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    Tetora reacted to Shir0 in D.I.D. 茜(akane) (Re)birthday one-man live   
    It's more than interesting ! To read this makes me really happy I feel so proud of him!! he's really open minded in this text and it's good to see he came to the conclusion, be yourself. It sounds so simple but it takes more than this and he just showed it's possible to overcome these dangerous negatives thoughts I wish him all the best to continue like this and I look forward to what we will see of him in the future
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to Sakura Seven in D.I.D. 茜(akane) (Re)birthday one-man live   
    Akane just posted this.
    Really interesting.
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to Elazmus in D.I.D. 茜(akane) (Re)birthday one-man live   
    Wow I love some of his conclusions here, not just with accepting yourself but also communicating your state of self with others, the part about belligerence provoking people only to be belligerent in return. It's been a long road for Akane but this makes me feel like he realizes he can make the road a little better for others by being himself and doing what he loves and is damn good at
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to kukew in D.I.D. 茜(akane) (Re)birthday one-man live   
    I want so bad to attend to D.I.D.'s lives. ; _ ; Can't wait to hear new song...
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I started watching HxH and I'm in love. 
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to lichtlune in How many of you are actually trying to learn Japanese or move to japan some day?   
    I'm curious to know how far you all have gone. Some of you may be living in japan right now, some may be actively studying, while others don't care much about the language at all and just listen to the music.
    I used to be this way however I've been taking it more seriously lately. I've thought about all the reasons I'm depressed with my life and all of the reasons learning the language might benefit me in the long run. No i haven't decided if i will move to japan some day but there's no question that i have a love for the language and art of japan. I want to be able to actually SING and recall words from songs without having to look up lyrics or romanji. That's my goal. I also would love to be able to talk to Japanese girls and have some Japanese friends as well.
    How many of you are learning the language, how far have you gone, and why are you are you doing it? 
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoselflove in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Oh my god, I try to be organized but fail.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Regular CDs are in boxes somewhere, all of my jrock CDs and DVDs are all together in this shitty little cube thing.  I don't collect records, don't have space:

    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Jrock DVDs and my one blu-ray are all with the CDs.  I have a few Dir en Grey VHS in a box somewhere, have no desire to collect any more!
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    I don't buy digital, but all the stuff I download here just goes into my itunes folder.
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I have a few shirts somewhere. Obi always stays inside the CD case.  Magazines are with the CDs.  Cheki's and photo sets are in a drawer.  Posters are all over my room:

    Other Stuff You Collect
    I am a hardcore gamer, so I have over 50 consoles and 1,000+ games.  I had to buy a software to keep track of them so I don't buy seconds lol.  A lot are in boxed up, but my favorites are out on these shelves:

    I need a bigger house.
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to anakuro in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    ⇒Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    I have my music collection separated. Half of it is in America in boxes. The other half is sitting on a little bookshelf. I have bands that are broken up or that I am less likely to update their collection at the back and then bands I update more frequently stacked at the front (by order of release). 
    ⇒Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    They're on the shelf under the CD shelf. I don't really bother so much with DVDs.
    ⇒Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    I don't really download or buy off of iTunes. Everything's in my music folder. Slightly more organized than that sounds.
    ⇒Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I have a cloth box that I dump my towels in. I often forget to return them to the box. Cheki is in cheki files (either ones designed for the band or just your average 100yen shop trading card cases). I stopped buying goods besides towels and cheki but the ones that I do have are either on the shelves or in a bag in my closet. Tour pamphlets are in the bag in my closet.
    ⇒Other Stuff You Collect
    Crap I catch at lives. Picks go in with the cheki, specifically with the cheki of the member whose pick it belongs to. Unless I don't have any for that band (hoshi no house, grieva, lost ash...) then it's just stuffed in the pocket in one of my random cheki files with the other picks. Drum sticks have a post it on them so I know whose it was and is put in that bag I mentioned. Other crap is just dumped in with them. I'll probably remember what band it was from.... probably.
    Magazines etc are possibly in that bag too or sitting on my floor if I am contemplating throwing them out.. I haven't looked at it in a while.
