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Status Updates posted by yakihiko

  1. Mucc new mini is love *-*

    1. Tetora


      Nice, I still need to listen to all my new cd's more, still hooked on latest Nue and Tequila Tokyo.

    2. yakihiko


      You should try it soon \o/

      Tequila Tokyo had a very cool and funny PV :D

      I will wait for they to come ;)

  2. My Gab mags arrived! *\o/* last time tooked 4 months, now was less than 1 month.

  3. my girlfriend just broke up with me via messager :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. plastic_rainbow


      Agreed. Breaking up via messenger is just immature. I'm very sorry to hear that. :(

    3. PsychoΔelica


      You'll find someone better.

    4. kyoselflove


      what a hoe, move on man

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  4. NAINE DVD was finally added to CDJ and it costs like 10,000 yens without shipping. Fuck!

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      No I didn't get it... I buy only DeG dvd's. (and at this price it's a bad joke).

      I like them when it's a 1000yen single xD !

    2. yakihiko


      Lolol It's impossible nowadays a 1000 yens single xD

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      they have sell all their singe 1000yen ^^

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. NEW BORN's CD will be a LIVE ALBUM *-*

    1. Tetora


      Going to be epic.

  6. New Jurassic Park gonna be epic!

    1. allisapp


      Yep, can't wait!

    2. Tetora


      They got my boy in the lead role so of course!

  7. Now I want onion rings, but I can't have it... thank you doombox :)

    1. doombox


      *evil laughter*

    2. yakihiko
    3. togz


      yo... now i'm hungry too..

  8. Parabens Licio! :D

    1. Jun_


      Parabéns, manolo~~

    2. ricchubunny


      Feliz aniversáriooooooo

    3. Licio123


      Valeeeeu pessoal and thanks Tetora =D

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. PH mk II avatar is just flawless xD I just laugh hard seeing gundamoon guys

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      They said I couldn't have a Japanese name unless I had a Sailor Moon avatar, so I did my best :D

    2. yakihiko


      After that you deserve everything x'D

  10. Pretty excited to day 25 to come. DIV and DELUHI (:

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Lazarous & Biosphia too ^^

    2. hiroki


      RUVISH and arlequin for me ;)

  11. Ryoga senpai noticed me for the third time XD

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      :DD wish i was noticed xDD

    2. Tetora


      Nice, time to put the moves on him.

  12. So guys, I like deep sea creatures and since I saw on Jurassic World trailer, I feel like watching it only for that, it's worth? (No spoiler, PLEASE)

    1. Jigsaw9


      The sea dinosaur has like 2 minutes of total screen time, but yeah, worth it! :D

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      going to see, this monster is the main character, the more important on the movie ;)

    3. beni


      If you don't mind so many people and animals getting chucked about then it's worth it, yep.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. Someone can give me a good site to read online manga? I'm in special looking for Kuroko no Basket Extra Game

  14. Someone explain me why I can't stop to listen new MUCC's mini and ??蓮 in special

    1. nick


      No need to explain. So can't I.

    2. allisapp
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      No need to explain [1] some thing doesn't need to be explain, just enjoy !

  15. Someone know how to rip soundcloud for mp3 ?

    1. Tetora


      Follow the Heart of the Card's...

    2. yakihiko


      Omg Terora LOL

      Using a lot of plugin on my Firefox was one of the reasons that my last pc crash.

    3. Show next comments  9 more
  16. Someone who bought Coldrain's VENA and not using the numbers/code inside?

    1. Tetora


      Didn't buy any of their new stuff, it good?

  17. Sorry world, I fallen in love with vistlip again XD

    1. Tetora


      Nice. Became a bigger fan myself after this album.

  18. Staff looks all like a pink cotton candy :D

    1. togz


      ur a cotton candy

    2. lichtlune


      Ohhh!! shots fired.

  19. the Lotus last release was dissapointed, really different from the others releases.

    1. yakihiko



    2. Tetora


      Did not hear it but my friends talk about them a lot.

  20. The Square Enix Presentation will be at the same time I will do a test at Uni... Love my Life

    1. Tetora


      What games will they speak of? I am hoping that Rampage Land Rankers is there. A surprise would be nice like a nee Type Zero, but they save most stuff for Japanese events.

    2. yakihiko


      They released a Hype video, but is highly mysterious lol

      I'm want to see DeusEx and hoping a teaser from KH3 and something from FFXV

    3. lichtlune


      You could pretend that it didn't happen while you were away and just watch the twitch recording after your test.

  21. This week is being so awful, hope it get better :(

    1. Tetora


      Stay strong brah.

    2. beni


      ;-; You can do it! *wishing you the very best and sending you positive vibes~*

  22. Today I feel like listening "Romancé" by THE NOVEMBERS all day long.

    1. yakihiko


      Yes sir, pls.

    2. Chi


      the kobacrew grows

    3. fitear1590


      Amazingly dreamy song! Nice choice!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  23. Today was a boring day, just like all my Sundays.

    1. yakihiko


      It was raining all the day :(

    2. Tetora


      Ah, it was cold as heck here today.

    3. yakihiko


      Here it was warm with rain, not a good combination to me. I like cold :DD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
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