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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. The lines between good and evil have been blurred on this planet. All I can do is try to see the World as I did when a child, with the knowledge of a man. 風林??山??。

  2. The words are easy to understand, and very easy to practice. But noone in the world understands them, and nobody practices them.

  3. Thinking of finally plugging in my PS4. BLOODBORNE IS COMING.

  4. Thinking of trying Chapter One of 「Life is Strange?? later tonight, hope it is enjoyable.

    1. Xerath


      I saw some LP's of the first chapter and it seems really promising if you decide to try it I wish you a lot of fun :D

    2. kyoselflove


      I already played it all and I enjoyed it!

    3. Tetora


      Thanks. Starting it now.

  5. This band and PV look awesome, but the preview ends right when it kicks off, want to hear the rest; Umbrella: https://youtu.be/HruKx3cLfKA

    1. Seimeisen


      Fucking love the hell out of these guys! I hope they stay on Danger Crue.

  6. Those albums that just keep getting better every time you listen to them.

  7. Time for PSC to take their own advice and create some offense. Build up some new bands. New vid looks cool even if we heard a lot of it. Push White Kicks for starts. Also push Kra and Tequila, so much potential just sitting.

    1. hiroki


      the lotus is probably the psc band that i'm most interested in atm. then again, i hardly bother about the label as much as the bands themselves ;p

    2. Tetora


      Yeah there are people who care more about following the PSC name than the music itself, you know that's not my style though. I don't have all Lotus releases but I enjoy what I have heard. You not still hanging on to ex-ViV like Reno? Me and Yakihiko are hoping and praying White Kicks or something like it gets rolling.

    3. yakihiko


      Praying for WK become a band!

      The Lotus is one of my favorites that are still alive on vk scene. PSC should give more light to bands like Kra, and also help NAOKI.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. Time for the 2015 Royal Rumble. The fate of the world is decided tonight! #Cenation #RespectTheBeard

    1. Tetora


      Title match was EPIC. Everyone was amazing, Cena's tackle and aerial powerbomb, Lesnar catching Rollins, the announce table spot, and Rollin's new finisher...

    2. Tetora


      But hopefully things change before WM if you know what I mean...

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Like I has predicted Lesnar still champ and Reigns win the Rumble Match (and what a electric moment with The Rock... Samoan Dynasty...)

      Yes thing will be change, because The Authority still in charge, but Sting will be come back too kick their hell ass ^^. And The Ascencion will Rise! Not the more epic Rumble, but One of the best for sure ^^!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  9. Time on this Planet is limited brahs, gotta have as much fun and whoop as many @sses as you can in the time you got. I got a lot of dreams but maybe if Abingdon Boys come out with one more album, and I can do a knife only no damage run in every Resident Evil then I can die happy.

    1. yakihiko


      Good luck with the knife party on RE, you will need :)

  10. Time to finally make the DREAM a REALITY. WAKE UP.

    1. Shir0


      the motivation I needed to go to the gym today *crawls out of bed*

    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      5 more minutes.

    3. Aferni


      10 more mins please.

  11. Time to kick back, relax, watch some WWE, then enjoy SuG's BLACK.

  12. To all my Russian friends on here, it is very unfortunate that in less than one hour's time Rusev, the hero from Moscow will be CRUSHED by John Cena.

    1. Tetora


      'Currently residing in Moscow' and endorsed by Putin so he tries to represent Russia more than Bulgaria now.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Yes I know ^^ Don't like this fact of the storyline. This is his career match, best opportunity to become more important with a win against Cena... but I think Cena really want to win this title.

      All my focus will be ... around the ring on Lana =) !

    3. nekkichi


      what the hell is this didn't we just talk about important things like the other day

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  13. Today is long and boring, but there are many awesome things to look forward to. New ALSDEAD, new VAMPS, new DOG etc...

    1. Mihenno
    2. PsychoΔelica


      I saw Vamps on NHK the other day and I wasn't impressed idk.

  14. Today is the day where Scottish Independance may be decided.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      It's a fucking joke... they vote for independance... but they keep the queen authotiry... they need more united kingdom than reverse.

      It's more important to gather both Ireland than erode UK...

    2. Show next comments  36 more
  15. Tonight is going to kick so much @ss, first the last RAW before WM, then 45 minutes later: BLOODBORNE!

    1. Elazmus


      I'm working through tha showw

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Dude Bloodbourne is gonna be awesome, I can't wait <3

    3. Tetora


      Can't wait to invade you! Ehehehe.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  16. Top all time favorite games: GodHand, The World Ends With You, MGS2, Resident Evil 4, FF7, FFX, Dissidia, Mother 2, Shenmue.

    1. yakihiko


      Shadow of the colossus and Journey, I forgot those :)

    2. yakihiko


      I think FFXV and World of FF will make a join in your list. Those are the most interesting coming out "soon"

    3. Tetora


      Oh yeah Shadow for sure. Never played Journey brah, what am I missing. Also have high hopes for FFXV! And Last Guardian.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  17. Trying 「Man With A Mission??starting with Purefly album.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Try their (eponym) album : MAN WITH A MISSION, my favorite release.

    2. Tetora


      Alright, I like this one so I will try that next, thanks.

  18. Trying my hardest and working my @sss off. There's only one way a dream comes true, and in this world, it isn't luck.

    1. whitegrey


      You can do it! (^o^)/

    2. yakihiko


      Go Tets Go Tets, I believe in you bro

    3. Tetora


      Thanks fellas.

  19. Trying Spotify a bit since it is on Playstation now. Seems like StarWave is the label that adds the most stuff, as DarkWater always mentions. So far no ads despite free account.

  20. Uh-Oh; getting my hair done in the color of Yui from UNiTE, let's see how it looks. Will leave the eyebrows dark to see if it works. Reference, on the right: http://t.co/kakOR9Nt3p

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Tetora


      I take the above stated 'YEAH!' as Kyo saying : 'Yeah darn straight UNiTE is the best band ever and Tetora you are going to look handsome with the new hair'. In which case, yes Kyo, I agree completely.

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  21. UNiTE strikes again!

  22. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread getting DAMN juicy! - Munches on popcorn-

    1. kyoselflove


      I'm weak too lol

    2. Tetora


      That's what Team Lycaon is for.

    3. Show next comments  36 more
  23. Upcoming calendar events, second from the bottom.

  24. Upcoming Calendar Events: Fourth from the top. ;)

    1. Tetora


      This album will be a lot like Lycaon's. How, you say? Well, because it will be another 10/10. Put down the whip, it's time for DOGGYSTYLE!

    2. blackdoll


      I'm telling mp you aren't being unfateful. you finally found 5 nice guys and you gonna cheat on them with 5 other guys. what slut.

    3. Tetora


      Loyal to DOG first and foremost. Lycaon is in good hands with you.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  25. Uwakimono Hell Yeah is on Google Store for $1.29, why so cheap, half the price of iTunes, is it just Google taking less money or does the artist get less too? In any case I can't see how it is that profitable, since he made a video too. Even if it is topping the genre chart.

    1. Tetora


      So how can I download it to not have to stream it now?

    2. Owl


      After you buy a track you can dl it from website (works only twice) or via downloader https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1250232?hl=en as many times as you want.

    3. Tetora


      Ah okay, it was hard to find, I had to click 'view album' now I got it. Thanks a lot Owl!

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