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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. got7 i can't deny i like them, even if i'd prefer not to. bambam's a uniqe rapper i think because he doesn't get all tough when doing it, he stays cute. on the other hand mark is the manliest rapper i've herd, gets all deep out of nowhere. http://youtu.be/2sAoKmg7qPI?t=3m49s (one after the other).  jr & jb are really nice singers too. they could improve though.


    other news: i think rapping is like harsh for k-pop since the stimulation is similar.

  2. @blackdoll , the screamo part was still at DarkWater . Also i only meant you used j-core as tag for japanese bands playing core genres like metalcore and hardcore , but in the end you used and already existing genre the wrong way . Its a little similar to what ppl do with trancecore and electronicore , where the first one being a hardcore techno freeform genre , and the second being a mix of metalcore and electronic elements . I know what you meant but it turned a little confusing to someone who listens to j-core and actually i still have to listen to this album and for a second i thought they started playing techno .

    I'm not sure i follow, but we are good right? lol i'm out

  3. They are not j-core , j-core is techno , its a japanese version of hardcore trance .


    when i say core it means alot of things (hardcore, post-hardcore, metalcore, deathcore(even if its more death metal), beatdown, electrocore, nintendocore, djent) because of the common riffage. i never mentioned screamo.... so they are just some j-metal band work for you? also don't stick core in a box because they can mix shit up.



    http://youtu.be/F_q5hSyufTM?t=1m28s    <===== sounds like core to me btw

  4. i'm done with them now, since they are just another j-core band. and coderebirth was better even tho the harsh was boring. would have been good if he kept his original harsh, cause his "OHHH *OH*" sucks. and can he even do lows?


    *listening to GOKU (NOW)"

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