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  1. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from nullmoon in Sadie - Gangsta   
    My review: Listened it once, it was shit.
    I think someone needs to do a para para choreography to HOWLING, the electronic background in the chorus is so out of place I started laughing when I first heard it. It would be the most hilarious shit ever. PLEASE. SOMEONE. DO IT.
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in new band "DADAROMA" has formed   
    These 'announcements for an announcement' get a bit annoying to be quite honest. But it's good to see him back.
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ghost in Sadie - Gangsta   
    This is the worst release Sadie has ever put out.
    It's inconsistent, repetitive, and unmemorable.
    The first problem is that every track overstays its welcome. More than half the album is over 4 minutes, most going almost up to 5. While you might think that's actually a good thing, it isn't. There are plenty of tracks that would be fine if they ended about halfway through, especially the heavier ones, but they keep going and going repeating the same elements. It really drags the album down.
    The inconsistency in this album is no secret. You've got tracks where M to the ao tries the rapping thing (2 only actually), a few that sound more like a poor rendition of a middle school jazz play soundtrack, one that tries to implement electronics and synth for that fun and poppy yet heavy sound, a heavy alternative song (that sounds somewhat like Yellow Card's "Lights and Sound"), an uplifting pop ballad, a "Spirited Away" instrumental piano track, and a majority of songs that feature Sadie's typical chug a chug who gives a shrug style.
    I'm not even disappointed that the album doesn't incorporate any "gangsta" elements. I just at least expect a uniform sound throughout the album. The album is all over the place and has absolutely no idea what its identity is. I found "Madrigal de Maria" to be a poor album, but it still had a uniform sound between all the songs and you can tell they're all from the same album. 
    But not using the gangster elements is another thing. If you're going to call your album "Gangsta" and even have a few tracks where you try to implement things like rap, why are there only 2 tracks that you do this on? What is the point to all this? You take these 2 songs out and you're left with nothing that relates to the title. Either go full out or don't do it at all. Make a choice and stick with it.
    I found barely anything worth listening to on this natural born trash CD that is only good as orange rotted.
    -Shoot the targets, hidden in your mind - there's a lovely melancholy guitar break 2:40-2:50. The actual break is longer than that but when Mao comes in his vocals ruin it.
    -Gesshoku - It sounds like Mao says "I scream for you p***y". It's kinda (kinda) funny.
    -I find Tokyo Gypsy to be the only song I can listen to (the last guitar melody actually kind of sounds like something off the GazettE's Disorder. Tokyo Shinjuu, Tokyo Gypsy. Coincidence?...maybe?)
    All in all there's about 5:04 worth of stuff I would listen to on this album.
    Sadie needs to stop releasing material for a while and really think about what to do with their music. I think this album proves that they have no idea.
    Gangsta is a prolonged cluttered wreck that needs to be banned and cut off from all access to consumers.
    In fact, someone needs to take every copy and

  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in Lycaon   
    Since I have nothing better to do, I'll watch Yuuki eat meat off a stick hahaha.

  5. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Mihenno in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "SODOM" release   
    Oooh yeaaahh!! Super cool, can't wait!
  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in Show Yourself (again)   
    My minion jacked my selfie lol

  7. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from togz in Hello Errybody!   
    Welcome to MH! Remember to join us in the chat sometimes, it would be fun to get to know you!
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to loreleiophelia in Hello Errybody!   
    Hi there, I'm Lorelei!! I just joined this site for the first time and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. I'm 24 years old and I've been listening to VK and J-Rock since I was a tiny baby 12 year old hahaha.. My friend told me about this site so I decided to give it a try~~ <3
    My favorite sub genre of visual kei is angura kei (but I like just about anything) and some of my favorite bands are

    Kagrra (RIP Isshi ; ; ),
    Memento Mori,
    Panic Channel,
    Charlotte (RIP  Kazuno ; ; ),
    Alice Nine.
    Black Gene for the Next Scene
    Golden Bomber
    Litchi Hikari Club

