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Everything posted by beni

  1. Neat collab! But that amount of types are even more than your typical idol output. o-o
  2. Sounds awesome. Going to keep my eye (and ear) on this one.
  3. beni

    Since plug will most likely no longer be around after three more days, who are free and up for a session tonight, and tomorrow as usual? Let's also discuss and pick our final (probably, right?) plug theme.
  4. Ohhh, that sucks to hear. ;; Is it true? What have we done? </3 I guess after that NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST news, I guess there's, possibly, a clear reason as to why. x'D
  5. omg they're still around, I am so happy. ;;
  6. Apart from the smile which I can't do irl when it comes to having a picture taken, and having that god awful pink clashing with my almost flawless black attire, it is perf.
  7. beni

    Happy birthday @Delkmiroph, delki-kun~ : 3
  8. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #30: Do you believe in (romantic) love? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  9. Going to have to check this out, thanks for the news/updates.
  10. beni

    I also had a neon pink hair that was just inspired by visual style in general, no one specific. (This picture is super old so sorry it's small lol) Even more reason to be hella jelly of your fineness, madame. <3
  11. beni

    Vulpix, Ponyta, Dratini, Togepi, Gardevoir and Milotic~ As if we never had such a thread. Bless you, yaki-kun. < 3
  12. beni

    Anyone up for a themed plug Sunday again? Also, is anyone up to plugging in a few hours or so?
  13. Are we allowed to say the same thing about GACKT if it's acceptable in here? Am excited for the single. Admittedly it does sound samey but they're on the right path in my mind since I was genuinely worried after 'eiki'. But this sounds promising. I dig their B-sides more often than not so I'll be sure to check this one out.
  14. beni

    Much prefer a physical copy, but because of shipping costs, I don't have a single Japanese CD of my own. I purchase digitally when I can.
  15. Honestly thought this was an anime song when I first gave it a listen.
  16. beni

    Everything madame Jun~
  17. When: Around 2013. Where: Watching Death Note, Naruto, Bleach and various other animes after getting into Pokemon at the age of sixteen and up (I was late to the party). How: Loved the openings and endings of the said animes. Got cerial about looking into J-music after I heard Death Note's OST.
  18. beni

    Just because of MEJIBRAY's Meto, I'd want to be the drummer and take the appearance of Lycaon too, specifically when Yuuki had the pink hair. Would like the vocals to sound like Pura's Taro or Awoi's Otogi.
  19. beni

    Two favourites under here.
  20. Plastic Tree - Spica. I usually love ballads but I've never been able to love this song. It's so plain. PLASTICZOOMS - Got nothing. From what I've heard of their discography, I don't dislike anything of theirs.
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