to pass the time with. Cute guys and a cute set up. RE:Alistair++, done by already mentioned sakevisual is an even funner one to try out. Lovely simulator and just really pleasant all round. Also, if you manage to not take a peek at a walkthrough for both this and the Halloween Otome, it can take a while completing both, and keep in mind again these are just free games! Both are brilliantly executed. The Second Reproduction I believe is an official game and marketed, so unlike the other two, this isn't free. It's romantic and has a great story line for a simulator, if not a bit shaky on some parts, but well worth a play through. I'd suggest going through each game in this order, it goes from good to great to awesome. Also, I've only spent about half an hour on it, but Hatoful Boyfriend deserves a mention. It's bloody brilliant. Let's have a game with dog and cats characters next please. I'm going to have to make an indie one after this now... @~@
  12. beni

    This game came to mind all of a sudden and I thought this would be a fun way to get to know one another more. What you do here is type three statements about yourself. But make sure one of them is a lie. A member who responds to you has to guess what statement is the false/made up one. If you're unsure on how to go about this, see the blue text below for examples on how to join in: Poster one: 1. I'm afraid of spiders. 2. I love horror movies. 3. I enjoy eating vegetables. Poster two: I think number 3 is the false statement. 1. I hate dolls. 2. I'm a gamer. 3. I have a sweet tooth. Please make note that in order for those who respond get to know if their guess was right, try to respond to them in a new post on the thread, simply stating if they're right or wrong, and even discuss those points that are true about yourself if you'd like. Hopefully by quoting, everyone can see when they've been guessed on. You don't have to type up three more statements when responding to someone who guessed on your statements unless you want to, so by all means go ahead and have as many goes in here as you'd like. Got it? Let's go! Game begins with my ones here: 1. I have a drivers license. 2. I'm scared of sharks. 3. I took Spanish as a GCSE in school.
  13. Apologies if such a thread already exists (I cannot locate one at this moment in time), but I was in the mood after rediscovering an old favourite which prompted this thread: Lyrics under spoiler: The whole atmosphere, soft and somber vocals with the unbelievably gorgeous and pleasant lyrics is such perfection. The delivery is spot on and the build up is smooth as hell, never getting too loud but still putting you on edge. I find this song a hard one to explain. The usage of the rather unique theme of shutters and sunlight wanting to reach and touch your body and greeting you in the morning brings me to tears. It's such a beautiful song with a unique charm to it, making it powerful yet simple. To a lesser extent, my Japanese pick would definitely go to the J-pop prince, Yuya Matushita's Kiss Me. I love the majority of his songs (there's too much to choose from when we're talking about Yuya love tbh), and Kiss Me is one of his more straightforward tunes, brimming with positive vibes and good, fluffy feels. Lyrics under spoiler: I have plenty of cheesy ones too but I'll refrain from embarrassing myself atm. Please note, as you might've noticed with my picks, this is for any kind of genre/music, any language in fact. Anyone else want to share the love?
  14. beni

    I'm actually liking a One Direction song and therefor, I am questioning my sanity and wondering if I am truly worthy enough to be a Jmusic fan now. ;;
  15. ^ Yeah, hate to say and think it but this has probably happened on too many occassions. Disappointing, I liked how the band sounded when I checked them out a while back. Good luck to the rest of the band.
  16. beni

    Happy birthday @AliceParanoid.
  17. beni

    Fk. They're one of my all time favourites. This has completely ruined me after hearing of the retirement of Mami Kawada just previously. Urg...
  18. beni

    The border collie cross (Male, George) doesn't mind the camera unlike Phoebe, the female springer spaniel. Or well, more like it's almost impossible getting a good picture of her as she runs around 24/7, while George is a lazy sod who enjoys sleeping instead of exercising. Sorry for the quality and poor lighting, I just can't believe I haven't given them the MH love yet. ;3;
  19. beni

    It was my nan's birthday yesterday and I must admit, I was the one who ate the majority of the cake for once... Such worthy brunch.
  20. Much fk up, hopefully the dates are all good now. Thanks @plastic_rainbow, got carried away. ^^;;
  21. Other: An Cafe. Unffff. Pretty much the whole poll, especially the looks/style ones. Neat poll in contrast to the other. x3
  22. beni

    Watching HUMANS atm and I am loving the android related drama involved in it. It captivates you right from the get go, and while events either come and go too quickly or too slowly, it's well worth the watch. I wanted to watch the series ever since its first teasers, and seeing it as a nominee for the National TV awards reminded me I needed to get to it. It reminds me of sci-fi/robot animes like Chobits which is totally a plus. Also, Katherine Parkinson is everything. <3
  23. beni

    Well this is depressing. :/
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