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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. No it wasn't! It was fantastic. I really can't say anything without spoiling but I must say it's better then Covens. Anything better then Coven..

    And I heard they are rewriting season 5 just for Jessica Lange. They are trying to get her back. However on Ryan Murphy's Twitter he tweeted a farewell to her. So I don't know what's going on.

    yeah it was, just some family/community drama. coven on the other hand was spicy with superpowers.


    murder house > coven > asylum > freak show. 

  2. ^ thats not really a proof. We need to hear is clean singing LIVE voice

    Hopefully their will be a one man live DVD. with these new songs. so that we can hear it better.


    But this recording of his clean singing voice is shit made or he had bad day.

    So I keep my fingers crossed for a clean sining live voice video!


    Well lets see what their next release will be.

    are you going to go see them live?

  3. whats up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer being so homophobicly censored? not even a kiss. and Once upon a time got good, wondering how Cruella de vil will playout. and i cried when i found out Sleepy hollow wasn't over. I need a damm tv show date updator though

  4. that time of the year when i mourn the loss of reload, they were defiantly better back then. the perfect vocal that engaged rather than hiding behind a facade, with being backed up by a lovely instrumental.


    anyway  dear was nice, the growls sucked.

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