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    PsychoΔelica got a reaction from DogManX in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Lol I actually know some female vocalists who can growl just like him or manlier
  2. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Flame-X in What COLLABORATIONS would you like to see in Japanese Music?   
    Who I would like to see:
    Ryohei Yamamoto x Yuya Matsushita
    Maon Kurosaki x Aoi Eir
    D'espairsRay x Hazuki (lynch)
    SUGIZO x Hiroyuki Sawano or Shoji Meguro
    For the lulz:
    Dir en grey x Ayumi Hamasaki
    Deathgaze x AKB48
  3. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Alastor in Japanese covers for non-Japanese songs   
    Nah, this is the best version.
  4. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to violetchain in Most beautiful smile   
    ^Yep. It's from the 15th anniversary Niconico thing PLC did recently.

  5. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to DogManX in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Yes, we do need to come to the conclusion THAT these here are opinions. That's what you're seemingly not getting.
    Aside from the fact that putting aside these certain characteristics we talk about just because they use "death vocals" (I wonder how long until the next hospital visit) is a poor way of making your argument. Because now you're explicitly stating you don't connect their singing styles with a sort of girlie/feminine attitude BECAUSE of certain elements within their style that YOU factually exclude from said characteristics, no matter what. Let's stay there for an example: When Asagi does those "death vocals", I feel a strong sense of feminine/girlieness coming from them. Do you want to tell me that factually this is impossible? No it isn't, it's just my perception. Or opinion, if you will. And same goes for the clean singing... for me it's not a matter of saying "oh, but he screams..that makes it sound totally manly to me". That's your approach, not mine.
    So don't come to me with "facts". That just shows your ignorance.
  6. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Yusa for maiku! [SHOCKING full size]

    Takemasa for fitear! [EROTICAL high resolution]

    MAKONY is up next! I'm gonna do izam for you as well as nao since I know I've been promising you I would for so long that I swear the first time I did I was talking to you from atop a woolly mammoth
  7. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    I started drawing little cartoons of vk people the other day and now I can't stop

    Here's Yutori from METEOROID

    Rame from vidoll and black gene for the whothefuckcares

    Shuuji ishii

    And then there's this, based on one of hitomi's twitpics

    If anyone wants one of their favourite musician I'd be more than happy to oblige! I can do these up really quickly
  8. Like
    PsychoΔelica got a reaction from beni in What's the first thing you think about the previous nick   
    A spool of thread or a banana lol
  9. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to togz in Black Gene for the Next Scene   
    I wasn't feeling XodiacK really, but after having recently revisited some of their discography, Ice/Eros really shines through in some of their work over black gene for the next scene. I Like BFN because they're fun, and pretty different compared to a lot of bands in the VK scene right now, but I felt like in XodiacK, Ice/Eros has more melodic vocal work (minus the screams, those needed work).
  10. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to DogManX in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I can't tell you all singers names, but just some bands that come to mind: 9Goats Black out, D, Versailles, Jupiter, Phantasmagoria (and folks), Kiryu, (what I like of) Mejibray, etc. pp. There's a lot more but right now these come to mind first. ^^
  11. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to DogManX in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    You're damn right
    Ok this one is going to be a bit controversial:
    I just can't enjoy VK vocalists embracing this kind of metro/homo/girlie voice style any more. I got tired of it. And it's sad since the music per se is still awesome to me. Argh-
  12. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to togz in Draw with Togz   
    work in very super progress... this is basically... 2% done honestly. : | I have so much more work on her hair to do, plus I still have to shade the skin for real, but you know GOTTA DRAW THE REST OF THE THING FIRST. 

