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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Calling names ARE insults.... since when is that fun, sarcasm with no base?


    You didn't like EAT YOU ALIVE, fine, end of story. Let's all be quiet and enjoy GAGA.

    you never herd of 'making fun of someone' its like teasing. example: oh their shoes make them look like clowns. in this case it's EYA music


    Find it really funny that some people can say that some 30 seconds previews are already better than the whole discography of another band.

    well if the worth of the disco is 0-20 out of a 100 then yes

  2. IThey have musically come back around to a point where it would fit perfectly again and on such a long album especially.



    Yuuki did say in a interview about a new sense of self, my guess that self only includes some screams here and there. not as powerful either as shown melancholic. I think Lycaon's doing the whole "we are moving on" since the screams could have came back in 2014 with dogra magra. 


    btw who produced this golden album? its so good, i feel like a women who has always wanted a child and finally i pregnant. also is it bad that i want a single at the end of the year, i just wonder what next?

  3. Honestly there's no way in hell that I could ever take this review seriously when you gave all 18 songs a perfect 10/10.... is anyone planning on writing up an objective review for this album?

    well actual it was 14. anyway it's cool because "Honestly there's no way in hell that I could ever take" what you are saying about One Piece seriously.


    Of course it doesn't invalidates their opinion, however there are probably people who wants to read a review by someone who doesn't solely base this album as 10/10 by them being Lycaon and nothing else. Obviously, people who are biased are allowed to say what they think, and even more so publish it on a forum. So if they do that they should also be prepared for peoples reactions, everyone may not agree with you. I personally do not care, as I do not care for Lycaon whatsoever. What I reacted on was "Sakura Seven"'s reply to Original saku. To be honest, nobody has even been bashing the OP lol. 

    Well if you'd have followed my words or looked into me you would have known that i was scared this album was going to suck and kill the band for me. It's not "oh it's Lycaon, so the new album is going 10/10 and the best." Yes it's known how much i love this band but the 10/10 is because of the work this blessed album had. The praise, love, and respect i give them is only because they earned it. also if i was so foolish i wouldn't have dissed Yuuki like that.


    disclaimer: i might have let the other slaves here get to me and say that it was going to be the best, but i didn't  really think and was in the moment


    Nonsense. Like anything else you only get better at writing the more you practice. Everybody says this. Even the OR's said it when they first started out and look how fast they've developed in just a few months. As long as you write once in a while and you're confident in your opinion you will get better. If you ever take the time to go back and read my old reviews, you will see what I mean. And even back then people were saying the same thing you said now.

    Thank you for you words. I'm confident in my opinion but not in my writing, i find it difficult to get my thought into words and the word choice too is tricky.

  4. tumblr_nh7tx8qLYJ1sskz7so1_500.jpg


    Okay, my first review and I don't think I'm good at this stuff. I mean Zess-sama is so intimidating. But, since Lycaon is like my everything, so here i go. I have to start off with this is how one does an album from Japan. It makes me forget about all other album except theirs previous of course really. With that being said, this is not their best album as the others could go toe to toe with this, I explained the bands constant rate of greatness. This Album however does bring their discography together unlike others so some wouldn't really be surprised by oh they did that, excluding some of the vocals from the first two years. The big thing that this album does is bring the other members into the spotlight especially Satoshi and Zero. Before at least for me, it was just Yuuki, and they were his back up. Now the group shares the attention. With this review I’m not going to review the old tracks, since the new songs themselves are what are important to me. btw This song shocked me the most, even more then MRC because I wasn't expecting this layout.


    01 Camera obscura-SE-: Starts of a Nice creepy SE music box playing with evil laughing, then with a girl scream signals the electronic dubstep sound giving MRC lovers some familiarity, they comes on the violin giving it that somber sound signaling the seriousness of the album. At the end it moves faster. This does a great job of grabbing listener’s attention while signaling something different for current followers as we hear new sounds. Also for an album called CO it sets the mood. 10/10


    02 tsuioku:  It starts off with this high pitch sound that leads into like dark chase music similar to like an orchestra to open the song, and then come yuuki singing strong and raw (what?) then the main riffage/ which had me worried with how simple it was, but it was a false alarm as the instrumental picked up with the chorus and got interesting. Then the cool down part where Yuuki's switches and scream I'll never let you down my pets. Later on we get a lead in that leads to a core/ish break down paired with violin play. It gives a nice break from the seriousness. Following the breakdown is a nice guitar solo that flow with the song not interrupting. Finally Yuuki ends it on a beautiful high. (I want more).  I give it a 10/10 for being a great opening, setting this off strong, encouraging listeners to keep going.


