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    Tetora reacted to hyura in Show Yourself (again)   
    Hyura, respectable citizen and smartphone user.

    spot the paw-prints on my dusty mirror
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in Show Yourself (again)   
    so much for being a bunny
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    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nero_DiVOID in New Band DiVOID [Duality in the VOID]   
    Thank you everyone! We will also release 2 more songs on Bandcamp later this week! Around June, we will release another new single called RAIN.
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nero_DiVOID in New Band DiVOID [Duality in the VOID]   
    New visual rock band started in the US! https://www.facebook.com/pages/DiVOID/1417608438556359?__mref=message_bubble
    Our first single MOTH is currently available on Bandcamp! Please check it out!
    Part Vocal
    Part Guitar
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nerodivoid
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to VkBrutaliaN in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST 2 new singles release   
    can't wait for tracklist, cover artwork, previews etc. - new NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST stuff always makes me excited!
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    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    echoing what ender-ender and rocketeer have said above..
    i don't intend to change your mind (nor can i), but it's difficult for me to agree with how emotional attachment to the band or musicians behind the music is somehow a residue of childhood we must banish or the emblem of adolescent naivety that we all ought to eventually grow out of. ok fine, flesh and soundwaves are different things; but psychologically they aren't as separable as two disparate words on paper. after all music doesn't just fall off a tree - especially the sort of music that resonates with one on an extremely intimate level, and which profoundly affects him/her for a long time (maybe even the rest of their lives). it seems obviously logical then, at least in one's mind, to feel like the musician can speak to you (or a part of yourself) in a way that your parents or closest friends or the person physically beside you never could and never will. i should also add that lots of people i know capable of this experience lead perfectly normal and well-adjusted lives without the tiniest bit of delusional fantasies about the musicians themselves.
    if anything, i've always felt that any dogged insistence on uncoupling music from the people who made it is precisely the kind of thought that drives some people to happily decide that the music is all they care about, as a result of which they couldn't care less about supporting the musicians behind it since these 'strangers' are so remote and divorced from their emotional investment anyway.
    speaking for myself, i definitely enjoy the company of fans who are more intense (i.e. 'insane') about musicians whom they don't know in person but who means a great deal to them - and no, i see nothing 'weak' about that - over those who discuss bands and music matter-of-factly with a straight face as if they are being interviewed for their professional opinion on global warming. this latter group of people gets me terribly tetchy and over time i find it tiring to associate with them. i guess if you really want to you could call emotional attachment to the bands irrational, but for me this kind of irrationality is a lot more humanly valuable than the 'stoicism' you demand of people as if grieving a disbandment is somehow a betrayal of our own intelligence. because we are more than that.
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to violetchain in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    ^Oh no, I thought my days of hearing the names Queeny Blast Pop and Peppermint Creeps were over when I stopped posting on hair metal forums.
    Now you just need to talk about how Warrant's Dog Eat Dog album is a lost masterpiece and it'll feel just like home.
  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Kaye in DISREIGN (YOHIO) 1st single UNTIL THE FADE   
    Seriously regret coming into this thread, but anyway, gotta completely disagree with Jon Jonz:
    Pretty bad way to start a post that just may end up outdoing any ignorance or bullsh!t that came before it in the thread.
    Is that a statistic? Maybe I should listen to something else so I can open my mind, see the real world, be one with the universe....
    Pretty darn narrow-minded and downright hateful way to feel about someone with a different opinion than you.
    I seriously hope that this is about VK influenced bands outside of Japan only, and that you aren`t implying Yohio and co. help support actual Japanese bands in any way... Or maybe I am wrong and X Japan or Vamps would never play NYC without Yohio...
    Pretty sure people will still want to see Visual bands they like even without forcing themselves to try and enjoy foreign imitations that don`t bring anything to the table.
    Visual Kei is far from simply Glam. Glam, Hair Metal and so forth are some of the ancestors of the music, for sure, but they in no way define it, and any attempt to accuse modern VK of being a Glam or Hair Metal rip-off would be buried under the countless iterations of Visual bands which have put their own perspective and ideas into the a mix of ideas that come from all over the world.
    Also no idea why tranny is said so much around here, and any sexuality at all is not a factor for me personally in terms of my enjoyment of VK.
    Pretty sure you have more scrobbles of VK than most people here combined. But you`re exempt from any kind of infatuation with Japanese culture / products?
