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Status Replies posted by Jigsaw9

  1. well i decided to watch evangelion. i was a kid when i watched it last time.

  2. Well, my grandpa died last night. My only grandpa ;< It really sucks because when we came to see him, they didn't have the curtain closed or anything, and they were trying to bring him back and that just did me right there like i juST SAW SOMEONE TRYING TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE.

  3. Shingeki no Kyojin, going to try that anime tonight after being nagged to watch it. Hope it lives up to the hype.

  4. so I got married. I don't feel the difference between before and now. is that normal?

  5. Imagine if one day last.fm just lost all our scrobbles

  6. With TT.fm slowly turning into shit, maybe it's time to give mumu.io another chance? Less functions and no shiny interface, but at least it still allows user uploads...

  7. With TT.fm slowly turning into shit, maybe it's time to give mumu.io another chance? Less functions and no shiny interface, but at least it still allows user uploads...

  8. With TT.fm slowly turning into shit, maybe it's time to give mumu.io another chance? Less functions and no shiny interface, but at least it still allows user uploads...

  9. hmm...just listened to E'm ~Grief~...and I was pleasantly surprised~

  10. I can't wait for October. Halloween...horror movies...candy...chilly weather... it's just perfect.

  11. welp 12012 tricked me again

  12. snk all day sucka

  13. snk all day sucka

  14. "To get your tracks into Turntable, upload them to SoundCloud and then search for them here. This will allow anyone to find and play your music."....Just when I thought tt.fm couldn't get any worse...

  15. Do I continue studying for this exam or do I just give up and go make a sandwich?

  16. I'm going to start a VK band where I'm the main otamatone player

    This needs to happen.
  17. Haven't downloaded anything from here in a while. Anything interesting to check out?

  18. If I was a country this would be my national anthem
  19. If I was a country this would be my national anthem
  20. Am I wrong for thinking Merry's latest single sounds kind of like 9mm Parabellum Bullet?

  21. 2 weeks till I fly to Tokyo! (≧∇≦)/

  22. I sold drugs and wanted to rap Now niggaz rap and wanna sell drugs Dem celebreties wanna be thugs But when them slugs start flyin' And the beef comes they start crying

  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PH!!!!!!!!!

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