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Status Replies posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Finally listening to KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND's katte ni shi ya gare....was is supposed to sound like it was recorded in a garage or do I just have a terrible rip?

  2. "Eww, this looks like a tranny!" - me viewing mp3 spectrographs.

  3. The awkward moment when you spent hours trying to find a working link for a really obscure band/release, only to find out you had it sitting on your HD for years already.

  4. kill la kill is amazing!

  5. RIP Lou Reed, dadrockers worldwide hang their head in shame

  6. catch me jerking off to pictures of the gazette's new album being thrown into campfires

  7. In Solitude and Watain where so awesome tonight!! Picked up an art book and a patch!

  8. In Solitude and Watain where so awesome tonight!! Picked up an art book and a patch!

  9. My CDs still aren't here (stupid me for going with regular Air Mail instead of Registered Air Mail). Current feelings: http://media.tumblr.com/8df350ef8f967e730ce9fa9a759bb63b/tumblr_inline_mr0xi6aF6o1qz4rgp.gif

  10. caught a cold -_- but nothing will keep me from getting drunk tomorrow.

  11. Doing English tests all day long...but at first, didn't get good grades. When I started to listen to screamoradio.com from my Winamp, accuracy increased. What an insteresting brain of me! I really can't live without punk and metal perhaps...

  12. I lost my job yesterday due to my company changing what the roll of my position is...I feel crushed. I am still in shock.

  13. Melt-Banana's Fetch is awesome. Everyone should give it a try. Definitely one of my favorite albums of 2013 so far.

  14. uggghhhhh why did velvet eden have to disband ;; /also happy bday to kalm because he is precious and deserves bday wishes/

  15. So yeah, I'm going to quit taking these psychiatric drugs. Fuck em'. I'll quit drinking coffee too eventually, but one thing at a time. One thing at a time. Wish me luck.

  16. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  17. There should be horror flicks on by now. WHY ISN'T THERE ANY HORROR FLICKS ON LIKE COME ON YOU STUPID TV CHANNELS.

  18. is it okay to stan for mejibray. having a crisis

  19. Lost my phone while traveling and hit my head getting into the airplane. Hashtag hot mess

  20. A female friend said that I have a juicy booty. Not sure how to take that.

  21. I'm sad KAMIJO didn't say my big butts phrase in the UStream event :C

  22. Lost my phone while traveling and hit my head getting into the airplane. Hashtag hot mess

  23. Hahahaha, I DID IT! Today I got the test of Didactics and scored 92 points of the 100p! My hard work has payed off! :)

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