    Flyers are in a accordion file thing if I plan on keeping them, in a little HEARTS. bag if I consider them trashable but... haven't thrown them away yet.
    I should probably throw away/sell half the crap I have. 
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to BrenGun in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    For me it's to difficult to explain without photos so here ya go

    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    see it yourself, you can see perfectly how my logistics are

    Also simply 2 rows
    Manga and DVD's (not music DVD, but movie)

    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    itunes download -> in itunes download folder
    Other downloads -> in Legal purchased folder
    Also a back up on a CD | however they are timeless available at the download websites

    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Obi simply inside the CD.
    Clothing in my closet with clothes on a bandshirt staple
    Photos & Cheki in a big photobook
    Posters I found a nice way to put them away, which I don't use

    But not everything is stored inside my room; aka Manga and movie DVD.
    They are in 2 other closets.
    in one closet, stuff packed in 2 plastic boxes (only manga), and other things in just paper boxes. Also in that closet are 2 other closets which more manga and DVD and few other things are stored.
    And then there is one more closet where I keep another staple of manga.
    Best way the keep your room nicely. I like to keep my room well desinged.
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to sai in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Interesting thread! Not sure how interesting my contribution will be, but it's fun nonetheless
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    I think that at the moment I own around 50-60 physical CDs. I'm not really into old VK a lot, so I don't own any tapes, nor did I have any tapes when I was younger (besides, at the time when I first started buying CDs the transition from tape to CD was already fully complete). I don't have a lot of space to put them, so I keep my favourites on the shelf and the others are put into boxes.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    I don't have a lot of music DVDs, to be quite honest. I find them very expensive, especially the visual kei ones. I was planning on buying some non-VK ones, considering they're priced cheaper, but I don't think I'll make a switch to Blu-Ray. My gaming console can actually play Blu-Rays, but they're a lot more expensive. So yeah, as long as DVD works fine, I'll go with that.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    I have a folder with all my music strictly organized. All folders are divided by artist, album/single, language, etc. If I don't, I'll go nuts, LOL. I think my current digital music folder is about 90GB. It used to be around 150GB, but I had a big clean up last week so that explains it >___> I don't really buy digitally, especially not from iTunes. iTunes has a tendency to butcher quality of some releases, so if I buy a CD I always try to get the physical version so I can decide what bitrate I want it in.
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I don't have a lot of clothing from bands, tbqh. I used to buy shirts for every concert I went to, but somewhere along the line I stopped doing that unless the t-shirt design was really cool. I keep the obis I get with my CDs, though I don't know why. I figure that if I'm ever going to sell them, people might appreciate it that the obi is included? I don't really know, haha. I have a few posters too, but most of them are Kpop posters (because it's hard to get posters from my favourite Japanese artists). I don't care about cheki and I probably never will. I think that they're overpriced and a cheap manner to get extra cash out of young fans. I once got a picture of D with one of my orders that was hand signed by all the members, which was kind of cool I guess. I have no idea where it is now though LOL.
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Other than music and some posters I don't really collect anything else. Currently I spend more money on video games than on music, though that mostly has to do with the custom policy of my country so I don't get robbed every time I order something from Japan lmao.
    Don't be lazy.
  11. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from kyoselflove in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Hey guys,
    I was wondering how you store all your stuff, what kind of stuff have you amassed, what you do with it, and how you feel about it.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Almost all my stuff is cd`s, I keep some on shelves, many in boxes, and have some in the living room if they are often played. I don`t like keeping much stuff in my room, so it is almost all in one of my spare bed-rooms. Ultimately I would like to have it all on nice shelves which actually suit the size of cd`s (CD racks are too small, would have to have tons, and regular shelves like I have are too big in terms of extra space above the cd`s.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Don`t collect many videos as I never watch them, only have an assortment of some of my favorite concerts or PV collections, keep them on a shelf if I really like them, otherwise in boxes.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    This is what bugs me the most, as I never use iTunes but have some music from there, and since my music library isn`t in iTunes, it doesn`t really feel like I have the music? Also, my digital files and rips are all stored on an external drive, feels unsafe and unofficial. Otherwise I keep the music I listen to on my phone (40 gigs, I want to get a new phone with at least 128gig storage, but my phone is still working).
