suji 8317 Posted September 20, 2020 Time to serve some boiling hot tea today, folks... Seven years after leaving AvelCain, Kasumi has written a sort of exposé of his time in the band, notably the moment when he wanted to leave the band due to his illness, but was ultimately turned away by management. Quick summary as I cannot provide a full accurate translation: Kasumi valued his time in AvelCain, but due to suffering from facial paralysis and alopecia areata (bald spots) at the time, he was unable to continue and he requested that he leave the band. The president of Shimizuya Records turned him away, allegedly stating that they "didn't care for his story". Kasumi considered suicide as an only way out of the band, and he even tried jumping off of a 4 story condo (as he lived in a rural area) but fortunately came out unscathed. He has since recovered from his conditions (although he still suffers from paralysis when he gets tired) but he still suffers from depression as a result from his experience from being in the band, which included being naked in front of female staff, being beaten in front of his members, and even licking the nipples of a senior bandman. Despite all that, he still respects the band members, the label, and the bangya who have supported them. Full blog entry below: Spoiler 今更ですが。当時の気持ち 2020-08-04 09:59:00 テーマ:ブログ 私が悪いことは重々周知しています。 ライブを見たい人を裏切って最低の事をしたと今も罪の意識に苛まれます。 関係者様 スタッフ様 メンバー 事務所の方 ライブを楽しみにしていてくれた方 僕を応援してくれていた子 本当に申し訳ありませんでした。 ただあの時自分にとってバンドが一番大事な物であったことは嘘偽りありません。 ただ事経緯を説明する機会が無かったのでこの場を借りて説明させて頂きます。 同じ事務所の方も元メンバーですら私を軽蔑しているでしょうでもそれは当たり前です。 でもどうなってそうなったかだけ説明させて頂きたいです。 自分の曲に魂を込めていました拙い曲ですが僕にとっては全てでした。 知らないところでイブさんの曲を使うことに勝手に決まり、そしてそれをバンドがお金を出して買うと言うことが僕がいない場所で決まりました。 メンバーの為を思い、色んなことを我慢しました 女性スタッフの前で素っ裸にされること メンバーの前で殴られたことも 先輩のバンドマンの乳首を舐めさせれることも やりたくない音楽をすることも 罵られることも 我慢しました でも 心が壊れてしまいました。 顔面麻痺と円形脱毛症が起きました。そして私はバンドを辞めることにしました。 自分にとってその時生涯1番大切な物を捨てる事になりました。 そしてそれを社長に話しました。 私の話は聞いてももらえませんでした。 俺の話を聞けお前の話はどうでもいい それが回答でした。 辞めるために電話をしても出てもらえませんでした。 メンバーともその時溝があり相談も出来ませんでした。 そして私はツアー中のサービスエリアで自分の人生を終わらすため高速道路に歩いていきました。 ふと、私を引く車に申し訳ないと思い高速道路道路から街に歩いていき 歩き飛び降りれそうな高い場所を探しました。 なかなか高い建物が見つからず4階建てか5階建てのマンションから飛び降りました。 その時遺書を書く元気もありませんでした。 落ちたら 下の植木に落ちて特に怪我もありませんでした。 田舎すぎて僕が落ちても誰も来ませんでした。 それから何度死のうと思っても死ねませんでした。 情けない人間、弱い人間で死ねませんでした。 バンドから逃げてそれで死にたかったのに死ねませんでした。 顔面麻痺と円形脱毛は治りましたが今もずっと鬱で苦しんでいます。 疲れが溜まると顔面麻痺も出てくるので無理を極力しない様に生きています。 本当にメンバーにはごめんねとしか言えないです。 もっと苦しくて辛い思いもしていたと思います。 僕がしょうもない人間だから我慢できませんでした。 バンドが活動出来るのは奇跡的だと思います。 だからどうかいま好きなバンドがあるなら精一杯応援してあげてください。 バンドマンもギャさんを精一杯愛してあげて下さい。 最後に こんな事を書くと事務所が社長が最低だと思うかもしれませんがそんなことはありません。 全て事実しか書いていませんが私が発達障害があり普通の人より日常生活で疲れやすくまた鬱病を発症したりメンバーとのコミニケーション、社長とのコミニケーションが足りない為こうなっただけで僕は社長と相性が悪かったですが他のバンドマンにとってはいい面もたくさんあります。 行けない場所にもたくさん連れて行ってもらえました。 ただ僕が行きたい場所ではなかっただけでメンバーには行きたい場所だった筈です。 バンドのプロデュースも上手いです。 ただ僕が自分の曲がやりたかったり社長がやりたいバンドと違いすぎてそれを話し合えればよかったのですが力関係がありすぎて話合いにならないだけで 社長がバンドの為に借金をして大きなイベントをしたりしたのも知っています。 全てが全て社長が嫌いなわけではありません。 ただどうしてこうなったのかだけ話して起きたかったのです。 長文失礼しました。 分かりにくいとこがあると思いますが発達障害があり文章を書くのが得意でないためお許しください。 今も社長、活動中の先輩、元メンバー、対バンしてくださったバンドを陰ながら応援しております。 そしてもちろんバンギャさんも、応援しています。 当時、社長やメンバーが望むギターを弾けなくて本当すみません。 扱いにくいわがままなやつでした。 He has also posted additional tweets on his Twitter account about not being paid for songs he composed, band merch, or several fees he's paid out of pocket (transportation, costumes, recording, shooting) even after he had left the band. Overall, he states that this is a warning to young bandmen and hopes that this behavior still isn't going on today. 2 7 1 1 2 1 1 nekkichi, saiko, platy and 12 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
少女椿 343 Posted September 20, 2020 Visual kei seems to be cool and romantic only when you're outside this business... 2 zombieparadise and saiko reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alsdead14 191 Posted September 20, 2020 Damn... I kinda remember hearing someone jump and tried to kill himself, but didn't remember who it was. Must of been hell, I'm not always aware of what's going on in the scene, but this is not something I would like to go through to play music... I really hope he is okay now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
少女椿 343 Posted September 20, 2020 2 minutes ago, Alsdead14 said: Damn... I kinda remember hearing someone jump and tried to kill himself, but didn't remember who it was. Must of been hell, I'm not always aware of what's going on in the scene, but this is not something I would like to go through to play music... I really hope he is okay now. It seems he's on the therapy, but overdosing and taking his pills with alcohol... that's scary Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Total Saikou 735 Posted September 21, 2020 Where's the "jaw-on-the-floor" emoji when you need it... That's horrible. VK has had an "ethical sourcing" issue for decades now but I hope... I hope Kasumi's story can shed some light on the dark side of the industry and make this scene a better place for our meiku and leather clad heroes. I guess it starts with us too, huh? I'll keep him in mind when I'm getting into a band, and will make sure to only give my money and fanaticism to bands that I can tell are "ethically sourced" so to speak. 1 saiko reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IGM_Oficial 1964 Posted September 21, 2020 Goddamn, that sucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anadentone 478 Posted September 21, 2020 i wonder who was the elder bandoman whose titties he had to suck? I remember many vk rockers saying their parents didn't/don't approve of them choosing vk as a career but I always thought it was because they were old fashion and didn't want their son known as "the girly one". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