    I kinda draw all over the place. I'm like man I'm tired of drawing let me color.  and then i'm like... FUCK WHERE'D MY BASE COLOR GO... then i'm like time to improvise. 
    anyway please enjoy this poop.
  13. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to ShanethVarosa in 12012 - XII   
    I was waiting for someone to start this topic! 
    Remember how I said in Kamijo's Heart thread that it would be hard for a visual artist to top Heart unless Diru pulled something half decent out of their asses? Yeah I think this EP may have done it for me. Hard to say since this EP is only 5 songs long and I don't want to say that these 5 songs are better than Kamijo's 12 (ish..?) but still, I was super impressed with this EP. 
    I've been a big fan of 12012 for a very, very long time. I'd have to say my favorite albums are likely Seven and Diamond (and possibly Mar Maroon). The point I'm trying to drive home with this is that their self-titled didn't rank because it was too heavy. I don't -usually- care for 12012 when they get too heavy because it feels pointless and forced when I personally believe (and this is obviously just my own opinion) that they do their more pop/rock songs better than heavy songs. So that's why when 12012 was released I was like "Okay, my fandom of this band can be dead now", but they totally got me back for Deicida of Silence which, yes, it WAS heavy, but it sounded like it had purpose.
    All this time later I'm still trying to sort out my opinions of The Swan, but I remember I thought it was pretty decent. 
    Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that since the release of Seven,  I faded in and out of genuinely really loving a release by this band. And now there's XII and I honestly feel like a kid again because to me the whole vibe recalls what I refer to as the glory days of VK from about 2002-2007 (ish) when I was younger and more care-free.
    Anyway, to talk about the individual songs I'll start with my least fav and work my way up:
    Story of a Different Dimension: I do like the song, but to me this one is the least memorable. It's a little generic and the energy of the song feels slightly disjointed. That being said, it's the only negative thing I have to say about the EP.
    Vicious of Absolution: This song is beautiful, it flows extremely well and is composed excellently. Wataru sounds fantastic. They all sound fantastic. I just love this song. It's just that it isn't -quite- as memorable as the next three, but this is one of my favorite 12012 songs ever.
    Alone: Again, the atmosphere is really prominent here. It's depressing without being tear-jerking. It's chorus is catchy enough that it puts it ahead of Vicious of Absolution, but otherwise I would have to put these two on a similar level. 
    The Red: Now I would have to agree with nagaram in that it's a twinge too long, after a while you're kind of like "mmmm okay this can end any time now" but other than that, this is a song that felt like it had purpose for being heavier. It wasn't pointless pig squealing for 6 minutes it had a purpose, atmosphere, and vibe to it that made it a super fun song to listen to.
    Aqua: One of my favorite songs this year. When I first saw the length I thought "Oh fuck no" to myself because, to me, if you're not Kamijo, Versailles, or Jupiter I don't want anything to do with your 7+ minute songs. However, they managed to keep me really intrigued throughout the whole thing. No, there aren't a lot of lyrics and the composition may not be as enthralling and ever-changing as a Versailles number, but they stay true to the flow the whole time and Wataru sounds beyond fantastic. The song really shines towards the end where it goes from being this down-tempo song to being a power ballad in the blink of an eye. I love the lyrics, atmosphere, overall sound of this song. 
    In short, the EP to me is in the 4.5 to 5 out of 5 star range. Totally in love with it.
  14. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to evilcoconut in MH FEATURED POLL #3: What is your favourite 'era' of Visual Kei?   
    I picked: Early 2000s-late 2000s
    But quite honestly, there are things I like about each period.  I didn't really formulate an awareness of VK as VK until the 00s and I was probably most into it during this time
  15. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Erin in Max-Dash quits because of : Missa, Nes. Craig, Kai   
    Awww Max, I love you so much <3 though you're working your ass on SR. Didn't really know he was a member of the old TW though :/ anyway, he's a nice person. Always has time to listen to me, even when I don't have anything productive to say. And I usually remember his constant hate for DAAVIS LOL though he's never been much of a troll material.
    Edit: He crashed the system? TROLOLOL GO MAX
  16. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Lestat in How many of you are actually trying to learn Japanese or move to japan some day?   
    I have no desire to live or work there, however I would like to learn some basic Japanese to keep a conversation with someone if I'd ever manage to save enough to go on vacation there.
    However I am uncertain whether or not my favourite artists will still be active when I actually manage to get there.
  17. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to seikun in How many of you are actually trying to learn Japanese or move to japan some day?   
    I don't think I want to move to Japan. I don't know what I could do there (teaching Spanish, perhaps...). Besides, the toughness of the working world in Japan doesn't appeal to me at all. I need balance and me time and Japan doesn't seem to provide that to its workers...
    But I am teaching myself Japanese more determined than in previous years. My goal is to be able to speak and understand basic Japanese by the end of the year. Thanks to Youtube I can exercise what I am learning.
    When I reach the level to laugh at a joke in Japanese I will know I can SPEAK the language.
  18. Like
    PsychoΔelica got a reaction from VisualKEIcrasher in What instruments do you play/want to play?   
    I can't really play anything well Though I think if I practiced enough I could improve on piano, since that's what I have learned the most. Sadly I don't have one.
  19. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Biopanda in Answer the question of a random person   
    Depends on the situation as both can be great, but I really enjoy walking alone with nothing but my headphones(especially if it's night, maybe a little cool out and there's nobody else around).
    If you could wear any sort of animal as a hat, what would it be?
  20. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to kai_desu in The Mitsu Thread [Was: o hai itz will -- a manifesto]   
    lmfao, this is great.
    All I have to say is:
    Who shovels so late through the windy night?
    The Shovel Hitler holding his shovel so tight
    He shovels and shovels, until it turns bright
    None can stand against his shoveling might
    You must see to believe, such a wonderful sight
    See with your eyes, and not what we write
  21. Like
    PsychoΔelica got a reaction from CAT5 in the GazettE - Untitled (Vocal Cover)   
    I like your voice.
  22. Like
    PsychoΔelica got a reaction from beni in Answer the question of a random person   
    I think the only explanation for that would be good PR, most of the time with the right direction, styling and promotion people can be made to believe those celebs are really praise-worthy, do good things, etc. Like I've read somewhere that Justin Bieber has been donating money for some charity cause. That doesn't cancel the possibility that that cause was really important to him but at the same time it could be a clever publicity stunt. As to personal morals I think that celebs often allow themselves to do things they wouldn't be doing if they were poor and anonymous. In another words- money and fame give you the power Good to see that sometimes there are exceptions.
    I think this songs by GC sums it up pretty nicely