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I don`t have clothing as it is always too small, Obi I keep in shoe boxes, I don`t know why I can`t throw them out, but I will literally never use them for anything or even look at them...
    The closet in my guest bed-room is full of rolled up Posters, I have tons, but again, never put them up...
    Cheki I only have a couple, I like them a lot, for sentimental value, keep them in a special shoe box, with bonuses from orders or in-store events.
    My favorite things are probably the Cheki from live-events, any signed stuff, and the towel I have from UNiTE / DOG.
    Other Stuff You Collect
    I have movies, DVD and Blu-ray, and a lot of games for different systems, about 100 are on a shelf, but the others get the box treatment as well. Have some books on a shelf, all the others and all my old manga are at another place.
    So yeah, in summary, the way I store my stuff is pretty terrible, I throw it all in a room, and I am uncomfortable with all my digital stuff`s existence. I am thinking that in my next house I will make a media room, with nice shelves, posters up, and everything organized nicely. That is in the future though, so for now everything looks like a crazy old man`s hoard of junk... My second place (apartment) has a bunch of boxes in the walk-in closet, I would like to combine the two collections in the future as well. But at the same time, I always contemplate what the point of a collection is.
  12. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in 摩天楼オペラ - AVALON   
    Matenrou Opera returns with an album that tastes like a concept album, yet leaves the over-all decision on whether it is or isn`t up to your interpretation.
    The term Avalon refers to a place in so-called Arthurian legend, where both the Excalibur was forged, and legendary knights as well as King Arthur himself was buried. Some speculate it to be an island off the coast of Scotland and Wales.
    The album is laden with sounds reminiscent of Medieval times, and song titles refer to heaven or paradise, which Avalon is a gateway to; that is where the concept album feel plays in, yet the songs actually tell varied tales which can not always be played in to the album`s title, and the inclusion of the previous single A-Side Orb further leads us astray.
    Concept album or not, this album is definitely not a collection of different tracks or hits thrown together. It plays more like a film cut into different parts, telling different stories, but almost always fitting a certain feel, and that is the experience you get from this album. It has a common title, but the experience is a unique one. The `Opera` touch of the delivery along with a unique vocalist matched with a hard band delivers a one-of-a-kind experience, and I think that is really what you are getting from this album. It`s not another rock album, not another VK album, it is something of its own, and you need to sample the singles from the album to see if you will enjoy this experience. One key thing to keep in consideration is if you like the vocalist and delivery, as this is a comon point of divergence amongst opinion.
    To me, this more of a sit-down and listen album rather than something you can throw on, although tracks like Orb, 隣に座る太陽 and クロスカウンターを狙え are the tracks I would think you are likely to throw on as stand-alone listens. The album doesn`t use hooks or catches as much as you would expect from a modern album, if you want a comparison, I would say it is more like Versailles from a different era.
    Track Count: 12
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality: Great sound, yet my personal preference is for a wider sound stage and more clarity in individual intruments, esp. more of the guitars.Though they seem to specifically like putting emphasis on the vocals.
    Overall Rating: Great album, defined, unique experience, listening on the I will skip some tracks, but if I want to let it play out there are no skip-inducing tracks.
    Worth the Purchase?
    For me, this is definitely worth the purchase. Although it is not an album that will get the most rotation. It is something I will keep in my library and bring out on occasion.
  13. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Hey guys,
    I was wondering how you store all your stuff, what kind of stuff have you amassed, what you do with it, and how you feel about it.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Almost all my stuff is cd`s, I keep some on shelves, many in boxes, and have some in the living room if they are often played. I don`t like keeping much stuff in my room, so it is almost all in one of my spare bed-rooms. Ultimately I would like to have it all on nice shelves which actually suit the size of cd`s (CD racks are too small, would have to have tons, and regular shelves like I have are too big in terms of extra space above the cd`s.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Don`t collect many videos as I never watch them, only have an assortment of some of my favorite concerts or PV collections, keep them on a shelf if I really like them, otherwise in boxes.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    This is what bugs me the most, as I never use iTunes but have some music from there, and since my music library isn`t in iTunes, it doesn`t really feel like I have the music? Also, my digital files and rips are all stored on an external drive, feels unsafe and unofficial. Otherwise I keep the music I listen to on my phone (40 gigs, I want to get a new phone with at least 128gig storage, but my phone is still working).