patientZERO 1066 Posted September 21, 2020 It seems he didn't just try to jump from the balcony, but also walked onto the highway to end his life during tour. This is rough stuff. Japan has got to start accepting that depression is a serious illness and not something that one can just "get over." 1 5 alehandroll, Total Saikou, anadentone and 3 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nekkichi 6043 Posted September 21, 2020 so like karma survived this shit and took it as a rands team building guideline i guess?.. this is just so ugly and unhinged, it's like everyone at shimizuya is hellbound on giving their jisatsu queens reasons to be ~inspired~ daily. meThod acting!!!! I wonder if ex-lycaon bass thing is going to drop something now that he cut ties with his band 2 1 suji, saiko and Shir0 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rize 1593 Posted September 21, 2020 What a horrible experience, aargh I just cannot._| ̄|○||| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
platy 3018 Posted September 21, 2020 and despite all this he still respects the members and label? Right. 1 1 1 suji, Total Saikou and Serox reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeus 7997 Posted September 21, 2020 Truly unbelievable. Makes you wonder about the things we don't know that are going on daily. 1 3 Total Saikou, suji, Seimeisen and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yukami 5086 Posted September 21, 2020 K*rm* will be involved in any issue of what happened? The departure of all the components of R*nds I don't think it is by chance. 2 suji and Serox reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saiko 429 Posted September 21, 2020 This isn't a thing only related to psychopathology. The problem isn't about having depression or suicidal thoughts, but keeping alive a culture of abuse within the industry, pontentially fueled by the whole sacrificial Japanese working culture, with its devotional hierarchy aspects and so on... So mental health issues should be a normal response of anybody previously involved into that sadism of an enviroment. 9 hours ago, nekkichi said: it's like everyone at shimizuya is hellbound on giving their jisatsu queens reasons to be ~inspired~ daily. meThod acting!!!! Said. 1 2 Miku70, Total Saikou and raspberrynilla reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anadentone 478 Posted September 21, 2020 I just wanna give him a hug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rahzel 110 Posted September 21, 2020 So... industry gone idol doing idol industry shit? Damn shook Sarcasm aside, really wonder how commonplace that kinda stuff is. It's all obviously very common among fabricated pop idols and all who are basically dolls to their companies, but I didn't know/would probably not take very seriously if some stranger told me this was going on in underground japanese rock 🤔 ... So wondering for how long 1 Miku70 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shir0 1303 Posted September 22, 2020 wow this is messed up I heard a bunch of bad things about shimizuya but this is horrible and even more so when you can be sure he's not the first one whom this happened On 9/21/2020 at 10:33 AM, nekkichi said: I wonder if ex-lycaon bass thing is going to drop something now that he cut ties with his band exactly what I was thinking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
visvasrit 64 Posted September 22, 2020 (edited) i hope someone can translate all the post and his other tweets. i can’t say i’m very surprised considering shimizuya's rep. makes one wonder about the other members. did they suffer this abuse too? did they take part of it? i cant decide which of the two would be worse to find out... Edited September 25, 2020 by visvasrit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zombieparadise 487 Posted September 24, 2020 Yikes. Poor guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
visvasrit 64 Posted September 25, 2020 the plot thickens. appearantly mr. shimizu is leaving him on read, no replies to emails or anything since august (i might be translating this wrong) 1 suji reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suji 8317 Posted September 26, 2020 he's deleted all his recent tweets and links to his blog except the whole warning to wonder if his blog entries are still up... 2 Total Saikou and Miku70 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
visvasrit 64 Posted September 26, 2020 (edited) the blog entries are still up. makes me wonder why he deleted his tweets. was he forced to delete them? Edited September 27, 2020 by visvasrit 1 2 Serox, suji and Miku70 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites