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Status Replies posted by Jigsaw9

  1. "You tagged Kamijo with visual-kei, rose petals rain from the sky as senpai finally notices you, symphonic and 4 other tags." I need an adult.

  2. rip amano ;<

  3. Why is Nocturnal Buttlust a steampunk band now?

  4. Can I have GOATBED's new album now? :<

  5. I'm getting promoted at work!!!

  6. looking for some new moody/dark kind of ambient rock/metal. any suggestions?

  7. pls recommend me some of your fave releases of 2013 that aren't japanese music

  8. *sigh* well my uncle pass away today hasn't been a good day....

  9. Finding Yayoi (ex la miss fairy etc) on Facebook today was kinda weird

  10. today I'm half of 50. I'm midway to a midlife crisis. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  11. I don't usually talk about my life in here. But today I'm pretty sad. I had to have my lip piercing removed today and my headphones broke. What else could possibly go wrong? ;__;

  12. So...I'm in Love. With, like, an actual human being...and...it's mutual

  13. crossfaith's new album is kinda nice actually

  14. crossfaith's new album is kinda nice actually

  15. a versailles coverband that only plays reggae

  16. I notice people dickride Leda and Meku so hard my dick might fall off...but where's the love for Syu? :(

  17. I kinda like D.I.D with their bad vocals and dub step techno beebop breakdowns.

  18. Kids with whistles (RAGE!!!)

  19. ahahah and another one in my list bites the dust. i should never have made that list. :|

  20. Suicide. Suicide. Suicide and Lock and Lol.

  21. I'm looking for Japanese Stores in New York, someone know a place that sell cds and other things from Japan ?

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