    The list is kinda never ending~
  9. Like
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Nisimaldar in Show Yourself (again)   
    Hello ladies!... and guys, I guess... hello to you too
  11. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in METEOROID band name change to "MeteoroiD"   
    Wow, that was truly a very significant name change XD
  12. Like
    paradoxal reacted to PsychoΔelica in [SOLVED] Windows 8 yay or nay?   
    Really? What kind of job?
    My computer is running like a dream now.
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Original Saku in [SOLVED] Windows 8 yay or nay?   
    if you have to get a new hard drive, now might be a good time to upgrade to SSD! Once you see how fast it is you'll never be able to go back to a regular HDD
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in MH FEATURED POLL #2: What are your favorite sites to purchase Japanese CDs from?   
    Side-eyein' anyone who doesn't vote RarezHut ;/ 
    Content: Other than auctions, I generally buy a lot at Adumaya Honpo(aduma8.shop-pro.jp). They've got a great selection of rare items, update frequently, ship overseas with super cheap shipping and are just all-around awesome. It doesn't hurt that they seem to be less known, so all the good stuff doesn't get picked clean nearly as fast as at closet-child and puresound XD
  15. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in BORN x Lycaon EU Tour '14 -THE RAMPAGE-   
    statuses get covered so to those who couldnt go. shadow is like at 41:00


  16. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from colorful人生 in アルルカン(arlequin) new album "ニア・イコール(near equal)" release   
    The album arts for near equal have been published. I'm digging this jungle antique clock thing that's going on haha
    Also the pre-orders have started in Brand-X.
    TYPE A

    TYPE B

  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Minami in DANCERS   
    9 years! You were very powerful dancer) Oh yea.. dance classes are so high expensive thats why we have a group of street dancers of my style, and we lease the dancing hall for 2 hours.. and training together... its really fun.. we do some jams and some choreo .. improve together))
    oh... im so fan of dancing thats why i devote my whole free time to dancing))))) 3 days a week for 2 hours)
    yeah .. very nice choreo!!!!!  they made a lot of.. i li ke it..
     whats about electro-dance here is a my video from pre-selection in competition and one random powerful example))


  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Elazmus in アルルカン(arlequin) new album "ニア・イコール(near equal)" release   
    The album arts for near equal have been published. I'm digging this jungle antique clock thing that's going on haha
    Also the pre-orders have started in Brand-X.
    TYPE A

    TYPE B

  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in Lycaon   
    And more random cosplay photos lol, old school ones.
    Rito, Mio and Eve
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in Lycaon   
    Yeah I know!  I have two issues so I went for it lol.  I just took it out gently with a few other pages by bending the staples haha.
  21. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Minami in DANCERS   
    Yay, it's nice to know there are other dancers here as well! What's electro dance btw? I have never heard of it before and I couldn't find any clips in Youtube.
    I used to do jazz dance for 9 years before I moved out of town to attend uni. Dance classes here where I live now are super expensive so I couldn't really attend any serious groups. I did try street dance at my uni though, it was really nice but somehow I just didn't have any time for it so I kinda just quit it. I used to be the 'leader' of a tiny dance group which consisted of freshmen only but I'm not a freshman anymore so I really don't dance anymore that much It would be fun to attend some classes but I'm not sure if I really want to devote my whole free time to dancing anymore.
    And if you aren't familiar what jazz dance is, here is a video of our top group in my former dance school. I really love that choreography a lot, I've seen it so many times! They have won many competitions with that particular choreography.
    ...aaaaaand my little sister is dancing there :3 :3 She's so talented!

  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Tetora in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in What instruments do you play/want to play?   
    started playing saxophone when i was nine (nineteen year ago, damn...) piano two or three years later. started studying classical saxophone at university after high school, so i am a certified professional saxophonist now (well, now that is some useless diploma right there if i've ever seen one)
    simultaneously in university started playing guitar and bass, because sax sucks *baduntz* (for real tho)
    right after univerity four years ago i pretty much gave up on the sax tho, so i'm not really on my hight anymore, i do play in a funk-band sometimes tho
    also i do have my experience on flute, ukulele and clarinet, and i can somehow hold a steady rock-groove on drums, but that's about it
    that makes pretty okayish:
    with a more soundproof room anywhere near me i'd love to be able to drum a bit more/better. i'm always fascinated by drummers
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    A few things got shared before my shop started, but for personal reasons, I'm currently in the process of getting my shop registered as a legit business. Because of this, I have to do things more "by the book", which certainly doesn't include illegal things like uploading. Beyond that, some people don't want the stuff shared. If there's something really rare that's only available at the shop and someone spends... say... $40 buying it, I think it'd be pretty shitty for the shop owner to go "oh you spent all your hard-earned money on that? now I'll give it to everyone for free!". If the buyer wants to upload it, then that's great, but they own it now and it's completely up to them. As "nice" as it'd be for people who couldn't buy, I'd be lying if I said that doing such things wouldn't lose me a TON of business in the process.
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Monochrome-Heaven Hall of WTFLOLZ   
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