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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Why aren't there links or reviews for KEEL's new single yet?!?!?

    1. Zeus


      There can't be reviews without an upload and there won't be an upload unless someone shares.

    2. WhirlingBlack


      Still waiting on the staff review for the first KEEL mini, but maybe they're waiting to do a double feature as it was originally meant to be a full album.

    3. Zeus


      ^ honestly KEEL as a band slipped under our radar. But we do take suggestions so we'll definitely think about it if that's something more people want to read.

  2. 今ガゼットを????????????!

  3. "They sound so 2008 man" - 23 Year old Metal Fan when listening to DOGMA by The GazettE at work.

    1. Licio123


      I wonder if that's good or bad, lol

    2. Elazmus


      now follow-up and play some GazettE FROM 2008

    3. YuyoDrift


      I actually did, and they said Ruki’s singing ruined the music 🤭.


      I have never been offended from critiques about my music tastes, but that one did sting a bit, especially since I really thought they’d like it lol.

  4. "Top coffee pot is my stuff." "I dont drink that peasant's shit." Hahaha god I love getting my haircut in the morning.

  5. After 8 long years, I just gave my letter of resignation to my boss. No turning back now.

    1. Raburr7


      I left my job after 3 years coz i couldnt take any more night shift and i feel like i am finally free :P


      Wish you the best and good luck, life goes on :D

    2. YuyoDrift


      Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!


      @The ReverendI remember when you quit your job! Man, you give me hope lol.

      I have no replacement job lined up, but its not gonna deter me from trying my best at seeking a new one. It's a brand new career attempt for me, so I hope I can fit in with everyone else out there.

      Gonna move out there, and hope for the best.

    3. nick


      Wish you the best for your new career!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. After being out of the Jpop scene for a few years, I felt like making taking a look at some of the newer talent. Emi Maria was one, and I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed.

    1. peffy


      I listened to her first album "CONTRAST" when it came out.. 6 years ago.. and didn't like it at all. Don't remember why.

    2. YuyoDrift


      I enjoyed 3-4 tracks from the album, but I may go back and listen to it again with my keener mind.


      Try it again too!

  7. After like 5 years, I finally found the OST to Iria Zeiram. You guys have no idea how bad I was looking for it lol.

  8. And here come the nerfs.

    1. Lestat


      It's a fictional world, it does not relate to reality whatsoever. No one was even aware of this issue until Bungie tweeted it out. Doing this for a 'business model' means that games like Wolfenstein or television shows like The Man In The High Castle should be banned too. Both do incredibly well for their subject matter, in fact, perhaps because the second world war's history is incredibly interesting. 

    2. chemicalpictures


      Imo it's not really the same thing. What you mentioned are both basically stories of resistance and fight for freedom, based on historical happenings. Wolfenstein (GREAT GAME btw) is a fictional power fantasy of a one man army against dystopian nazi robots and genetically enhanced soldiers, the typical USA saves the world story trope we've all seen many times already. It vilanizes nazi powers, as it should be. In their context, they make sense. They are not apologists or supporters, it's just storytelling.


      The glove symbol thing is just unfortunate to resemble something directly related to politics going on right now, and on these days one can never be too careful. They were probably warned somehow and ensured it wouldn't become something in the future. I can eeeeeasily see kids using it to their dumbass antics and somehow dragging Destiny to something it isn't.


      It's all about sending a message, and if they won't stay apolitical, they better be on the side that will probably generate more revenue.

    3. YuyoDrift


      After all the shit D1 had changed to it, I'm no longer surprised by any decision Bungie decides to make.


      lol @chemicalpicturesI agree.

      We shoot ourselves in the foot most of the time with whiny shit like this.

      You'd think the players continuing to bitch about Destiny, would stop after seeing that it ends up being worse for us in the long run.


      Silent nerfs can be done @Lestatlike they always have (and should have done in this case) been, but when things aren't addressed, do people still bitch about it.

      They want blood, plain and simple. Fucking makes me hate the world sometimes.

      I just wanted to enjoy the game they created, but it's gonna be something else in the coming months because of fucking bullshit like this.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  9. and it's back to blowing money on trips home again ......

  10. Anybody here go by the name XJapan90 on PS4? If so I ran into you but your settings didn’t allow me to say what’s up in-game lol.

  11. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if YOSHIKI came out to say that the album would be postponed again due to the Coronavirus 😒

  12. Better download your favorite YouTube vids now before they're taken down cuz taylor swift fuggin' it up 'fer 'errbody

    1. doombox


      What did that twit do now? :(

    2. Tokage


      Trent Reznor's a fucking hypocrite, more news at 11

    3. YuyoDrift


      Good god.

      Now they're all joining the hype train.

      Only a matter of time before they post stupid tabloids to brainwash the common folk into thinking its their own fault Piracy has gotten this "bad".

  13. bITCHes this paper isn't going to type itself.

  14. Boy, does my coffee taste really good this morning.

  15. Damn it @Zeus, now I  miss A ....

    1. Zeus


      what did i do again

    2. YuyoDrift


      how am I supposed to find anything with the name "A"? lol

      White of Heart made me feelz today.

  16. Darkwave all day baby.

  17. Dat Sonic Mania doe.

    1. Aferni
    2. Takadanobabaalien


      playing it on the switch, its great

    3. YuyoDrift


      Is it 60FPS on console?

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  18. Dem tracks are too crisp, please stahp.

  19. Did I just seriously overhear that Miki Matsubara sucks? I'm going to choke a motherfucker, you have no idea.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Maybe it's because I didn't finish my green coffee yet, but I swear I thought you wrote "Miki Masturbator"

    2. YuyoDrift


      It's the devils evil! (insert religious squabble here)

  20. Did not know LEVIS changed the design of their 510 skinny, with more room for my crotch. Yay, looks l'll pick up a pair.

    1. YuyoDrift


      nah I had them to one side since it's summer. lol.


      Dress code lyfe.

    2. Tetora


      I like American Eagle Stretch pants. Half the price, and fit nice since they stretch out easily.

    3. YuyoDrift


      Oh I know. Only beef I have with them is that they shrank too small after the first time I washed them. Gave myself a wedgie because they no longer sat at the hip, and I had to lift them up a little higher. Don't get me started on what my crotch looked like lol.

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  21. Dis Game doe.

  22. Doing a good job there bud.

  23. Dude that Ghoul Duel game on google is actually pretty fun.

  24. Fack me I got placed on a waitlist to play D2 lol

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