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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Making my first upload on MH now... be here in 30mins to an hour for two exclusives.

    1. ShanethVarosa


      *please be what I think it is* however, I will be here and thanks in advance nonetheless!

    2. Tetora


      I somehow doubt I uploaded what you wanted...Haha.

    3. Yuuko


      Schwarz Stein, Schwarz Stein!

  2. DIV may be stealing the spot of being my favorite band.

    1. Tetora


      I wonder what makes it so good... some mystical 'talent', or just hard work and knowledge. Predicting they take the spot of second most popular Danger Crue band since they are releasing so much more.

    2. ricchubunny


      Their recent releases are soooooooooooooooo boring to me :/ but they were awesome!

    3. seratonin


      DIV is really good and I really like them but they are super lacking in lives, which is why they can't take a high spot for me

  3. -Takes one look at the foobar thread, goes running.- Thankfully I dont listen to music on computer, looks so complicated and addictive to configure.

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      not really, just takes a little patience and intelligence

    2. Tetora


      I see...

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      to be honest the difficulty all depends on what skin you're trying to install.

  4. Back from watching 「Edge of Tomorrow??, thought it was bad@ss, and still very Japanese. Tom Cruise was awesome as usual, and the girl (Emily Blunt?) was an HBB.

    1. Licio123


      Gonna watch it this week I guess! What's HBB? =D

    2. Tetora


      Heavenly Blessed Beauty lol.

    3. Licio123


      hahahaha I thought so!

  5. New UVERworld is beyond sick...

    1. Augie1995


      How is it compared to their previous album? It's barely downloading

    2. Tetora


      It is more straightforward, if you like their signature rock and slow song styles you'll like it.

    3. Augie1995


      You're right about the slow songs but this one felt less rock-driven than their previous two. The guitars were slightly less audible (probably due to mixing), but the songs were catchy and energetic for sure.

  6. Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy. Batista and the little talking raccoon buddy were cool.

    1. mitsu☆


      Saw it too. Pretty good movie!!

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      going to see it tommorow, I'm pretty hype too.. been waiting a while for this movie

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Dave isn't a MMA player, isn't a really good actor and he's a quit man on wwe ^^

  7. コドモドラゴン is #28 on Oricon now, interesting. Let's see how well they can do.

    1. paradoxal


      Wow, really? That's amazing!

  8. Starting to get night coughs like when I was a kid. Can't sleep because of them. Watching the night, all I see is dreams people don't believe in.

    1. Spectralion


      Get well soon, dude...

    2. Tetora


      Thanks bro. Kinda sad to be up but too tired to be productive, listening to sad music imagining stuff.

    3. Spectralion


      That's better than being up but don't know what to do.

      I'm just blank staring at my notebook screen right now.

  9. Just found out I have to take an 8 hour trip to Philadelphia tonight. Loading up some new music and packing my bags.

    1. togz


      Wait ur in the usa? Idk why I thought you were from another country...

    2. Tetora


      The locations in my info are where I am in order of frequency. I an not in USA but will be soon when I finish loading my phone with stuff.

    3. Mihenno


      come visit me in Chicago :D

  10. That feel when you are listening to music in bed but want to get up and do something, but dont want to put on clothes so you tuck your phone into your underwear.

    1. kyoselflove


      Is it pulsating in your underwear?

    2. Tetora


      No, that would be weird...

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Careful with that :D

  11. Whatever happened to the last boss in a game actually being difficult?

    1. Gaz


      but the last boss is always the easiest one

    2. kyoselflove


      It's always the optional bosses that are the hardest.

    3. Yuki460


      The real bosses in a game where always be your parents who can't understand your video games xD

  12. 繰り返????????物事を覚??る????役??立??。Right?

    1. hiroki



    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      ????Google翻訳を使用??る。????日本語を話??????。????????Google??翻訳?????ら????????。 XD

    3. Tetora
  13. Just finished cutting down all the wires for my sound system and re-tinning them. Took a while but it was worth it. Sounds so good now!

    1. beni


      You have so much patience wow. Good on you, if it means the sound gets better, totally worth it!

