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Everything posted by WhirlingBlack

  1. WhirlingBlack

    Are there a setlist avaliable?
  2. WhirlingBlack

    The reason why people call it shoegaze is because a lot of their songs are shoegaze influenced. Track 3, 4, 6 and 7 definitely gives off very strong shoegaze vibes in a live setting, but the way its mixed on CD makes it seem like the person doing the job really wanted to place those elements in the background in an attempt to make it more "pop", at the shows those hazy reverbed guitars you can barely hear now were crushingly loud. That being said, DECAYS is not a pure shoegaze band by any means, but saying that shoegaze is not a part of their core sound is not justified based on my impressions at their concert, at least.
  3. WhirlingBlack

    generally LUNA MATTINO "world tours" are just a live at ikebukuro chop, or "NEO TOKYO IKEBUKURO CHOP DOME" as they jokingly refer to it as. Perhaps another live in Tokyo. If I remember correctly the god and death stars "world tour" was Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka so by comparsion it was much more of a world tour.
  4. Sad, it was a pretty cozy place despite the fact that people smoked inside the hall, something I haven't seen in any other venue.
  5. WhirlingBlack

    This has been a long process for me, I've been working on it for years, but I managed to find an obscure old magazine clipping in an auction which I bought some years back but never got onto reading properly ("Groove Line vol-29" from December 1998) where a setlist is posted which gives the name as Ranshishoku. I actually took the liberty of scanning it just so we can get rid of all doubt on the subject. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62973737/ranshishoku.jpg If you look at the setlist in the lower left corner, you can notice that track nr.6, is actually given half in katakana as "ランシ色" either because the band wasn't sure on how they wanted to spell it at the time, or because they wanted to make clear the pronunciation. Notice how Mazohyst also is spelled in katakana since this was before the release of the track. Now, the interesting thing is of course, that the kanji is exactly the same. A lot of kanji have two or more readings, and in this particular case, 藍紫色 can be read in kun'yomi, the "traditional Japanese" pronunciation, as Ai Murasaki Iro. However, when read as on'yomi, which is essentially pronunciation originally borrowed from China, the same three kanji reads out "Ranshishoku". And while I cannot provide a source for this, I know for a fact that Kyo also presented the song as Ranshishoku during the 1998 tour. These two evidence put together really left no doubt in my mind what the proper pronunciation of the title is, and thus I decided to make my research public. And as a side note, hopefully this can also help anyone who still believes that "Karma" should be pronounced as "Waza"...
  6. WhirlingBlack

    Who wants to join in me fixing the setlist.fm page for Dir en grey? I now have 100% confirmation that the song generally known as "Ai Murasaki Iro" is in fact named "Ranshishoku", and thus a couple of setlists need to be fixed.
  7. WhirlingBlack

    Isn't that sort of what people have known about the whole BL (yaoi, whatever you want to call it) industry for decades now? It's a fantasy for women. It's not really surprising that most fans are indeed women since its the target audience. Same reason as to why fanservice in visual kei exist(ed?), it wasn't to make the 2 gay male fans in the audience happy. I have no problem with it as a genre though, as long as people see it for what it is, and what it isn't. Then again, as a straight person perhaps I'm not the target audience for feeling offended over this.
  8. WhirlingBlack

    last US tour they randomly played HADES (from the Japan leg of the same tours setlist) on one occasion so, I think one can expect at least one or two surprises.
  9. WhirlingBlack

    Är det här en välkomsttråd eller en privat konversation? lol
  10. WhirlingBlack


    It's been a while since a new person with a decent Dir track record turned up. Welcome!
  11. WhirlingBlack

    He's done different lyrics for most of their songs, he often improvises randomly at shows. It would take forever to list them all so they shouldn't be counted in terms of different versions in my opinion.
  12. WhirlingBlack

    The important question remain, do type A, B or C come with the PV? I expect a making of DVD and a privilege signed photocard if I buy them all.
  13. WhirlingBlack

