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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. I didn't have time yet! :D I'm still living in christmas because I have so much christmas candy left... But I really love Hiyuu's purple hair!


    Tbqh I think Satoshi's clown collar looks stupid as fuck. He would look so much better without it... With those pompous velvet harem pants and that gorgeous jacket (and without the hat and collar) he looks like a gothic Versailles member :D

    way above Versailles fuglyness, i dont see it.

  2. ^ i bet you think that one piece is just a "stupid drawings that give you a cheap laugh"

    no. it was good. right know i think bad fighting and anythingass story. I would like to think after this chapter it'll be back to good. maybe i should have stuck with reading the wikia summarys. i was so hype for nothing. 

  3. Am I the only one whose first thoughts were 'wow zero isn't wearing any underwear'?

    no cause of MRC's look. surprised you didnt switch your avi to new hiyuu, then all thats left is poor satoshi, he gets no love.

  4. I watched many Lycaon PVs and really, Yuuki's never been so good only with pink hair !! amazing ! So this look is top notch !

    eros, jesus, plug into, mayaku, memei.  best hat though. i hope he keeps it on/wears it the whole pv this time. it's so woooo

  5. New look:


    Fuck yes.






    thanks for fufilling my request for hd, the other ones i a saw were kinda sloppy.


    Yuuki-sama: Boo thang you want to take home to your moma, looks really date-able in that outfit. excellent pose and facial expression, and use of accessories. classy lovely outfit&hair. looking like a model scratch that he looks like that bitch in a movie everyone secretly hates and or envious ofm even with the bad makeup job.

    Satoshi: seems like he is back to the mad hatter gig, i bet some hoes are happy

    Zero: high priced escort

    ichiro: hot model

    hiyuu: yuuki's butler/helper


    I geuss they are able to keep up. not only best music of 2014, best look too.

  6. Talking about 薔薇~Rose (which is flawless) and the single「麻薬/眩暈-めまい-」, why those song aren't on any album?? Did I miss something? ://

    rose vocals are lesser than the ones now, like not in your face. and as for 麻薬/眩暈-めまい- as flawless as that is its too old.


    anyway new look (click pic for the others pics)


    does anyone have better quality scans. i need to analyze. yuuki looks kinda yeahh with that hat lol. kyo has posted in the Lycaon thread

  7. Big Bang  i like GD though some of the stuff isn't my flavor though. taeyang  how the hell did he make ringa linga? NU'EST nice but to poppy. B.A.P was so made the album was a slow soft one, i like them because the leader sounds like he is vk growling. AOA yesssss 2 good minialbums this year, and their b-sides show they are not just a sexy dance group. t-ara suprisingly they are not all bad, they sound like jpop singer sometimes. mblaq, beast, teen top, speed. just a few nice songs. 2pm is nice, could cut the soft shit. anyway the only one im adding to favs is aoa, i was ready to give up since the mv songs be so dam misleading most of the time. also feel like sistar should be more like aoa.

    Lc9 is good. girl's day jo kwon is kinda good, not going to bother with ballad 2pm. his fanservice is a legend tho.  BESTie  9MUSES Brown Eyed Girls. vixx nice, history later yess, gain yess!


    also the weekly idol guys are good


    oddly sugar free in english is very listenable


  8. nhf but

    if he's not serving 100 % ethically harvested sleepytime sachets in this exact track than we're listening to two entirely different albums

    my fault for not mentioning instrumental in the first post. I'm picky about ballads, well non Arabic ones at least.  gotta be Yuuki, karma, ran, or angle satsuki. not sure about kyoki anymore. by "rock you to bed" i meant freya, or something jamming like afterglow.

  9. lmao love that post though kaya slayed both kamijo and assagi.


    Jester: sounds like current diaura.

    Kurumeku Taiyou: the singing was dead and song was kinda boring

    Burn: afterglowish sound , nice singing, meh with instrumental

    Stardust: whinny voice that came of as trying to hard to be cute

    Hermit: the end of the riffs sound like xepher -raven

    Faust: ok

    Mephistopheles: nice playfulness with the instrumental

    Perverted Martyr: rentrer en soi-ish song not as strong RES though (avelcain yoriko drumming)

    Kaiserin - Rosenkreutz -: afterglowish

    Chariots: similar to アルルカン Apoptosis

    Moon: pass

    Grim Reaper: aikaryu like riffage without the kill

    Judgement - The Die Has Been Cast: ok, the opening riffs remind me of some breakdown.

    last song: meh


    conclusion: kaya isn't all that, and Ran(xepher) is a much better vocalist(this may have something to do with my dive into pop). lemme fatal = xepher riffage + current diaura + old school. the  heavier stuff maybe weaker unsraw. I don't hate it, i don't love it anymore either. they were nice while it lasted. you lieing if you think they are original or fresh anymore ROTFL PIMP.


    Edit how could i forget one of the best. kinda similar

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