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I don`t have clothing as it is always too small, Obi I keep in shoe boxes, I don`t know why I can`t throw them out, but I will literally never use them for anything or even look at them...
    The closet in my guest bed-room is full of rolled up Posters, I have tons, but again, never put them up...
    Cheki I only have a couple, I like them a lot, for sentimental value, keep them in a special shoe box, with bonuses from orders or in-store events.
    My favorite things are probably the Cheki from live-events, any signed stuff, and the towel I have from UNiTE / DOG.
    Other Stuff You Collect
    I have movies, DVD and Blu-ray, and a lot of games for different systems, about 100 are on a shelf, but the others get the box treatment as well. Have some books on a shelf, all the others and all my old manga are at another place.
    So yeah, in summary, the way I store my stuff is pretty terrible, I throw it all in a room, and I am uncomfortable with all my digital stuff`s existence. I am thinking that in my next house I will make a media room, with nice shelves, posters up, and everything organized nicely. That is in the future though, so for now everything looks like a crazy old man`s hoard of junk... My second place (apartment) has a bunch of boxes in the walk-in closet, I would like to combine the two collections in the future as well. But at the same time, I always contemplate what the point of a collection is.
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    The amount of physical goods I have bought isn't large enough to warrant a proper look-through. Most of my music and movies/videos are digitized. Rip and store is the procedure, I get any other media digitally.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    I currently have roughly 150 hip-hop CDs. The older ones are stashed in my parents place and I keep the newer ones at my current place. I haven't bought much since, around 10 ish since I left the scene. I have roughly 50 japanese CDs. Which I keep in a shelf at my current place.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)   I found it easier to DL older music so I am now able to amass a much more sizeable collection of hip-hop music especially those that are out-of-print and are from the 80's and 90's all in FLAC. I have roughly 120 GBs of mostly east coast artist, I haven't delved deeply into west coast or southern regions yet. All other genres is around 60 GBs, mostly mp3s though. WAV files are stored in another harddrive.   All my files are sorted by straightforward genres, stored in folders. iTunes tends to fuck this right up since users can't make their own folders. I can't use iTunes other than syncing my iPod. It can't read flac so I have to convert all my music to mp3s and I don't buy lossy music either so...   Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)   I have yet to convert to Blu-Ray, still unsure if I ever will. Anyway, most of my DVDs is stashed in my parents place as well except the newer ones.   Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)   Asian clothing tends to be like 2 sizes smaller than their NA counterpart, I gave up when half of my order from yesstyle didn't fit .... I am Asian OTL   I throw away obi, I don't understand the point of keeping em. Like after I tear up the plastic, nothing keeps it stuck on the CDs. So it will probably just be a pain whenever I have to shuffle my CDs around.   My posters stay in their container until I am for sure I will have them up for a long time. I currently have 5 posters just rolled up, still unopened.   No clue how to store Chekis or Photos, I just stick em to the CDs somehow. Although, I saw a nifty idea of having a glass table on top a regular table. You make a collage of your collected photos in between it, will probably do it if I collect enough photos or chekis.   Other Stuff You Collect   I keep shoeboxes to store my CD/DVD when I was younger. It has now been upgraded to bulk-ramen boxes lol. I still find ways to keep sizeable boxes for the simple reason you can store so much stuff in em. I guess this is a result of not having a proper shelf growing up. They are excellent for textbooks and novels.   Summary   I hate summaries -.- I am more of a strong intro and body section type of a writer.