    I don`t see `culture` being spread, I hold culture to a somewhat higher esteem than thinking a little boy who paid to have make-up put on and producers make his band sound like somewhat old Gazette is spreading `culture`. Japanese culture has been spread for a very long time, bringing the world a wealth of new ideas, perspectives, and technologies. This has nothing to do with that, in my opinion.
    The reason why so many often fail (and fail hard) at creating many `Japanese things`, is they lack the cultural background, understanding of how things came about, and why, as well as the actual nuances of PERSPECTIVE that Japan can add.
    No, you don`t have to be of pure Yamato blood and raised in Honshu to get it, but simply looking and or listening to something Japanese and then copying it (usually poorly) WITHOUT ADDING ANY OF YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE WHAT-SO-EVER usually ends up creating something that is not a cultural import, not a new take on foreign ideas, and not anything interesting to most `educated` people at all. It ends up being DERIVATIVE (junk).
    All ideas come from somewhere, The Waltz to The Schmaltz, Ragtime, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Metal, Hair Metal, Visual Kei.
    Yet somehow, as usual, the Japanese thing is especially a rip-off, and Japanese people are up to their thieving ways again, right?
    Let`s just ignore the fact that same Blues riffs are used in countless songs, guys like Jimmy Page and Ritchie Blackmore copied those riffs as well as other forms of music extensively, then that cycle repeated over and over again, until today where we can google current lawsuits or Youtube compilations of rip-offs from all around the world.
    But VK is to be shamed specifically!
    Something about Japan has always led foreigners to proclaim some sort of ill conceived notion that they are some special unique counterfeiters who make nothing of their own... Until the reality that Japan is one of the biggest cultural exporters and innovators of all time sets in (if it ever does, as in, if people ever actually learn more about the book than just its cover).
    So you`re saying:
    Hey, not much people support the Japanese bands in the first place, but let`s change any focus we had onto supporting these Western bands for some reason... Surely it is more important to support them than, you know, actually creative bands, or actual current or past ambassadors for Visual Kei and Japanese Rock, like Dir en grey, Larc, VAMPS, Girugamesh, X Japan, etc...
    1:Okay, so why don`t we talk about those in other threads, and support them if we actually like them, for example, bands like Lilith, as opposed to you telling us we should care about this Yohio band that many seem to dislike and only follow out of morbid curiosity?
    2: Disagree, and disagree.

    Overall I would have expected a much different, richer opinion from someone who listens to so much Visual Kei music.
    In regards to things expressed not solely inside of the post I quoted:
    At this point, it seems like some terms are just becoming irrelevant due to over-use, like: Rip-off, or trying to insult a VK band by calling them Indie...
    Also just lol at `better than indie-fag` bands, not even sure why the select use of derogatory terms is allowed, but whatever, moving on:
    Since when are the Indie VK bands seen as lower quality or, more importantly, the term Major seen as any indication of quality?
    I can name tons of Indie bands that play circles around the Major bands, and if popularity is your rating point, I`m guessing you think Pop Idols are the cream of the crop. Hey, in reality that`s what this Disreign thing kind of is, I see it as less Rock and more Pop considering someone did their looks for them based on a pre-existing style, someone made the video based on pre-existing videos, someone made the album art for them based on pre-existing album art, someone produced the track to sound just like at least one pre-existing track... Where is the creative input and process from the band here?
    Also to the question of why would we listen to Japanese singing in English: Because again, they put their own perspective on it, and we get a fresh product (not all the time, but you know). No matter what people say VK and other forms of Japanese music are very unique and can`t be substituted. Contrast an Indie band playing a common style with some English lyrics to a recent Miyavi song co-written by other people. You see the difference perspective makes in creating a somewhat unique product compared to what many are finding disappointment with in Miyavi`s latest.
    Anyway, just my thoughts, it goes off topic, it goes back on topic, then it goes somewhere else, but whatever, think what you will, peace.
    EDIT: If you like this band or whatever else, cool. I personally don`t but am not judging anyone, just disagreeing with the blanket statements, prejudices, and weird spin that seems to be put on some things. No I don`t think this band is original or important for VK at all, but that`s just me and those things don`t even need to matter to everyone anyway.
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to tetsu_sama69 in GACKT's new DVD with covers of X JAPAN, L'arc~en~Ciel, LUNA SEA, etc   
    I saw the preview for it when it was posted last night and it looks pretty awesome. The samples were nice and I hope to check it out when it's released.
