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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. and what these atrociously ugly fat girls have to do with the video i posted?

    well i never thought you will post anything worthy anyway, so that's okay :v

    me me me, spelled different and with cloths on.

  2. Thought I'd make a topic for these guys because: usually only the title song of their albums are good and the rest is ballad crap. Mr. Simple album is effing awesome on all levels.

    finally went threw their disco and didn't expect for ^ to be so right, like the fuck with all them damm ballads also cheesy poppy songs. a waste of the vocals to me. anyway i notice some f(x) influence when they got good. and i also notice got7 is influenced by them, so much for hip hip unlike with Bangtan Boys. team henry though cause he rocks that cheesy shitt so good!

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