    03 Dark Night: Starting of with a drum roll and kind of a electronic snare grabbing attention for the fast pace hard crunching riffage that follows which you can really head bang to. Turns out this is just leading to an awesome metalcore riffs. You my say "oh i herd them before" but the ending to the riffs sound different. Anyway Yuuki come on clean singing fast with sounds in the background this time he sounds more relaxed. Then we have the dark part which is fairly breakdownish with the opera "oooooo" in the background, and Yuuki voice echoing. Then later is the part that reminds me of the song title as Yuuki changes his voice into a higher like a night riding threw the darkness. Also there is fun solo. 10/10 for making excellent use of outside sounds and going against the norm.


    04 Liar: obviously this the fun track of the album in which you can hop/headbang to with the psychedelic jelly chime, catchy beat, and yuuki going "ooo liaahh" all sexy on and off during the main riffs the chorus is sweet too with the flow. Yuuki for the first though later on does this whisper thing where it is up front and leading you on a sweet ride. Also great job with the  guitar solo. 10/10


    05 anshitsu -SE-: back to creepy with like a demon whispering and someone taking a pictures 10/10


    06 marionette: open with the giggles of a child. the instrumental comes on a with heavy bass paired with guitar singing and it goes in thumbs while yuuki singing hypnotically. I would have liked it to be longer and maybe lead somewhere but with what’s given 10/10. it's kind is like a more badass dark Kuro no dachura.


    08 kimi wo kowasu garasu no shoudou: open with dark orchestra which come in later a few times later, followed by serious toned guitar shredding to later change into a rocking side to side beat then up and down in which Yuuki sings his heart out. Another guitar solo followed by a quick breakdown. so lovely 10/10


    09 kuchiduke-SE-:  guitar break. 10/10


    10 Rouge: It is like a cross over of  uro no neko and gossip and i freaking love it! Though the vocal here are really timid which creates a great effect, this is my favorite jazzy song from them. Also love the piano. 10/10


    12 anemone: kind of like cross over between Ai wa kirameki no naka ni and Love song but piano & violin based. It is indeed full of love and very touching. In the Japanese scene winning hands down but compared to the Arabic scene not so much. Yuuki sing is too concentrated, and doesn't flow free, like where is that falsetto and high notes that drop me dead? But 10/10 for sure sing it was great just not the best and it's not like i can hold that against him.


    15 ILLUSION: open with be boob sound, to lead in a great one lined song as in the instrumental seems like it all come together to form one thing. Love the vocals and switches to different parts. lol there the breakdown which was kind of like a punch to you know who's face with the metalcore drops then electronic sounds/ dubstep. ha love the lasers! The way they ended it with the double bassing and picking up speed is kind like end of delusion 10/10


    16 melancholic: Love the obscured sounds with the guitar as an opening. Later we have this funky guitar playing coupled with heavy riffs of base and the other guitar. Sound so good with the contrast. Later some great shredding and vocals. Also the great breakdown with a lead. Yuuki moaning while the guitar is getting ready, that part finishing with a inhale, he then let out a throaty scream as the break down comes on heavy. 10/10


    17 gypsy: lol didn't see this coming, the search for something new lead to latino music though Malice mizer might have been the influence. Yuuki opens it up with his lovely voice but end on that "OMG" voice which doesn't come back which is disappointing. Anyway really lovely song with the groovy bass, clam shells and guitaring. 10/10 kind of classy too.


    18 endroll-SE-: the ending to CO really nice. Similar to Super junior M swing's breakdown 10/10 saying good bye but I will be back.


    After listening to it is really just, wonderful, amazing, lovely, great, and top notch! They tried new things when i thought they might have went dry and used things from the past show that they haven't forgotten how they started and moved along. Disappointments but not killers no screams, and not a lot of falsetto/highnotes. Since the instrumental doesn't scream harsh or power the scream are not needed. And I think it’s just his style/background that makes him sing that way. 

    If you don't love this album ___ _ ____ 

  5. You called them names meaning to insult them. That is exactly what the phrase "calling names" means. Just so you know.


    And here's a protip: My comment was 100% sarcasm.

    insults are insults and to insult is like "hey stupidface" what i did was calling there music out, wordplay, and make fun


    sarcasm with no base.

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