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Everything posted by WhirlingBlack

  1. WhirlingBlack

    I enjoy reading Kyo's comments as a very strange sort of deadpan humour, sort of like his strange comments during the Ghoul documentary DVDs. I think he's very self-aware these days of all the strange things he says, or at least that's my take on it. On topic: Will be joining Kisou tour starting from the second half so will report on anything unusual happening yet again.
  2. WhirlingBlack

    If this had been Core the Child vs. Since1889 it would've been a much more difficult fight. Also note that some of the tracks people consider UnsraW "classics" are just covers of Core the Child. I really enjoyed much UnsraW material pre-hiatus but they mostly put out garbage afterwards, and while it's true that Since1889 declined towards the end of their career too and had a much smaller discography, I feel like that they at their height (up to and including unfair single) had a better and tighter sound than UnsraW. It's sad that their location and lack of funds unabled them to record more material with that lineup. (they had a lot of unreleased songs during this period) So for partially unrealized potential, personal nostalgia and just the fact that they reached a higher level, even though it is with a vastly smaller discography, I have to go with Since1889.
  3. WhirlingBlack

    You guys really should attend a live where they play MASK and then tell me how you feel about it again. My respect for the track increased enormously during the GAUZE tour, despite the fact that it's one of few Dir en grey songs where fans actually do some more intricate furitsuke, it's a really engaging and fun track. Plus the lyrics are legendary (and printed on the tour wristband, one of my favorite pieces of merchandise in my collection.) Seconding that Unknown.Despair.Lost is a crime against humanity though and I will stand by that comment no matter what. A good example of where a song didn't need to be re-recorded in the first place.
  4. WhirlingBlack

    I think we have several professional quitters at this point. (You know who you are.) Don't know anyone that actually made a major impact that left for good but I know several that have put and kept their activity levels very low compared to earlier.
  5. WhirlingBlack

    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible. Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  6. Pretty sure this must be a troll band, the title of their song is spoofing Kuroyume, the name of the band looks like a mashup of La:Sadie's, Dir en grey and Gille de Rais, and then as above pointed out their vocalist named themselves Madeth. Plus that email address? lol. I like this though because the way its super overt and referenced makes me feel better about the upcoming copy-paste 90s vk than I do about bands who thrive on the fact that many Japanese fans don't know about older music and thus can't see through attempts at renaming old Dir en grey songs (and re-recording their PVs) and passing them off as your own. (although I'm guilty of thinking that's amusing as well and decently entertaining at lives but at least I feel bad about it.)
  7. WhirlingBlack

    I think they did some decent remixes of ain't afraid to die back in the day too.
  8. WhirlingBlack

    I like that the person who, without anything even resembling a coherent analysis, arrived at the exact statement of Kyo being unable to hit notes "99%" of the time, is using "proof" as their main source of argument. Tip for next time, try to not use ridiculous exaggerations yourself if you want people to take your complaints seriously, especially if you want to back them up by facts at a later point. It just makes the original point you're trying to make distasteful even to people who might've been inclined to agree with you to a certain extent. I have some more shocking revelations to deliver to you in case you want to dig some more dirt about the band: Sometimes Kyo uses overdubbed vocals (up to four tracks at once in some parts), sometimes they have more than two guitar parts playing at once in studio tracks which might result in some stuff sounding "trimmed" in a live setting or missing certain things (just in case you want to tell us that Kaoru and Die can't play their parts properly either at a later point, I mean, a real musician would obviously play two guitars at once.). Even more shockingly, sometimes they do things in several takes in a studio (contrary to "popular belief" it's not done in one take!) so due to human nature a note or two might actually be off sometimes during live performances. This is not exclusive to Dir en grey though, in fact it's common practice in almost every single band, and from this we should arrive at the conclusion that "99%" of the time most musicians can't perform their instruments and should probably just stay in the studio and not perform concerts. Or we just stop making stupid sensationalist posts intended to rile up fights and try to discuss things without hyperboles instead. But for some reason Dir en grey always seems to attract people who enjoy that kind of things.
  9. KEEL or sukekiyo. It's difficult to tell.

    3 hours sukekiyo show is over which included some weird stuff and ended by Kyo getting kidnapped by bdsm women and shironuri angura guys in showa era school uniforms, and then they proceeded to have a simulated orgy backstage which was broadcast on a screen.