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    I honestly spend more time pondering how to best organize my collection than on my exams orz. What's worse is that I'm *extremely* OCD about keeping stuff as organized as possible so I go to get lengths to ensure my collection is as "perfect" as possible: not only discography-wise, but also pointless things like making sure all CDs come with obi, replace scratched jewel cases, standardize the CD plastic wrap, etc.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Save for a very small number of 8cm records (maybe 3-4) and releases in long cases (e.g. PLUNKLOCK and Fi'Ance.) my entire collection is almost fully 12cm CD releases. Beside my working space I have an IKEA CD rack with just the right amount of space between partitions to hold CDs without wasting too much space. Unfortunately it can only hold 500 CDs. Once I filled the rack entirely I started to stuff CDs in the 3 mega book shelves behind me which, needless to say, ran out of space in no time (partly cuz there was only ~20% space left in the first place). More recently I've begun to pile CDs in an unused closet above my wardrobe - this was meant to be temporary solution, although I realized subsequently that it was a good place to hide at least a part of collection so my parents don't notice the insane number of stuff I own and murder me XD In my storeroom there are another 4 or 5 boxes of older releases brought over from my old house that I still haven't had the time to sort out after several years.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    I don't have these. Thankfully.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    I don't buy digital music from iTunes, but I have ripped part of my collection into digital form. I also have a FLAC archive slightly in excess of 3TB that I spread over 4 externals HDD and hardly touch. My everyday music library is under 1TB so that fits nicely into the main HDD on my PC. For now I don't have much issues with space for my digital collection. For now.
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Oh god, where do I start. I have all my CDs wrapped, so obis naturally go along with the CDs rather than being kept separately. I have an unwieldy number of signed posters, some of which laminated. The ones that mean the most to me go up on the wall, but there's only enough wall space in my room to put up about 4-5 at any one time. I have a limited number of chekis, which will eventually go into a folder that I've bought. Photosets are one of my biggest problems. Over the years I've amassed hundreds of sets, which I keep sealed separately with a tiny sticker on each wrap indicating the group/release/number of photos. Autographed photosets are packaged separately to prevent smudging of ink. Postcards go into another box. Ditto trading cards. And then there's a box with the rest of the miscellaneous stuff like badges, stickers, etc. that either came with CDs I bought or somehow found their way into my collection mysteriously (yeah right ._.)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Nothing much really. Even if I had wanted to I seriously doubt I have the money, time, or energy.
    Terrible [2]
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to Biopanda in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Short answer: my VK collection was organized by a tornado.
    Long answer:
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records) I don't have nearly the amount of storage space as I need, so things are sort of scattered about. About half of my CDs are on a bookshelf sorted in no particular order at all. With my cassettes, most of them are in cassette racks like this of which I have three(though I think I'll need to get something like this soon lol). The other half of my CDs are stored in giant cardboard boxes out in my living room, which are mostly things that aren't listed on my store yet so I don't need immediate access to them. Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS) My DVDs are on the same bookshelf as my CDs while my VHS tapes get their own really big bookshelf(200+ VHS tapes take up a LOT of space!). Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...) I keep telling myself that some day I'll get this stuff all sorted out, but that day hasn't come yet despite various attempts over the years. As of now, everything is split between 4 folders: Music(folders for each artist, mostly stuff that I acquired before 2009. Everything here is tagged and renamed correctly), New To Sort(anything acquired 2009 and after that hasn't been tagged and sorted into the Music folder), EAC Rips(mostly where I store personal FLAC rips so that I can easily make samples for the store), Cassette Rips(same as EAC Rips, but for tapes ) Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...) A dresser in my closet for anything that isn't being used. For the stuff that's really dear to me, it's hung up on my walls. That is stuff like posters that I've had personally signed by bands and then gotten professionally framed, some band towels and a GIANT A flag that I got from their Elementa Alchemica live. Other Stuff You Collect VK is pretty much all I have the money to actively collect, so anything else(video games etc.) are mostly in a big dresser in the living room. Summary Terrible.
  17. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from hiroki in Details and Logistics of Your Music Library / Collection.   
    Hey guys,
    I was wondering how you store all your stuff, what kind of stuff have you amassed, what you do with it, and how you feel about it.
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    Other Stuff You Collect
    Physical Music (CD`s, Tapes, Records)
    Almost all my stuff is cd`s, I keep some on shelves, many in boxes, and have some in the living room if they are often played. I don`t like keeping much stuff in my room, so it is almost all in one of my spare bed-rooms. Ultimately I would like to have it all on nice shelves which actually suit the size of cd`s (CD racks are too small, would have to have tons, and regular shelves like I have are too big in terms of extra space above the cd`s.
