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The Piass

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Posts posted by The Piass

  1. ジルドレ is Gilles de Rais. He was a French nobleman/knight in the 15th century who participated in the Hundred Years' War. He was found guilty of raping/killing more than a hundred children and was hanged then burnt at the stake for having done so.










    TYPE A :  1200 yen +taxes

    CD :

    01.Departure EVE

    02.シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド (Serial Killer Girlfriend) 

    03.仮想的マスカレード(Kasou-teki masquerade)


    TYPE B : 1200 yen +taxes

    CD :

    01.Departure EVE

    02.シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド (Serial Killer Girlfriend) 

    03.春踏終踏 (?)

  3. Witchers Creed have released their first album "Awakened From the Tomb" two days ago ! If you love doom/heavy metal in the vein of BLACK SABBATH, PAGAN ALTAR... you will like it ! 



    The newly formed one-man band Malist from Russia has released his first album "In the Catacombs of Time" a month ago !  Both the artwork and the music are good ! 




    Finally, DOWNCROSS (BELARUS) brought their newest album out ! Called "Mysteries of Left Path", it was released on February 21st 2019 ! 



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