    2. kyoselflove


      Cool, now come over and hook me up! xD

    3. Tetora


      Thanks Beni, and Kyo, 75 and hour plus food and I am yours.

  14. It is now February, and VK is about to KICK INTO OVERDRIVE. The Road to VKMania begins now... Let`s do this!

    1. Tetora


      Match I am most looking forward to: Haru vs. Chisa vs. Takeru. Three-way match for the title.

    2. Mihenno


      All my money is on Chisa!

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      This is slower for me in February. My next CDJapan order is scheduled for April and it will contain mostly cd from month of March. There's so many bands disbanded, that there's less active bands in the list of bands that i follow :/

  15. Someone dropped a Zelda game for 3DS in my mail-slot today. Time for my return to Hyrule...

    1. kyoselflove


      Tell that someone to drop one in mine.

    2. Tetora


      *Offer only valid for fans of Nocturnal Bloodlust.

    3. Mihenno


      Cant wait for Majora's Mask

  16. Thinking of trying Chapter One of 「Life is Strange?? later tonight, hope it is enjoyable.

    1. Xerath


      I saw some LP's of the first chapter and it seems really promising if you decide to try it I wish you a lot of fun :D

    2. kyoselflove


      I already played it all and I enjoyed it!

    3. Tetora


      Thanks. Starting it now.

  17. Broke another pair of heapdphones and put them in for warranty too many times. Using my Sony MDR-7506 but really want to get the Z5 now! Also want to start an Audio Technica collection one day.

    1. yakihiko


      I have all my broken headphones, When I become old I want to know how many I had.

    2. Tetora


      That's a beautiful thing.

    3. yakihiko


      I have 6 now XD two blue, one green, one red, two white.

  18. BugLug again with one of my favorite booklet designs; a themed picture for each song, really cool.

    1. CAT5


      That sounds really cool. I tried them for the first time with their latest album, and was pleasantly surprised at how fun and varied the album was.

    2. kyoselflove


      Love it when that happens.

    3. Tetora


      Just opened mine now and put it on my phone, biggest banger so far is 猿 (Saru (Monkey)), gets me so pumped.

  19. Oi, oi, oi, oi, so what's this, Xenon is on Danger Crue now? Could it be true? Very nice PV and a step up in production it seems as well. Interesting new development if they have been drafted.

    1. Tetora


      Or should I say XENON.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      oh my lord yes i was waiting for this!

    3. Lestat


      The twins band that matters! Forget about Hiro and Yoshi!

  20. So addicted to the new Mountain Dew KICKSTART drinks. Delicious taste and they give me the energy I need to continue rocking during ROYZ MONTH.

    1. Crube


      Have you tried the new specially crafted Mountain Dew? It comes in a four pack and I think it's called Dewshine?

    2. Tetora


      Nah brah I hear there is an emerging craft Dew market but I haven't got into it yet. But I did recently get a finely aged bottle from 1997 (I hear it was a good year for Dew). Can't wait to uncork it and have a taste.

    3. nekkichi


      sad white girl looking @ her sbux energy drink supply @ fridge, popping a potassium pill every morning instead of this #used-to-like-mountain-dew

  21. Tequila Tokyo playing Kung-Fu Lady live: https://youtu.be/LC9OR1KQv-0

    1. Tetora


      Taizo is still the GOAT on guitar.

    2. lollipopmonstar


      Thanks for share ♥

    3. yakihiko


      Just a fabulous music performance. Are they hiring for dancing pandas?

  22. Start cleaning my house, sweat pouring off of me. Decide to turn A/C on and set it to low... Ten minutes later icicles are forming around my nipples.

    1. Mihenno
    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      The adventure of iced nipples man, based on a true story

    3. togz



  23. Why do so many Visual Kei bands kick @ss? Just wondering....

    1. nekkichi


      I'm super happy that I'm finally back into liking new visual kei releases tbh, the entire 2009-2013 stretch was so dry tbh. '14 and '15 so far been slaying a lot. especially in comparison to cute local hostile north american acts with weak pussy and music game as well lol.

    2. CAT5


      That new Chanty album is legit!

    3. Elazmus


      the new chanty album is SO LEGIT

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