    I know it's a pretty lame explanation but I tried as I could
    Hmm what do you want to be remembered by?
  23. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Tetora in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Hey guys,
    I was wondering how you store all your stuff, what kind of stuff have you amassed, what you do with it, and how you feel about it.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Almost all my stuff is cd`s, I keep some on shelves, many in boxes, and have some in the living room if they are often played. I don`t like keeping much stuff in my room, so it is almost all in one of my spare bed-rooms. Ultimately I would like to have it all on nice shelves which actually suit the size of cd`s (CD racks are too small, would have to have tons, and regular shelves like I have are too big in terms of extra space above the cd`s.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Don`t collect many videos as I never watch them, only have an assortment of some of my favorite concerts or PV collections, keep them on a shelf if I really like them, otherwise in boxes.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    This is what bugs me the most, as I never use iTunes but have some music from there, and since my music library isn`t in iTunes, it doesn`t really feel like I have the music? Also, my digital files and rips are all stored on an external drive, feels unsafe and unofficial. Otherwise I keep the music I listen to on my phone (40 gigs, I want to get a new phone with at least 128gig storage, but my phone is still working).
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I don`t have clothing as it is always too small, Obi I keep in shoe boxes, I don`t know why I can`t throw them out, but I will literally never use them for anything or even look at them...
    The closet in my guest bed-room is full of rolled up Posters, I have tons, but again, never put them up...
    Cheki I only have a couple, I like them a lot, for sentimental value, keep them in a special shoe box, with bonuses from orders or in-store events.
    My favorite things are probably the Cheki from live-events, any signed stuff, and the towel I have from UNiTE / DOG.
    Other Stuff You Collect
    I have movies, DVD and Blu-ray, and a lot of games for different systems, about 100 are on a shelf, but the others get the box treatment as well. Have some books on a shelf, all the others and all my old manga are at another place.
    So yeah, in summary, the way I store my stuff is pretty terrible, I throw it all in a room, and I am uncomfortable with all my digital stuff`s existence. I am thinking that in my next house I will make a media room, with nice shelves, posters up, and everything organized nicely. That is in the future though, so for now everything looks like a crazy old man`s hoard of junk... My second place (apartment) has a bunch of boxes in the walk-in closet, I would like to combine the two collections in the future as well. But at the same time, I always contemplate what the point of a collection is.
  24. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Ikna in Do any of you seriously wish you are Japanese?   
    I am a transethnic japanese girl from da heart, even though my genes aren't azn, and I was blessed with sexy visual kei guy headmates too!!!!

    (okay I stop with the bad tumblr related jokes )

    No, I never wished to be japanese. I can't even understand anyone who says they want to be born as a diffeent ethnicity... I can understand it when people wish to be born in different places though, because living and spending your life in a country is something you can choose. Ethnicity and genes are not something you can select as if you'd play a Sims game...
    And sorry, I always feel it comes off as a bit fetishizing and weird when someone are so totally obsessive about looking like someone else. I sometimes have this happen to me as I am not fully Austrian... I am half arabic and people always aproach me with the weird "Oh I like you, you are so oriental and exotic and such a lucky mix of two cultures! Can I have your almond shaped eyes please?" But maybe it's just me, because I generally don't like people to come near me.

    Anyway... I am certainly not happy with my body and my appearance, but I just accept that I can't really change those issues. I'd also like to have hair that isn't just a mess of thick frizz and have clean skin and whatnot, but I think those issues aren't really related to ethnicity - japanese people as well can have a hairstructure that doesn't allow styling, they can be ugly and have the same problemes as anyone else. We might just not notice it as much as foreigners because what we always see from Japan and Asia are the musicians, stars and middle class teenager who have the money and "tools" to make them look perfect. Without make up, surgery, photoshop and beauty products they look as shitty as everyone else.
    So I believe that people who obsess about being, and even more extreme, becoming asian or japanese have a really twisted sense of reality. All the have in their head when thinking about japanese people are anime characters and japanese rock or visual kei guys. Of course the same creepy shit happens in japan as well when teens there pay shit loads of money to be transformed into european looking abominations...
  25. Like
    PsychoΔelica reacted to Pretsy in Japanese covers for non-Japanese songs   




    and a funny bonus:
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