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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. MRC and the subsequent singles have really been the best shit this band has put out, and they've become the only visual kei band I give a toss about anymore. Blackdoll's insistence on discrediting the "old school" all the bloody time is very strange, considering that I don't think any other band today takes cues from the visual kei tradition and does it as respectfully as Lycaon does. Their sound now is such an unique blend of contemporary influences and old school trademarks that they can actually make songs like TABOO without coming across as a parody band like all the revival bands that have been popping up lately. 


    The peoples fascination towards their earliest releases I wish was a mystery to me, but quite frankly it isn't. It is not the first time the bulk of the community gets conned by a repackaged Asian Limp Bizkit. Upon closer examination one should note how they're more aggressive now than they've ever been before, it's just that they're being more subtle with it. Long gone are the simian nu-metal grooves of their old music and Yuuki's performance has evolved beyond the juvenile cries and growls of a solipsistic coward into something powerful that actually bares relevance in the visual kei canon. Yuuki's undeniable front man chops and the aggressive as shit synth, drops and church bells on 残酷のサロメ get more across than the imbecilic meathead riff and bland VK shtick on 88 ever could. 


    Their concept has been developed to a fine point and unlike pretty much any other band in the scene today, they're getting more abrasive as they go along. The divided opinion on this band only goes to show that they're more relevant than all those sappy droning dogshit bands that the visual kei intelligentsia approves of. Eros pissed people off? Good. They can sod off and go be false elsewhere ( maybe bad metal is still in the vogue, go pollute their scene ). 


    In short: This band rules and people who don't like their visuals should give up on visual kei and go listen to Korn instead like they really want to. 

    1) i wouldn't say their best, but their music is the most i care about.

    2) well i gave up on that a little while ago and it was like if they can trash talk i can too and the best bands are new school not sure about (old ayabie, rentrer en soi)., and i discredit new bands too, like mejibray, girugamesh, deathgaze were recent. also and newer band they took from and upgraded. with grieva it's old and new diru since reload is early grieva. but with Lycaon i already said what i had to say about kiryharu (w.e his name is), and of course there is dahlia, Yuuki and satoshi destroying old school in one fell swoop, bands like grieva too. as for the rest of Lycaon's disco, sounds like it fits new school.

    3)oh hell no here is where you totally lost me. They miles above some motherfucking repackaged Asian Limp Bizkit. "they're more aggressive now than they've ever been before" ummm sure. instrumental wise with the new metal songs they are neck and neck, but the old ones take it for sure because yuuki's not screaming. "juvenile cries and growls" bullshit, Yuuki's diaphragm is very special, it may not allow him to gett deep, but at the same time it makes his harsh unique the best i've. and it is powerful cause it's carries all of yuuki-sama's rage, pain, and frustration in it, better than anything  cannibal corpse, or white chapel let out. even like it better than alex terrible (which vocals are so damm good*drools*). yuuki's 2011-2013 screams are great too not as strong to fit the music.Yuuki has always been the undeniable front man. while i'm here either way Lycaon's pretty weak now or back then, that's why I'm hoping for a brutal track so they have everything. 

    4) is there really a fine point though? they are always on the move, never standing still. and as i said before there is no better or worse, just expansion on what they can do. 


    In short: Lycaon made and makes the best music, no other artist, group, and or band gives as much pleasure. but they still need to do somethings to become totally untouchable. i have doubts that this will change though because of number of reasons.

  2. Aw, MRC is one of my favorite releases, but I guess that's just me lol.  Good luck finding it though, it took me forever xD

    not targeting anyone but. ummmm no, MRC is one of their best release, but that doesn't say much since everything they released is their best. but it's one of their defining moments(good side). ppl just sad cause of their precious rose and can't appreciate something different by them. or they just don't value Lycaon enough to move out of their comfort zone. but i guess that comes with royalty, people being unable to get past not being favored knowing dam well the well being of the people are always in mind while making decisions.

  3. Jessica's accent is German. Not Russian. lol.

    still think is sucks. probably sliped my mind cause it was boring. as for be cheap, this shit is cheap, well so far. "we are mad at the world for being dicks, lets rise up" boohooo been done before.

  4. going to wait till next week to say if it sucks. but how in the hell did TVD's premiere beat theirs? i'm pretty sure coven is going to shit on this.


    jessica's russian accent sucks dick. i like the first stabbing scene

  5. yuuki's rock from side to side in shadow, is he making a statement with that attitude? hmmmmm badass? "im the shit bitch"? "the game is to easy"?  i guess 'visual' visual kei is still alive.

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