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  1. Like
    paradoxal reacted to zuka_1 in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    I never was sent rips for the tapes I purchased ;( x2
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Lestat in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    I never was sent rips for the tapes I purchased ;(
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kyoselflove in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    It may just be me but umm....I'm pretty sure Yuuki was still whiny in ROYAL ORDER.
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Valicious in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    So this happened.

    We are gearing up for another stream in hopefully two weeks.  Like we said before, we are ripping/encoding/editing everything beforehand so packages will be sent out right away.
    If your shipping quote is not sent out within 3 days of the last day of streaming, you will receive a 20% discount on your order.
    We're that serious about our commitment to getting you your order quickly.  
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    We're aiming for the weekend of the 1st or the 8th at the latest
  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Trombe in Lycaon will disband & new maxi single "ジプシー(gypsy)" release   
    "緋遊&一朗祝い隊" (Vo.柳(ryuu) / Gt.Naoto / Gt.Masahito / Ba.たかふみ(takafumi) / Dr.HAYATO) SET-LIST at 2015/07/22:
    01.Sign (AMARANYX)
    03.黒猫(kuroneko) (Lycaon)
    04.CANDY CANDLE (MoNoLith)
    05.Gravy Sauce (MoNoLith)
    06.麻薬(mayaku) (Lycaon)
    Lycaon & 緋遊&一朗祝い隊 at 2015/07/22:

  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Champ213 in Karaoke Contest Round 2 Voting!   
    Poll is closed, thanks everyone for voting! Jinki, BLAME and Dayu will advance to the next round, which will be announced soon!
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in 少年記(shounenki) new single "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD" release   
    少年記(shounenki) new maxi single "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD" will be released on 2015.09.02 (4 types).
    Limited edition (1,000yen) will include CD+DVD (WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD PV); while regular edition, Tokyo, Osaka editions (1,000yen each) will include CD only.
    Tokyo and Osaka editions are live-limited and will only be sold at their live venues on 9/5 (at TSUTAYA O-WEST) and 9/12 (at OSAKA MUSE) respectively.
    [CD track list]
    02. WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD(instrumental) (included in limited edition)
    02. STARLIGHT SNOW (included in regular edition)
    02. 最果てのドール(saihate no doll) (included in Tokyo edition)
    02. ムービー・スター(movie star) (included in Osaka edition)
    Samples are available here.
    New look:

    Limited edition:

    Regular edition:

    Tokyo edition:

    Osaka edition:

  9. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from chemicalpictures in I'll introduce myself too, I guess?   
    Welcome to MH!
    dof ftw
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to BrenGun in Pimp with your collection   
    oh now they show up.. guess because of my addblocker
    You really have a nice diru collection!
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to chemicalpictures in I'll introduce myself too, I guess?   
    Hello guys, since some old members are doing their introductions now, I guess I'll do mine as well, even after being around for so long!
    26yo, brazilian from Rio de Janeiro. Regarding jmusic, some of my favorite disbanded bands are:

    bis (which someday I'll make a tattoo of that heart thingy on their logo)
    nil delete heads
    Pay money to my Pain
    chemical pictures
    And that are still around:

