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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Why should somebody listen to thrash metal if they want sinister melodies? And maybe that person doesn't enjoy black metal? Black metal and pop/rock/heavy metal is quite different you see.

    that why i said maybe. i wasn't sure if old school is thrashy or not with the riffage. and it was only a suggestion. and it's more likely they want some clean singing. and isn't their black thrash or whatever


  2. what the fuck man! watching shameless and best on screen couple is fucking in the trash. i mean you could say its not his fault but he could just fuck his man. otherwise nice ep consistent with the title. I sense a rape/gangbang rape and a dislike of one's home coming.




    now time for my boys musketeers . another great ep, the kings a little bitch. and i love that sly lady

  3. Andromeda was great even if the acting for some was low. love the humor. fav characters are both rhades (s3-s5). fav qu 'Keep your friends close; Keep your enemies under constant surveillance.'


    now im watching Buffy the vampire slayer, even though i dont approve of this kind of vampires. like doctor who its a different kind of goosebumbs. this time being with fighting and more adult stuff. i like so far

  4. Not super thrilled about the covers but I'm sure when I listen to the album it all ties together somehow and it'll be the perfect finishing touch to the greatest visual kei album released in 15 years like I expected  :lolita_blink:

    *2013 (MRC)


    anyway yuuki reverting back to memai, and the other a continuation of shadow. anyway please let yuuki bring out his gutturals and screams

  5. If you read my post you would have seen that I did mention that I should look for other music elsewhere. Although I highly doubt I'll find something that gives me the same feeling that Japanese music does. I mean I have found some stuff it's not like I don't listen to other music at all but I still prefer Japanese music. Why is it a big deal for me to complain about it? I can't complain about it? I don't think there's anything wrong about being "stuck in the past" so to speak. I feel in love with visual kei music of that time during that time. Since visual kei isn't genre the old music isn't as present in the scene anymore. And so I have distanced myself from it. You people should mention that I didn't intend this thread to be about "old vk vs new" that wasn't my intention. I was simply asking if others missed the costumes and makeup like I did.


    Basically the scene I feel in love with is completely gone. The highly visual bands are gone, under code production is gone, red list entertainment is gone. The big names in the scene have gone to shit, most of the bands I loved are on hiatus or disbanded. The old spirit of vk is vanished. I think I have plenty of reason to complain about it and I don't feel ashamed of it. 

    can i ask, are you bored with what you have already from the past. When i was into rentrer en soi thats all i listen too, and it was enough. and did you check out every band out with what you are are looking for. oh and what about Ru:Natic?

  6. I miss dio though i would care how they would look if they cameback. dokusei was funny as hell though


    I miss yuuki-sama's drastic old hot make up dew, cause he is just taking Lycaon down the drain with his current face on. so disappointed in him for not caring for his image. hopefully the pv will be counteracting the official new look

  7. Also DecoLa Hopping's Suiya is hella rad. She is so awesome.


    :thumbs: i always thought she would make a great melodic-deathmetal vocaliast, and I'm not talking about the weak or crappy shit either.

    anyway The Queen of Japan tommy for once i dont hate alot if clear english


    existtrance was good for judea and that's really it. it's such a shame, she was one hell of a screamer

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