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Posts posted by WhirlingBlack

  1. 14 hours ago, lichtlune said:

    I don't think MH has an official discord group. This is the most active group (500+ members). The forum is nice for discussing news imo but everyone's kinda in their own element and don't interact much. 

     I'm not sure if you understood what I was trying to say, read it again, I'm approving of your idea, and giving you some good ones on how to move forward.

  2. On 1/21/2019 at 6:02 PM, RaeDesu said:

    OMG haha I can imagine! But that's so cool, what a list you have there!!! You must live in Japan to be able to go to so many concerts, then. How neat! Thanks for sharing :)

    Nah, I just happened to vacation there often between 2013 - 2017 and attended a whole lot of concerts when I was there. 

    There's a video on Yoshikis instagram of him shaking my hand as well, haha, that was from his visit to Sweden though. 

  3. I'm worried about fractionalizing the community, the intent is good, but the oversaturation when it comes to options and places to be is one of the key reasons that it's so difficult to keep track of the scene these days, with all the different social media, the dozens of facebook groups, forums, chats, etc.


    The solution needs to be to make something which joins all the premier ventures together so that people have one source they can use, not create more distinct fora for people to divide themselves across. One forum (MH), one database (vk.gy) and one chat (preferably with many subchats where people can discuss various subtopics within J-Rock). And it would be good if they could all work in tandem and recommend each other exclusively so that we can have the best possible "complete" solution. Every new solution created where a fully good one already is in place just causes the effect described above. 


    If that's your goal, then you're on the right track, but I think achieving cooperation is the best way forward.



    The ones I can think of, off the top of my head, are the following DVDs:


    Dir en grey - TOUR14 PSYCHONNECT -mode of “GAUZE”?-

    Dir en grey - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ______ [mode of VULGAR]

    Dir en grey - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ______ [mode of MACABRE]

    Girugamesh - Last Live DVD

    sukekiyo - MUTANS // 2016.7.17 sukekiyo 2016 live「裸体と遊具、泥芝居に讃歌の詩」-漆黒の儀-


    I've also attended the filming of a lynch. live DVD at Hibiya Park Concert Hall, but I've not actually looked at it yet so I don't know if I can see myself in it.

    I've also been featured in some instagram clips from MUCC etc. but I don't count those. I'm sure there are more though so I'll give it some thought and return to this thread! Being a tall white guy attending concerts in Japan means that it's quite easy to spot yourself in a DVD, haha.

  5. 8 hours ago, Duwang said:

    You guys seem to like when I post set lists so I'll continue doing so whenever I see Dimlim.


    Please keep doing so, submitting them to setlist.fm would be a good idea as well if you have time. This band is going places and it's good to document as much of the early history as possible. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, kuyashii said:

    Not really a fan of how much backing tracks they use though :( It kinda kills the point of a live performance.


    This is my main complaint about the DVD as well, the performance is good enough to stand on it's own, they don't need the backing tracks on the vocals to make it sound like the studio recordings. It might be my only complaint about it though, exceptional show otherwise. 


    That and that they should get a second guitarist so they can drop the guitar backing tracks as well. But it might be difficult to find one that's a good fit, who knows. 




    Best Overall Artist/Band: Kizu, DIMLIM, Dir en grey
    Best Album: Dir en grey - THE INSULATED WORLD, DIMLIM - CHE DO A RA, emmuree - lightless.
    Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP: Kizu - 「0」
    Best Veteran: Dir en grey
    Best PV: Kizu - 「0」
    Most Overhyped Band: MUCC - They've been consistently ruining their legacy for the past decade yet they expect people to stay interested in whatever garbage they put out.
    Most Underhyped Band: emmurée - they've been underhyped for the past 20 years though... 
    Band that Changed their Sound for the Best: DIMLIM, losing Issei did them wonders...
    Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse: DEZERT. What can be said about their trainwreck album that hasn't been said already...
    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2018: Dir en grey (2 concerts abroad)
    What the hell were they thinking!? Award: 8P-SB. No comment needed. 
    Best Revival/Returns: MIRAGE


  8. 57 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    Yeah, Deg were signed to Kreis when they had talent 

    I think Yukiya just produced their indies singles, they never released anything through Kreis.


    And it's funny how a scene legend gets reduced to being a former Dir en grey producer, lol. That's like making a topic about Yoshiki antics and labelling it Yoshiki (former Dir en grey producer). 