    Physical Videos (Blu-ray, DVD, VHS)
    Don`t collect many videos as I never watch them, only have an assortment of some of my favorite concerts or PV collections, keep them on a shelf if I really like them, otherwise in boxes.
    Digital Music (iTunes, Google, rekochoku, downloads, etc...)
    This is what bugs me the most, as I never use iTunes but have some music from there, and since my music library isn`t in iTunes, it doesn`t really feel like I have the music? Also, my digital files and rips are all stored on an external drive, feels unsafe and unofficial. Otherwise I keep the music I listen to on my phone (40 gigs, I want to get a new phone with at least 128gig storage, but my phone is still working).
    Physical Goods (Clothing, Obi, Posters, Cheki, Bonuses like photo`s, etc...)
    I don`t have clothing as it is always too small, Obi I keep in shoe boxes, I don`t know why I can`t throw them out, but I will literally never use them for anything or even look at them...
    The closet in my guest bed-room is full of rolled up Posters, I have tons, but again, never put them up...
    Cheki I only have a couple, I like them a lot, for sentimental value, keep them in a special shoe box, with bonuses from orders or in-store events.
    My favorite things are probably the Cheki from live-events, any signed stuff, and the towel I have from UNiTE / DOG.
    Other Stuff You Collect
    I have movies, DVD and Blu-ray, and a lot of games for different systems, about 100 are on a shelf, but the others get the box treatment as well. Have some books on a shelf, all the others and all my old manga are at another place.
    So yeah, in summary, the way I store my stuff is pretty terrible, I throw it all in a room, and I am uncomfortable with all my digital stuff`s existence. I am thinking that in my next house I will make a media room, with nice shelves, posters up, and everything organized nicely. That is in the future though, so for now everything looks like a crazy old man`s hoard of junk... My second place (apartment) has a bunch of boxes in the walk-in closet, I would like to combine the two collections in the future as well. But at the same time, I always contemplate what the point of a collection is.
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Asakusa in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to kurenaishineek in Glory Hill - Good Loser   
    As someone mentioned that i should write some more reviews im making this happen right here and right now .

    Glory Hill is 4 piece Pop Punk band from Okazaki City in Aichi Prefecture . They are around from 2005 and as of today they released 7 singles , 2 mini albums and 4 albums as Indie Band and 2 singles and 1 album as Major Band . And that 1 album is the one im gonna review here . Released on 14th may this year , their first and debut album as Major Band called "Good Loser" .
    Seriously i dont know where to start this review . The band did not change much from the Indie era , altough i have to say most songs have a little better compositions , they still the good old happy go lucky Pop Punk band but with a little bit of Melodic Hardcore touch here and there . The album opens up with "Now or Never!!" a freaking good song , fast , melodic , punkish , hell yeah very upbeat song , really good if you need some postivie energy , the song is the essence of this , not to mention this solo , ive heard a lot bands playing Pop Punk from Japan recently , but i did not heard a solo that would hit me that good . The next two songs , "Take my Word" and "Asterisk" , are very typical for this genre , melodic , happy sounding less aggressive than the opener , but still managing to deliver what this kind of music should deliver , a good positive vibe . Its worth to mention that "Asterisk" has parts sung in japanese , cause mostly they use the typical engrish thats well known by all listeners of japanese music , not to mention that this song reminds me of Flow . The 4th song called "Shut up and Dance" opens up with Disco beat than jumping into punkish riffs yet with some of the danceish vibe still staying in the song , the further in the album the more this starts sounding more like an american Pop Punk band .
    I could go around writing about all the songs in this manner but it would take some time and im starting to get sleepy , also for this kind of album writing about each song is kinda ... hard , its not like are songs are repeatable , cause altough ive had this feeling on their earlier albums i did not have this here . But this genre is the essence of easy non technical music , easy for the ears , open for a big audience , as said earlier very melodic and upbeat , a truly mainstream rock band , and altough some ppl might have issues with the engrish lyrics , they still are worth at least a try and i promise you that this will be one of the best bands in this genre you will listen to .
