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Status Replies posted by WhirlingBlack

  1. this whole turkey v holland fight is fuckin dumb & hilarious, but the best part was when a bunch of dumbass turks decided they wanted to burn the dutch flag in protest & accidentally burned the french one 

  2. this whole turkey v holland fight is fuckin dumb & hilarious, but the best part was when a bunch of dumbass turks decided they wanted to burn the dutch flag in protest & accidentally burned the french one 

  3. You know how there are Dir En Grey bootlegs floating around? 

    I wonder if there are some pretty crazy and cringey bootlegs out there xD

  4. were 'conditional disbandments' even a thing in '90s / early '00s vk? who the fuck started that trend? i dont recall hearing about that kinda thing until after the '00s

  5. I love that Chile still has a VK scene active enought to have not one but TWO DJs that actually throw VK parties at clubs, but do they both have to be obsessed with old school bands and only play 80's and 90's VK?

  6. Amazing Noulla 

    【remember 黒い林檎】スゴイアチガトオトモダチ

  7. Ok, so a friend of mine are discussing about the extreme animosity between Kyo (Dir En Grey) and Kisaki (Syndrome, Phantasmagoria, Lin) and apparently, Kyo once took a nude photo of Kisaki as revenge. She said she doesn't know if the pic is real, and the person she got it from believed way too many Tanuki rumours and eventually was blocked. We're both now trying to find it again to see if it's real (I'm prepared to possibly see what is supposedly Kisaki's chode xD)

    Does anyone know if it's real? If so, why was it taken? 

  8. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I'm very sorry for your loss, family tragedies are always the worst. It's very rare one has the chance to say this truly unironically but, RIP.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. I have  a dire need to discover new music this weekend.

  10. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

    1. WhirlingBlack


      All my best to you and your grandpa, I hope things will work out for him.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. I have  a dire need to discover new music this weekend.

  12. I have  a dire need to discover new music this weekend.

  13. at least most of the jrockers gettin arrested 4 drugs these days play in br00tal shitcore bands so nothing of value is lost lol

  14. at least most of the jrockers gettin arrested 4 drugs these days play in br00tal shitcore bands so nothing of value is lost lol

  15. Other guys at Dir en grey shows suck. Why push and shove to get in front if you're only going to stand around like an idiot afterwards? lol. 

  16. I have done the research and GossiP is NOT a GazettE copy. 

    First, I'm making this as a status rather than a forum post, because I don't want to start a toxic forum post. If I get flamed, I'll just delete this status. 

    Second, to the main point. I hear people say GossiP is a copy of The GazettE, and I can kind of see where they're getting at, but let's look at the facts. GossiP is very influenced by the GazettE, specifically their early, heavier era. Saku's vocal style is very similar to Ruki's, and they both share similar makeup. HOWEVER, Ruki's has a more child like quality and is meant to represent insanity, whereas Saku's is more aggressive, and has influence from traditional Japanese singing/narration. While The GazettE did play around with nostalgiac Japanese elements in the early days, GossiP's full on aesthetic is basically Japanese Nostalgia (Though they have gone outside a few times, like with Psycho Pass and Darekasan Ga Koronda). What I mean by Japanese Nostalgia is basically mixing of old Japanese (Edo period to be precise) with pre-modern (Meiji restoration to 1945) elements. Like, old military outfits, calligraphy everywhere, archaic dialect, traditional houses, etc. 

    In terms of sound, that's where things really diverge. Most of GossiP's influence comes from their old band "JyuLie", which had pretty much the same sound, just sometimes with Japanese Instruments. Now what are JyuLie's influences? Well, it's mostly a mish mash of Byakura (whom they collaborated with once), The GazettE, R-Shitei, Ningen Isu, etc. In GossiP, the Byakura influence is a bit less, but you see a lot of Punk Rock and Hardcore Punk influence in GossiP. Yes, while there is a lot in The GazettE too, The GazettE is more conventional in terms of sound. GossiP kind of takes things further. Like "Baka Aho Manuke Banzai". It has a full on Hardcore Punk sound. And even in songs with direct Gazette influence, like Akudoukai Kusottare Koushinkyoku, they make it a bit more heavier, adding more metal elements. 

    Also, I have not heard a GossiP or GazettE song that use the same melodies. Also, The GazettE has a genre which I haven't seen in GossiP. Metalcore. I haven't heard a GossiP song that I would call Metalcore. Only Metalcore influenced. 


    So in conclusion, is GossiP is GazettE copy? Nope. Very influenced and obviously looks up to the GazettE? Definitely. I can understand though why Gaze fans may be worried. With how influential the GazettE has gotten, there are GazettE clones everywhere. GossiP however, is not one of them. 

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I've done some research and come up with the fact that gossip are in fact Gazette in disguise. Don't ask me for sources but I can write a lot of random sentences with unsubstantiated opinions to make it look foolproof.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. haven't heard nookicky for ages. aww. sweet. i hope full-cchi is doing well.

  18. Download section the link is broken, please reupload. 

  19. how hollywood gonna make new movies now that all the stars except for clint eastwood r gonna move away ??????

  20. alcohol challenge, day 2. kozi's children party, yea. no ugly girls/fangirls allowed.

    1. WhirlingBlack


      ah, anything in specific? I'm open to strong stuff too.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. alcohol challenge, day 2. kozi's children party, yea. no ugly girls/fangirls allowed.

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Nah, meant like if you have any recommendation for something tasty to drink

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. y'all should tell me the secrets to getting cheki (besides going to lives)~

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Yes they do, they should have a section for overseas order on their website, at least they used to...

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  23. y'all should tell me the secrets to getting cheki (besides going to lives)~

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Yes, you can buy photo albums for those polaroids! They sell them in most any store that sells paper and storage materials in Japan. I think I've even seen it in Daiso?

      Most Japanese bangya seems to have binders full of them...

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  24. y'all should tell me the secrets to getting cheki (besides going to lives)~

    1. WhirlingBlack


      It's difficult since cheki generally are just a way to support the band and get a small memento in return. It's essentially just supposed to be a "thank you" for giving them money, so selling them outside of lives where someone else will take a cut of the cash wouldn't really make sense for them.

      Your best bet sadly is to get someone to go to the lives for you then.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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