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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Not to mention that people like this usually flaunt their purchases around in other people's faces, then get upset when someone else does decide to share it. Lmfao grow up.

    yes this! "it's too good to be shared." my friend asked for a rar to be uploaded on youtube, and got " I wont break the law for you."

  2. Not sure if you see that you end up quoting yourself everytime and it's a little confusing what parts you are replying to. I thought you were calling Freak Show cheap with its mad at the world concept. But I think both seasons actually share that sentiment. Coven and Freak Show are both based on groups that are outcasts of society. 


    Her manipulation technique is not as covert and subtle as it was in Murder House or Coven, but I don't find her more desperate approach this season bad. I'm enjoying the differences. Rich boy is pretty awesome.

    The twist at the end was great! I wonder if he'll end up being even scarier than Twisty?

    well i was or atleast its part of it. but with coven witches are the shit, you go to them for help. and it's not like they're are the kind with monstrous faces.


    idk   desperate just feels wrong with her, atleast here

  3. But you were complaining that its "been done before". That's what I was commenting on. And by saying stabbing should be "left to professional stabbers"; a fantasy drama and a glorified buddy cop show... you do know that "slasher/serial killer" is an entire horror genre unto itself, right? That's exactly why AHS has had at least one in every season.

    no i was complaining


    the problem is there isn't a AHS feel to it to me like the past seasons, maybe it's just me. its just lame.

    the been done before and "left to" was at how cheap you said coven was. and dahhh scream is my favorite "horror," well proper "horror" movie


    anyway the 2nd ep was way better, even though its feels like a crappy abc family show at time. i don't like jessica as the manipulative bitch this time though. the rich boy is my fav

  4. Yeah, same. So, only because it's called Visual Kei all they have to worry about is the aesthetics ? I doubt you're an actual black doll, so you point is invalid.


    do you guys not know i got that idea from mana a famous instrument player in the visual kei scene, or did you not get my sarcasm with my last part. your invalid because of that post LMAO. and don't talk about my name since it has noting to do with the discussion or w.e. this is.

  5.  the fact that you guys are more worried about him looking good or not instead of their music is what disgusts me about VK fans.

    i like how ppl alway act like it's a sin to talk about looks when it's called VISUAL kei, ppl just might not feel the need to talk about the music because it speaks for itself. but of course all the ppl that talk about looks only care about looks. 

  6. because i was dreaming up a Lycaon song with a new pv (in the dream it was some live or rare thing), it stared with yuuki in a chair wearing jesus's outfit's inner top wear with a hoodie(think he was blonde), in like a wild wild west bar 2nd floor, it started with Yuuki singing fucking great in a higher tone, so beautify, then RING my mother fucking alarm comes on, and guess what it was the wrong fucking time, i didn't have to get up for 40 minute. I could have herd a original never will be herd Lycaon song but i fucking forgot to change my alarm back. I dream up a song once before, ughh but this time i didn't get to hear it. also dreamed up some new pictures too.


    Lycaon and me be like that doe

  7. The horror genre relies heavily on recycled tropes in general. Exploring and exploiting those tropes is basically AHS' thing. Part of the fun is seeing just how many they can fit into each season and what kind of story they weave through it. 


    the problem is there isn't a AHS fell to it to me like the past seasons, maybe it's just me. its just lame. also stabbing should be left to the following.


    going expand what i said to *left to professional stabbers (game of thrones, gotham). lol @ horror genre more like SN. i was more "scared out" by stalker than any AHS season

  8. i went into this thinking it was going to be shit, but it had a few songs that i liked. the problem for me was the intrumental and vocals didn't go together. but the main thing was that maki shat on hiro nice job with idea again haha.

  9. Yes, the concept done before, but why is that a problem? 98,5% of all films, series, comics, books, music and whatnot have concepts that are all done before, often a billion times, but why exactly is that a problem? It's 2014, you won't get many original concepts no matter what you watch or listen to. If you want something that is not done before I recommend you to not watch or listen to anything, because that's the only way to avoid that.

    the problem is there isn't a AHS feel to it to me like the past seasons, maybe it's just me. its just lame. also stabbing should be left to the following.

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