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in 篤人(atsuto) special band will perform with 結(yui) & Sizna   
    篤人(atsuto) special band will hold their one-man live at Shibuya RUIDO K2 at 2015/06/29
    special band members:
    Vo.結(yui) (ユナイト(UNiTE.))
    Vo.&Gt.Sizna (Moran)
    Gt.源依織(minamotono iori) (Femme Fatale)
    Gt.ケッチ(ketch) (ex-KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND, now ZORO(support))
    Ba.YUCHI (sukekiyo, kannivalism)
    Dr.篤人(atsuto) (eStrial, Angels)
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to yakihiko in FAR EAST DIZAIN - DIZAINIZE   
    The great part of people are going to listen to this band because of Leda and Sujk, Just like me. And some of this people will want to hear something like DELUHI. I wanted it to be like DELUHI and better than UNDIVIDE.
    But it's different, it don't sounded like DELUHI, remind me more TweiT (bassist's last band) with some good electronic on it. This is not what a expected, but is really good band.
    This was my best on the single, the electronic fits perfectly on the song bringing some amazing tune to it. As always wonderful guitar from Leda, and some oriental elements that's made it my favorite. 4,5/5
    The work the vocal have on this one was very well done, I don't had many hopes on him, but he represented well the band. Sujk used more his skills on that song, he is still the best drummer for me, once again Leda had an amazing performance guitar here. 4/5
    Say what you think about this release guys (:
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to sads123 in VAMPS LIVE Blu-ray/DVD "VAMPS LIVE 2014-2015" release   
    WTF, no 'INSIDE MYSELF'????
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to The Piass in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    You have a little bit more about the CD here : https://twitter.com/SuG_Official_39/status/589360153431945216
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to TheStoic in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    I agree with all the previous comments as Black was a fresh sound and had some good music in my opinion. 
    However - those song titles...
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to smilesxchibi in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    Song titles sound like something they would have released in their earlier days, though I like how much they have progressed over the years. I honestly do enjoy both their earlier days and their current style. 
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to Silverhawk33 in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    I really hope they continue the sound they had in BLACK, really appreciate just how good and unique that album is. 
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to shinobu. in Purple Stone / Gimmick. / 少年記(shounenki) live-distributed single release   
    Oh, cool! I like two of those three bands. haha.
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in Purple Stone / Gimmick. / 少年記(shounenki) live-distributed single release   
    Purple Stone / Gimmick. / 少年記(shounenki) live-distributed single (title not yet finalized) will be released at CRIMZON presents 3-man live "VISUAL GRAFFITI vol.3" at Umeda AKASO at 2015/05/30, which will include their unreleased songs
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to Seimeisen in Show your Room !   
    Reviving this thread, 'cause I feel like it!




    Yes, I have a kotatsu. And yes, I have tatami mats in... California.
    I usually take the blankets out from the kotatsu between June and September.
    The shelves on my wall are the only things on my wall, and they weren't too expensive. Got them from Amazon!
    Got everything for my closet from Easy Track. Still gotta rip off the carpeting, though.
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Kawaii_Minpha in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "メテオライト(meteorite)" release   
    Looking forward to this!
    It is in a long time, but they have been working non-stop for a while now so I think it is good.
    Lots of big shows, new Hall tour, and great releases.
    They said their last album was all about sounds from the Past, Present and Future of DOG, so it was very different, and that has me wondering what Meteorite will sound like. Their last two singles were amazing, so let's see what happens.
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    Tetora reacted to Trombe in DOG in The PWO new maxi single "メテオライト(meteorite)" release   
    DOG in The PWO new maxi single "メテオライト(meteorite)" will be released at 2015/09/09 (3 TYPE)
    limited edition TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD+DVD (including "メテオライト(meteorite)" PV), limited edition TYPE B (1,944yen) will include CD+DVD (including "めておらいとぉ!?(meteorite!?)" PV & "密着!!メテオライト(micchaku!! meteorite)"+bonus), and regular edition (1,296yen) will include CD only
    btw they will hold their one-man live "Tokyo Doggy's Land -2015-" at Maihama Amphitheater at 2015/11/23, at which their live-limited variety DVD "メチャ犬ッDX(mecha inu DX)" will be released (1 pc per person, 2,000yen)

  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to chemicalpictures in SuG new double-A-side maxi single "teenAge dream/Luv it!!" release   
    I'm hoping for stuff like overflow, ichirentakushou, kagerou... their last album had some great tunes
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