    Develop One's Faculties (my hope on VK)
    Plastic Tree
    I've been around since I don't know when, started listening to japanese bands around 2002~2003, Tonberry torrents was the first place that blew me away with their content, as far as I remember, then to several phases of TW/MH. MH is the only place where I actually feel confortable to interact with people, the fanbase in other places is generally too obnoxious/childish/weird (totally not trying to be superior in any way, anyone who listens to VK has its fair share of weirdness, let's be honest).
    But here we can actually talk about music without people losing their shit everytime someone disagrees with them.
    So, keep being this fucking great community, keep rocking MH! And keep providing us obscure japanese music that even japanese people themselves do not care about!
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from CAT5 in Better late than never~!   
    Nice to meet you Kelly, welcome to MH! Please join us in the MH chat sometimes!
  13. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from doombox in Better late than never~!   
    Nice to meet you Kelly, welcome to MH! Please join us in the MH chat sometimes!
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Bonjour, nice to meet you all (^w^)/   
    OH HI.
  15. Like
    paradoxal reacted to anakuro in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
    Left to right, top to bottom: Haru (gt).; Roji (dr.); Reiya (ba.); Junko (in charge of whatever mannequins do); Kazuki (vo.)
    (OHP 2014-2015 history)
    October~November 2014: Session activity under the name SAA-SAA Session (サアサアセッション) 2014.12.03: 1st Oneman/first official live as XAA-XAA 『感覚セカイ』(“Kankaku Seikai”) 2015.07.01: 2nd Oneman 【どしゃ降りの彼女】リリース記念ワンマンライヴ【どしゃ降りの心斎橋】 (Oneman to celebrate the release of Doshaburi no Kanojo "Doshaburi no Shinsaibashi") 2015.12.03: 3rd Oneman ザアザア1周年記念ワンマンライヴ「ソォルドアウト」(1st Anniversary Oneman "Sold Out") 2016.03~2016.04: ザアザア主催イベント ベストアルヴァム & シングル発売記念ツアー「みんなとしたいだけ」 (XAA-XAA best album & single release commemorative sponsored tour “minna to shitai dake”) 2016.04.23: 追加公演ワンマン! ベストアルヴァム & シングル発売記念ツアー「みんなとしたいだけ」 (Additional oneman! Best album & single release commemorative tour “minna to shitai dake”) 2016.06.04: ミニアルヴァム「雨に殺される」発売記念ワンマンライヴ東京の雨に殺される (ame ni korosareru mini-album release commemorative oneman live “Tokyo no ame ni korosareru”) 2016.06.11: ミニアルヴァム「雨に殺される」発売記念ワンマンライヴ大阪の雨に殺される (ame ni korosareru mini-album release commemorative oneman live “Osaka no ame ni korosareru”) 2016.07-2016.08: ザアザア夏ツアー2016 「幽霊より怖い人間達」 (XAA-XAA natsu tour 2016 "yuurei yori kowai ningentachi") 2016.09: 「かずきとよしあつ」ツーマンツアー (kazuki to yoshiatsu 2man tour) 2016.12-2017.01: 「血祭」 ワンマンツアー (chimatsuri oneman tour) -- this is also their two year anniversary tour Releases
    2014.12.01 - 「うそつき」 ("Usotsuki") 2014.12.03 - 名も無き空へ (na mo naki sora e) live house one day only free distribute 2015.03.01 - コワイクライ (kowai kurai) 2015.4.23 - ララララ (lalalala) live house one day only free distribute 2015.06.01 - どしゃ降りの彼女 (doshaburi no kanojo) 2015.07.01 - 感電、けがのおそれがあります。 LIVE DVD  (LIVE DVD of the song kanden, kega no osore ga arimasu.)  live house one day only free distribute 2015.08.20 - 鬱くしき雨音 (utsukushiki ame oto) - live house one day only split-single, limited to 200 copies (XAA-XAA's track is 今宵は鬱くしい) 2015.09.01 - 死にたい (shinitai) 2015.11.01 -  雪時計 (yuki tokei) 2015.12.03 - 「うそつき」  ("Usotsuki") - re-recorded, to be sold at the oneman live that day 2016.03.23 -  したいだけでしょ? (shitai dake desho?) 2016.03.23 - 中毒症状 (chuudoku shoujou) 2016.05.25 - 雨に殺される (ame ni korosareru) 2016.07.20 - 妖幻鏡 -west- Vol.3  Survive as an Innovator (yougenkyou -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator) - omnibus (XAA-XAA's track is 情けない男のテーマ) 2016.09.07 - カミソリ (kamisori) 2016.10.05 - どす黒い (dosuguroi) 2016.11.02 - 余命 (yomei)  
    OHP, YouTube (full PVs and trial listening)
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Seimeisen in [SOLVED] German Itunes gift cards?   
    I only know of this store: OffGamers
    I use this store to get iTunes cards for my UK iTunes account.
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to doombox in Better late than never~!   
    So I never made an introduction thread because I'm an awkward turtle and don't know what to say in these things. My name is Kelly, I like Japanese rock music, from indie pop rock to hardcore punk. MUCC are my faves though. You can check my last.fm (link in sig) to see what other artists we might have in common and feel free to friend me there!
    I'm a mod here and it's not hard to stay on my good side as long as you don't be a dick. Easy, right? I know. Super easy. ;D
    Also #yoloswag420mejiblazeit #imverypencil #onlygacktcanjudgeme
    I shall leave you with these words of wisdom:

  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Purple Stone   
    here (credit: ayane@jps) is the full pv of アオイヤミ in 1080p it's stunning and i've been looping it non-stop
    hopefully they will upload the official PV on their youtube channel~
    i'm also curious about everyone's thoughts on the new single. i admit at first i didn't find it as catchy as amazuppai mango, but it has definitely grown on me big time over the last week. i'm also looking forward to getting my copy of the live-limited version so i can listen to the re-recording of Break the World (which is one of my purple stone favorites)
  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to JRD in Pimp with your collection   
    I usually don't showcase my collection, but I am so proud of this! I can't express enough thanks to the people who helped me with this. I owe you guys(you know who you are!) the utmost gratitude in the world. Missing Noisy GENE and Oppai no uta, but they will be on their way soon! Monochrome Heaven people, you guys are the best!!!!!!

  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Seimeisen in Pimp with your collection   
    Don't think I've ever posted in this thread...
    Just showing off my VK CDs, most of my non-Japanese CDs are not special or really noteworthy.
    I usually keep everything in my wall mounted shelves, which you can find pics of in the "Show Your Room" thread.
    I was planning to do a pic with just all my rare/special stuff that I treasure most, but I'm burnt out on pulling CDs out of my shelves and putting them all back, so maybe I'll take that pic another time...
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Pimp with your collection   
    after i ran out of shelf space i began dumping some of my CDs under my bed.
    now that was a terrible idea. i ended up with this mess that will take me at least a few days to sort thru D: (last few rows are in some vague alphabetical order but after that i just gave up lol)

  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in monochrome-heaven is like crack?   
    That's how they lured me down from the mountain...
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Champ213 in Karaoke Contest Round 2 Voting!   
    Welcome to round 2 of the karaoke contest! This time, the first 3 participants will advance to the final round. Voting will close on Wednesday the July 15th!
    9 GOATS BLACK OUT - any

    D - Ouka saki some ni keri

    Dir en Grey - Revelation of Mankind

    Unite - Osen

    12012 - Tattoo

  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in monochrome-heaven is like crack?   
    I've tried to quit coming here so many times but i can't, like the the fuck is going on here aye?  I would put a poll to ask if you feel like this too, but idk how or if i can do that anymore.
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ghost in monochrome-heaven is like crack?   
    "You can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave"
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