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Everything posted by beni

  1. Awesomeness! They're always so great. Thanks for the news.
  2. Thanks for your comment, Jiggly-san. While I certainly encourage listens to their earlier work more so than ジパング, it was still a really fun and engaging listen. It really filled in for Charisma.com for me this year after (and on what I agree on) the disappointment of Charisma.com's 'OLest'.
  3. beni

    Been spamming One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 mostly. Bit of Resonance of Fate too (had sold it off since it annoyed me so much but I missed it so I picked it up again aha), when I'm in the mood. Hella challenging so it makes you throw your controller down and leave it to gather dust for a good few weeks/months, lol.
  4. beni

    Already purchased some DLC for my DS for the first time ever with a voucher and plan to get more vouchers to get the whole set available for FE: A. Already asked and seen what I've got coming for the 25th. Just a handful of PS3, Xbox and DS games that's almost out of stock on the only site I can purchase games from. So fingers crossed they all work since pretty much all of them are 'used'.
  5. That awkward moment when 'the ancient evil spirit of destruction' (a.k.a. a giant animated piece of smoke and crap) gets you frisky because = blame it on the Curry.
  6. I don't usually bother changing my name once I've thought up of one I like. I like to think I get fonder of them over time so I end up not wanting to change it or even bother thinking up of another name. The only problem I have is liking a lot of usernames I come up with, so I try not to use the same username for everything and making the most of them. Luckily I'm not too picky once the username has been entered and accepted. More so than not, my username is something to do with my name (yuriyume), or something I just like the sound/meaning of (nakusora).
  7. At the moment, I'm studying Forensic Psychology on an online University. The courses/degrees I've taken have been all over the place during school years. I'm not the best with people and socializing, so I'd want to work at a museum like were I'm already volunteering, but preferably as a primary school teacher or librarian.
  8. beni

    At the moment, have been doing a long running, shounen anime binge. Been trying to catch up with One Piece having started it a few months back, slowly getting through Hunter x Hunter and on episode four of Fairy Tail. Will add in Gintama. at some point. Have to get to some romance series too that's been on hold. *gets lazy updating MAL with all these names running through head* There's not enough hours in a day, damn it!
  9. beni

    God bless you all and this thread. I knew I had seen this before! All you need in life. Am I right or am I right?
  10. Wow, already? Feels like only yesterday she popped up! Neat, will have to check it out. Thanks for the news.
  11. ^ Awwww YEAH! The album of the year for me personally. So happy seeing it in the ranking. ;;
  12. beni

    Wow... Honestly couldn't tell if this was VK or not until I clicked but still I don't like how this has caught my eye more so than any other release recently dear lawd please break the charts no matter what I say
  13. beni

    Apart from how the vocalist sounds, the lyrics is the other important ingredient to me in fully enjoying a song. If I can find translations of course when it comes to Jmusic. Before getting more into MH resulting in me looking into more genres and various artists, I'd only have a small discography of the same artists, so having the time to track down translations was much easier back then. Lyrics mean the biggest thing to me when it comes to music, especially English sung as you've mentioned. My favourite songs are usually ones with a romantic or poetry like writing to it. I, more often than not, do care what the message/meaning behind a song is and I feel I'd understand it more by knowing the lyrics so that's another reason why I push to locate English lyrics. I enjoy memorizing the lyrics and with that in mind, enjoy listening to them even more because I know what they're singing. Below are two of my favourite English and Japanese songs I enjoy mainly because of the lyrics. All in all, I feel you and am in an agreement with you. Also, if you're interested in what others who might miss this thread have to say, check out here and here for similar threads.
  14. beni

    Wow. Can't believe this. May he rest in peace.
  15. beni

    Wishing him a safe recovery.
  16. beni

    Yep, a 3DS can play DS games. And no worries at all!
  17. beni

    ^ So excited for that. It's funny that it's taking me years to complete Valkyria Chronicles like Fire Emblem Awakening, but I'm still super hyped for both upcoming additions to the franchises because they're such perfection.
  18. Honestly, I am very excited.
  19. beni

    If this isn't a popular opinion all hope is lost.
  20. beni

    No. Do you like listening to the radio?
  21. Poll suggested by: the always almighty @Zeus! How much do you love Monochrome Heaven? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  22. When I need a good cry, let off some steam, or just feel emotional in any way even if I have no reason to be, Plastic Tree and PLASTICZOOMS are, essentially, my "go to" emotional bands. The other bands I like to listen to who also bring this out of me are BUMP OF CHICKEN, Radwimps and Galileo Galilei. I find lyrics extremely appealing. I am drawn to lyrics most when it comes to music. I remember them easily and can connect to them, this also includes the vocal delivery of them. As well as heartfelt screams as already mentioned above. AWOI comes to mind, who I felt really delivered in every way. 9GOATS BLACK OUT was even more amazing when evoking an emotional response, imo.
  23. omgg, the album cover. hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgy. ;3;
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