  9. After the Kisou tour I can't say that Domestic Fucker Family is mediocre anymore. Such a great live track. Awesome energy and crowd interaction.


    Kuukoku no Kyouon is their worst track for me. Goes nowhere and feels nothing. That or Sustain the Untruth like I elaborated on somewhere else. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, AverageS said:

    As in the song Dir en grey will play all the time but no one really likes?


    You'd be surprised, it's disgusting how in Japan every time they start playing Sustain the Untruth, the fans act like Christmas came early. Seen it 30+ times and by the end of the tours I would feel like the band was doing it on purpose just to mock me. A show without Sustain was like a gift. Easily the most annoying Dir en grey live track. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, EzraEroguro said:

    I hate having almost data, i need to listen to these remakes, like now.


    Who has the ability to wrap them up for a guy?


    Also, Hot Takes for Hot Cakes:

    I've been listening to this album through my Harmon Kardon monitors, EQ'd so there's a bit more on the high end, and it sounds incredible for it. 


    Agreed, I also like EQing the high end up a bit. 

  12. Kigan is ruined. I can't say much more. It's a terrible re-imagining which doesn't at all preserve the feeling of the song. The VICTIMIZATION part lost it's impact completely.

    THE DEEPER VILENESS was amazing. I'm not surprised at all, and personally with the mood and ferocity the band seems to display right now I wouldn't mind a complete re-recording of THE MARROW OF A BONE.

    Wake just sounds like Wake, it's not bad at all but I fail to see the point of re-recording it. The solo sounds lazier and that's about it. Dir en grey at this point was all about simple repetitive/hypnotic solos and I don't enjoy when they try to do some feel-y wank-y stuff out of it. Let's hope they never re-record audience KILLER LOOP.

  13. The live was a mess at times and the mixing was way off, probably worse in the recording due to the positioning of the person with the camera, one guitar is barely audible. 


    Still, I enjoy and encourage this, more VK bands should get a chance to play gigs with "normal" bands. A nice bonus is that video isn't banned at normal metal shows in Japan so it's a good opportunity to get this kind of gems. 

  14. The rivalry only exists in the western fanbase as far as I know. In Japan, The Gazette are firmly viewed as a kouhai band to Dir en grey, and they treat each other as such, despite that Gazette is, as far as I understand it, a bigger commercial success at the moment. Dir en grey was at their peak of popularity in Japan when Gazette started and it only makes sense that they took inspiration, just like Dir did with the peak acts of its era. five years is a long time in the late 90s - early 2000s in Visual Kei.


    Dir en grey fans in Japan had short-lived rivalries with Pierrot fans, and also with La'Mule fans for a certain period of time, the second of which due to some kind of drama between the hardcore fans regarding attacking each other etc. I don't remember the exact details at the moment. I don't think the band members themselves had any animosity in either case though, although I did get some glances from Kon (La'Mule singer) when I saw him live last year and wore a Dir en grey shirt, heh.


    When it comes to Gazette I think it's simply the case that both bands became large roughly around the same time in the west with the big "boom" in 2006-2007, they competed for a similar demographic and had a similar style, and since teenagers love to pick sides and create ever smaller groups within already small groups, it was probably easy to force people to identify with either or. I know that as a Dir en grey fan first and foremost, for a long period it was among many of my acquaintances viewed as unacceptable to be anything more than a casual listener of Gazette. Being equally fans of both bands would never happen as you would be fostered into this group mentality from others based on whichever band happened to catch your fancy first.

    Thankfully, I haven't seen this in many years among people I associate with, but it could be because I no longer am in touch with the youngest generation of fans, and all of us oldies have matured past that stage.



  15. I just realized that the album is close enough that the leaked section could be from a press copy of the album (they tend to be distributed pre-mastering). In that case though, the person is in big trouble since you have to sign very heavy contracts to get access to those things, and leaking could result in having to pay large amounts of money, not to mention no one in the industry will provide you with copies again.

  16. 5 hours ago, Kiryu999 said:

    I saw him at a taiban back in march in Tokyo, but I couldn't figure out if he played songs from his previous bands or original material.

    Really enjoyed his set tho

    He played only songs by La'Mule, here's the setlist from the gig.




    cry in past




    I can understand that you were pleased, that's quite the amazing setlist, I'm jealous!

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