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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Royz about to do it again. All I need is a killer track like 疾風迅雷。

    1. hiroki


      *high fives* i thought i was the only one who liked the beginning XD and supernova was my fave Royz release since NOAH i think

    2. lollipopmonstar


      I loved The Beginning too! Such a great single! CORE is a good album! I want S.I.V.A be even better (^ー^)ノ

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      I inexplicably like their new stuff too. Supernova more than the beginning and that latest had some rough B-sides that didn't hold up, but generally I'm a fan

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  2. Royz just sealed the deal.

    1. Mihenno


      those previews were good. Resparked my interest in them lololol :D

  3. Same routine every time: Aspiring singer comes to me thinking he is the next Steve Perry, sends me a recording or sings live. Says they will do whatever it takes. . I explain nicely they don't know notes, intervals, or how to breath, and need to do solfege, etc... They run away and are never seen or heard from again.

    1. Owl


      How cruel!

  4. SECRET NUMBER THREE---- Hehehehehehehehe -SPLOOSH-

  5. Serious boredom, got tickets to WWE and can't wait to gtfo the office and see.

    1. Elazmus


      Jealous you got smack talked by ambrose what an event.

    2. lichtlune


      You listen here punk! You, me, on the stage! What do you think about that? Or are you too much of a wuss ? Grrr! America yeahh!

    3. Tetora


      Neolicht, I'm like toilet paper since I'm on a roll, you're like toilet paper because you're S.A.W.F.T. S-A-W-F-T.

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  6. Setting up the new home studio: http://imgur.com/zMjmjPa Just need to replace the desk with a nicer one, and replace the Samsung with a Sony (personal preference).

  7. Shazna, Cascade, Ippu-Do, TM Network mix, yesss.

  8. Shoutout to everyone that uploads new stuff, higher quality versions of old stuff, lossless rips of classics, live distributions, etc...

    1. Tetora


      Jap music is found by most foreigners by peoples uploading files and youtube videos, and can be the only way to follow it or discover and find love for it. Your time and work does good in the end, IMO.

  9. Shuffle button, my old friend, we meet again.

  10. SID and AKi need to give me more synth tracks like laser and In Vain, those tracks are hot fire. When I listen to them the floor is LAVA.

    1. Tetora


      Will try not to, thanks brah.

    2. hiroki


      laser was phenomenal. haven't listened to AKi.

    3. Tetora


      Get on that brah, In Vain is worth it alone.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  11. Since the Status Update was locked: Other people have different opinions, none of which are objective, and should be allowed to post them here without being insulted. Everyone`s opinion is nice no matter the brevity. I come here to see what people hopefully feel free to express. Thank you.

    1. Tetora


      And no drama or hard feelings (besides the one in my pants) intended, just speaking my mind, like I do.

  12. Sitting here in a restaurant with headphones on because they are blaring Christmas music. #LetMeEatInPeace

    1. beni


      Everywhere now! Stay indoors for the rest of this month haha.

  13. So addicted to the new Mountain Dew KICKSTART drinks. Delicious taste and they give me the energy I need to continue rocking during ROYZ MONTH.

    1. Crube


      Have you tried the new specially crafted Mountain Dew? It comes in a four pack and I think it's called Dewshine?

    2. Tetora


      Nah brah I hear there is an emerging craft Dew market but I haven't got into it yet. But I did recently get a finely aged bottle from 1997 (I hear it was a good year for Dew). Can't wait to uncork it and have a taste.

    3. nekkichi


      sad white girl looking @ her sbux energy drink supply @ fridge, popping a potassium pill every morning instead of this #used-to-like-mountain-dew

  14. So glad it's a nice, long Pagan week-end. Need some time away from the bs.

    1. Tetora


      Also can't wait to listen to HBKY, and go see Fast7, hehe.

  15. So now all my current favorite artists have upcoming releases or made comebacks... Except Abingdon Boys... I am watching, and waiting...

  16. So tempted to upgrade my order for SuG's new album to the limited edition box.

    1. kyoselflove


      Oh...yeah. Forgot to buy one. I was like...55$..hmm..that's a CD.

    2. Owl


      Stahp! Don't do it!

    3. Tetora


      Sakura, Hello.

      Kyo, ...

      Owl, It's too late to turn back now!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  17. So what does everyone think about the Moulin Rouge single?

    1. Tetora


      Hmm... Partisan reaction so far.

    2. Mihenno


      I don't care for it either

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The title track ended up being better than I thought it would be, but it really isn't a song style I enjoy. As I stated before, I'm really not into sexxxy swing songs in vkei. I haven't heard any of the B-sides yet, so I cannot say anything about them.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  18. So what's the deal with all the trash posting in the Lycaon thread? It was a big deal when someone wasn't so positive when a member left Black Gene but it seems like negativity towards Lycaon is not as big of a deal even in bigger circumstances?

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      people are just assholes that's nothing new :/

    2. blackdoll


      Lycaon is much more complicate and indifferent so of ppl going act ______

    3. paradoxal


      Posting about someone's death is definitely going over every single limit.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  19. So worked up on the vocals I am practicing, been practicing every spare second, got them all pitch perfect for the notes, recorded, but still feel like they sound like chit. Trying to perfect the tone and timing etc...

  20. So... When is new UNiTE music coming?

  21. Society is a strong wind that can alter your course and cause you to lose sight of your true path, your true self. Don't let the wind change you, grow and stand tall.

  22. Some thoughts on latest releases: New Codomo is really nice, more like Children`s Dope; Vistlip is really good, expresses emotion very well in a certain signature way, great lyrics too; new ALSDEAD is great, love the first track but the second track is so amazing, great guitar tone and delivery, overall amazing sound; new Blu-Billion is solid as always, love the disc design so much too; new UNiTE is great, they went back to the sound of the first two albums more, love it. Listening to BORN no...

    1. Tetora


      Yeah as I say everyday now before going to bed: 2015 is one heck of a year so far. Also Hiroki, your friend must be the reason Blu-Bill are rising up the charts! I`m smelling top ten soon, each release is more popular. And Spectra yeah you might enjoy the first two, I love them. Third I didn`t hate but I prefer the first two.

    2. eiheartx


      the new ALSDEAD is top notch from head to the toe!! impressive.

    3. Tetora


      Also good time for English lyrics, between the inspiring words of ALSDEAD, ridiculous original writing of LiN, and the cheeky lines from Vistlip. Codomo also has really nice stuff in the bonus track.

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  23. Someone dropped a Zelda game for 3DS in my mail-slot today. Time for my return to Hyrule...

    1. kyoselflove


      Tell that someone to drop one in mine.

    2. Tetora


      *Offer only valid for fans of Nocturnal Bloodlust.

    3. Mihenno


      Cant wait for Majora's Mask

  24. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

    1. Tetora


      I usually never watch t.v. besides wrestling.

    2. Shir0


      is OITNB really that good? D: I'm hesitating whether I should watch it or not..

    3. paradoxal


      @Shir0 it is!! you should watch it :D

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  25. Sony need to waterproof all their headphones too so I can listen in the tub... while swimming at the beach... while running in the rain like Tom Cruise...

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