    Proposed new topic of discussion, original vs. remake, would be interesting to see which versions people prefer. For example, my list, the preferred version is bolded. Counting only studio remakes and not acoustic versions etc. 業 (1997) - 業 (2013) Ash (1997 behind the mask ver.) - Ash (1997 kaede ver.) - Ash (2000) 秒「」深 (1997) - 秒「」深 (2002) 霧と繭 (1997) - 霧と繭 (2012) Unknown...Despair...a Lost (1998) - Unknown.Despair.Lost (2013) 残-ZAN- (1999) - 残 (2009) 密と唾 (1999) - 密と唾 (2011) Hydra (2000) - HYDRA -666- (2007) 羅刹国 (2000) - 羅刹国 (2011) children (2000) - children (2002) MACABRE -揚羽ノ羽ノ夢ハ蛹- (2000) - MACABRE (2013) 鴉-karasu- (2002) - 鴉 (2013) Bottom of the death valley (2002) - Bottom of the death valley (2013) undecided (2002) - undecided (2008) OBSCURE (2003) - OBSCURE (2011) かすみ (2003) - かすみ (2013) THE FINAL (2004) - THE FINAL (2013) CLEVER SLEAZOID (2005) - CLEVER SLEAZOID (2007) Before compiling this list I thought I was more sceptical towards their remakes than I actually am, turns out that I prefer the remake in 9 cases out of 17. THE FINAL is a draw because I really don't care for either version anymore.
  14. WhirlingBlack

    Pretty sure the best song Dir en grey has released is 虜. Expecting it to become a setlist staple very soon.
  15. WhirlingBlack

    Fresh fruit and meat at more reasonable prices, good cheese outside of specialist shops, salty liqourice which is almost the only kind of candy I enjoy eating, and finally and probably most importantly, my friends. Attending a bunch of amazing lives is fun and all but it would be more fun to go with people you know.
  16. WhirlingBlack

    and Zero is actually played live so I guess its not as much a SE as an instrumental in a live context.
  17. Would be nice to see a policy update on the forum with regards to what kind of commercial ventures are allowed to be linked and not, so to be clear on that recent events aren't arbitrary and motivated by personal vendettas. information provided so far has been insufficient.

    1. Lestat


      The Rarezhut members have clarified in their last few streams why they are no longer being promoted on the forum. For me it was perfectly clear why the staff has made this decision. I suppose most people missed this while the streams ran.

    2. Rize


      It's not the end of the world if RarezHut isn't allowed to promote themselves on MH. There are plenty other ways to do so. I really don't get it why it's necessary making such public posts. If there's anything not in your like, just talk it out privately with one of the staff members. There's no need to make a big deal out of this. Aren't we adults who can solve this privately instead of trying to throw dirt on the staff team?

    3. Show next comments  48 more
  18. WhirlingBlack

    I support this idea, dropbox is great for convenience and tabs take up minimal space so it won't make a dent in most people's capacity. Out of curiosity, where did you find the sheet music?
  19. Agreed, didn't see any other foreigners either. in Osaka I saw two who are also members on this forum but in Nagoya it was just hotaru and me as far as I could tell.
  20. on the live yesterday KEEL announced a new mini album due in October, and also a oneman live and a special live with Kazuya from deadman.

  21. Just saw gossip, severely overrated band, at least live.

    1. WhirlingBlack


      And in other news, just saw Grieva and they were the opposite. Much better live than on CD.

    2. CAT5


      mm, good stuff. Always nice to know what that disparity between studio and live is.

  22. I saw Lament. play Whirling Black a moment ago. Fun.

    1. WhirlingBlack


      That's the funny part, I think!

    2. emmny


      im mad jealous of your bangya trip!! ur basically seeing all the bands i would currently wanna see.

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  23. Unless something very unexpected happens, Cthulhu is album of the year. As predicted... even though it really should be considered a mini.

  24. keel are indeed the saviours of vk.

    1. yakihiko
    2. Tokage


      hope they'll stay around for at least a year or two tbh

    3. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Dog Keel were VK before VK.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  25. First KEEL live tomorrow, will report how it was even though I'm 99% certain it will be awesome.

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Have fun! Would lvoe to see them too :(

    2. Shir0


      Lucky you! Have fun

    3. yakihiko


      Have fun and bring the live cd with you in your bag o/

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