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The Piass

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Posts posted by The Piass

  1. Their new BD/DVD called 『覇道征舞』(Hadô sei-mai) will be released on 2019.03.13. (175 minutes)




    Blu-ray edition : 7344 yen ; DVD edition : 6264 yen

    CD :

    01. 覇王 

    02. 覇邪の封印 

    03. 以津真天 

    04. 組曲「鬼子母神」~産衣 

    05. 桜花忍法帖 

    06. 腐蝕の王 

    07. 一本蹈鞴 

    08. 飯綱落とし 

    09. 接吻 

    10. 隷 

    11. 鉄鼠の黶 

    12. 蒼き独眼 

    13. 麒麟 

    14. 組曲「義経」~悪忌判官 

    15. 式を駆る者 

    16. 無礼講 

    17. 序曲 (SE) 

    18. 魔王 

    19. 鬼斬忍法帖 

    20. 舞頚 

    21. 浸食輪廻 

    22. 羅刹 

    23. 悪路王 

    24. 骸 

    25. 雷舞 (予定) 

  2. Their new EP 「ALONE/アローン」 will be released on 2019.04.24.


    TYPE A :  2800 yen + taxes

    CD :

    5 songs 

    DVD :

    01. 「サイレン-siren-」 (PV)


    TYPE B : 2800 yen + taxes

    CD :

    5 songs

    DVD :

    01. 「サイレン-siren-」 (PV off shot + interview)


    TYPE C : 2300 yen + taxes


    6 songs






  3. A single called 「しんぐる」(shinguru) has been available at their lives from 2019.01.15.  (1500 yen)


    Kami-jacket version (akai ringo) : 1500 yen


    1.しんぐる (Shinguru)

    2.本当は死にたい、でも死ねない(Hontô wa shinitai, demo shinenai)

    DVD :

    MV + off-shot


    Single case version (doku ringo) : 1500 yen

    CD :

    1.しんぐる (Shinguru)

    2.本当は死にたい、でも死ねない(Hontô wa shinitai, demo shinenai)

     3.マリオネットはオーダーメイドで(Marionette wa order made)





  4. 1 hour ago, BrenGun said:

    Also it was a former band already.. no clue who.. but they followed already 700 people and the account exist since June 2018 

    Anybody a clue?


    Drums twitter



    And another guitarist?  くろ Kuro (ex.fes)



    Their first post dates back to the beginning of January so my guess is that they have only become active since this month.

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