    Summarizing this up , if you like this kind of happy upbeat music and dont mind engrish then its your thing , ive seriously had a lot of fun listening to this album , lots of good vibes , melodies and riffs reminding me of Sum 41 and Blink 182 that etched themselves easy in my mind , also the songs are so addictive that i will hum them for some time now . My recommendation .
    Score : 8/10 for being one of the best Pop Punk releases this year , and being the best album in their history .(As i am not used to do a 1 star to 5 star rating but from 1 to 10 ill stick to this)
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Kles in ALSDEAD new album "IDEA-イデア-" release   
    The 2 last samples can be listen now on their soundcloud
    IDEA / Nostalgia
    Only 4 days to go I'm excited This album will be even better than their previous one !
  21. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from murray254 in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "TOKYOエレクトリックパレード(TOKYO electric parade)" release   
    Absolutely can`t wait for this.
    Last single was so amazing, I am sure this one will be awesome too, and that `Bon Voyage` will be beautiful.
    Love the look, sound, feel, everything. They went for a softer, more simple feeling with surface emotions with Boomy-Boomy and Every, but have came back to a deeper lyrical and atmospheric level which I prefer. Still goofy song names and elements, but telling stories straight from the heart.
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "TOKYOエレクトリックパレード(TOKYO electric parade)" release   
    [CD track list]
    01.エレクトリックパレード(electric parade)
    02.Bon Voyage
    03.シンデレラファンタジー~君って僕のプリンセスぅ!?~(cinderella fantasy~kimitte boku no princess!?~) (included in regular edition)
    04.エレクトリックパレード(electric parade)(karaoke)
    [limited edition TYPE A DVD track list]
    01.エレクトリックパレード(electric parade) (PV)
    [limited edition TYPE B DVD track list]
    01.進ぬ!!えれくとりっくぱれぇ〜どぅ!?(susunu!! electric parade!?) (PV)
    02.密着!!エレクトリックパレード(micchaku!! electric parade)

  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to eiheartx in Hi :3   
    Hello everyone !

    I’m new to this forum, and I think that the best way to start is to present myself.
    I’m eiheart, a 27 yo french girl (aka now you know why I talk like shit 8D I’m working on it tho), and I’m back on the VK ship. I started listening to VK in 06’-07’ or something, and I left in 2009 (I remember the last song that I’ve heard and found good was LEECH from gazetto). I left because I was “bored” of the scene (some of my favourites was disbanded tho), I’ve totally lost interest, I needed to see others horizons. But I fell again (with gazetto, how ironic is that XD I’ve heard that DIVISION was their best effort to date, so I’ve decided to give it a try, it was a good surprise and I re-discover my love for their music and all that I've missed). So I came back and take a look at the new scene.
    I’m listening a lot of music from all horizons and style, I don’t stick on the azn side (I am not this kind of person nor a fangirl). You can take a look at my last.fm (and you can add me if you wish, you’re very welcome).
    I can also participe to the dl section, by uploading my own stuff (oldies of course xD but maybe some can be interested ).
    I think it’s all for the moment. If you have questions, don’t hesitate.

    (i hope my english wasn't so appalling   )
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in ALSDEAD new album "IDEA-イデア-" release   
    they will hold MAKI presents live "僕ガ憧レタ世界~Back To My Roots~" at Shibuya REX at 2014/11/18, at which special cover band "ALSDEAD:0" will perform
    they will hold 沁(shin) presents live "Red Dead Day" at Shibuya REX at 2014/12/01
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoselflove in The General WTB Thread   
    YAY! I wish I could like both of your posts but I'm over quota ... Lol
    I'm really lazy right now but this is what I have come up with for now, only a million more to go ... haha.
    Oh yeah. I live in USA, that probably matters.>.>
    CELL- cell -
    Royal Order [Limited Edition]
    Chains Of Collar [both Types]
    A Box In Beautiful
    Love Song
    Rose ~ Rose ~ All Types
    Chains of Collar DVD
    Silvers.exe [First press]
    Emotional Karma
    Ringing in the end of the world Requiem 
    the guilty Party 
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