    1. emmny


      was this the "funeral" oneman? omfg

    2. IGM_Oficial
  10. I can reconfirm that KEEL are the band who are going to save vk.

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      not disreign? i thought that's why they moved to tokyo

  11. WhirlingBlack

    Will also buy the new CD at the live tomorrow. Always nice to see Hotaru too at these events, it's becoming a bit of a yearly tradition by now.
  12. WhirlingBlack

    I really think I don't need to add anything more on most of this because hiroki explained the whole situation perfectly. About the intent of my comment on choice of words though, I have this to say: If you were to believe that the white policeman regardless of action taken by the other man was intent on shooting him to death before stepping up to him, then yes, murder would be accurate. If his purpose going up to him was to kill him then yes, that is murder. I don't like the idea of people facilitating such thoughts though because it might lead to more revenge murders of policemen (yes when you plan out and shoot people to death with full intent in advance, it's murder) and cause the situation to spiral. It's a tragedy yes and I don't doubt for a second that it's symptomatic for your country, but we are all responsible to not use words that can rile up more racial hate in a situation like this. I realise that is difficult for people affected though, and that's why third parties should be allowed input (if we even entertain the strange idea that only people directly affected by things are allowed to comment on them). That was the reason behind my comment about word choice.
  13. WhirlingBlack

    I know it's nitpicking but can people please use the correct terms? No matter what you feel about blacks being shot (not getting into the debate because I frankly don't care for either side of the argument much) please stop calling it murder. Murder is premeditated by definition. The last thing any debate needs is strong words like that used incorrectly.
  14. WhirlingBlack

    Aishuu wasn't re-recorded though just remastered for the collection with antique... Anyway, interesting to read someone with a completely opposite take on the band, in my opinion they started out strongest even though their kept the spirit alive for almost seven years afterwards. Also, on topic: 1. Aishuu 2. Antique 3. Homura Uta 4. Kuchiki no Tou 5. Zekuu 6. Tsuuzetsu The rest.
  15. 42 Songs... definitely the longest oneman live I've ever attended, and probably ever will. Great setlist for us old school fans too, even though it's missing their oldest material.
  16. Girugamesh last live was 4 hours long. Played too many songs to count, I hope someone else took down the setlist. 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It'll be uncut on the DVD. Oh, well.

    2. WhirlingBlack


      Ok? What do you want me to say? Lol.

    3. IGM_Oficial
  17. Today is Girugamesh last live. Almost seven years since last time I saw them. Will be nice to have a final chance to see some of those oldies live. 

    1. WhirlingBlack


      They played 4 hours. So many songs.

    2. yakihiko


      One more leaving with out I never see...

      Were you able to get their "period" single?

    3. Hakoniwa


      A report would be nice x3

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  18. WhirlingBlack

    The last show of the tour was definitely the best, in my opinion. The band and especially Kyo was really fired up and even though this in general has been a more energetic and "positive" tour (in the sense of the band actually being happy to interact with the audience) this last show was really a stand out. I think out of the many performances of Rinkaku I've seen this was probably the best also. When the show ended and the lights came back on people just kept screaming for another encore until the venue staff started forcing us out. I also managed to catch Shinyas wristband after the concert, which was a first for me. Nice to have some real Dir artifacts to wear to future gigs. A funny anecdote from the second to last show though is that not only did Die manage to lodge a waterbottle in the ceiling of the live house when throwing stuff, he also managed to break his guitar during one of the songs and just ran around teasing the crowd instead of getting a backup and continuing playing. Similarly, Toshiya broke off a string from his bass during THE IIID EMPIRE on the last show and then proceeded to just pull the rest off as well. I want to add that this was probably the most visually interesting Dir en grey lives I've attended too, lots and lots of lightning and laser effects and clever use of video screens and light in combination. I'm hoping they will release at least some partial footage from this tour since they did film at least some footage at most of the dates, but you never know. Finally, some advice for people who want to attend lives in Japan, never stand next to Japanese guys during concerts if you want to have a good time. They generally just stand around or at most halfheartedly wave their arm a bit. I did that mistake during parts of the last show and I ended up having to move because they were so boring. The girls always go all in so just stick by them if you want to actually participate in the headbanging and stuff. This was it for this tour for me but if anyone has any questions about it I'll do my best to answer them. I won't be participating in DSS but I'll most likely end up at parts of the kisou tour at least so expect some kind of reports then.
  19. WhirlingBlack

    That was roughly my first impression too, and I am a huge fan so I think it's a general consensus at this point regardless of fandom level. It sounds like the studio version is more fleshed out though and the song grew on me a bit between the first and third time I saw it. I'll report if anything changes tonight.
  20. WhirlingBlack

    I assume for everyone else who hasn't attended the lives it's difficult to know. Can't judge the song from a 5 second clip. As usual it doesn't really represent the track that well since the chorus is a lot more melodic than the rest of the song.
  21. Shimizu Yoshiyuki gave me a spontaneous hug today after the concert today. Max Angura cred achieved?

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Yes. My first move will be to write angry letters to all fans sharing our limited 1 copy demotapes and ruining our sales.


      After that I will figure out the real question in life. One I should have asked today. What is the difference between neuron and Gewalt. 

    2. Tokage


      What IS the difference between neuron and Gewalt?

      Do they at least play different stuff at this point?

    3. WhirlingBlack


      No, neuron somehow disappeared as far as I know... Gewalt play some neuron song in their lives now.  If it weren't for the fact that the next live is in Nagoya and I might not be able to get back to Kyoto, I'd go to the show tomorrow just to ask that very question, lol.

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  22. WhirlingBlack

    I remember this one standing out a little at least compared to the rest of the pop rock onslaught during the concert. It features piano (the acoustic CLASSIC kind, you know? Could be title reference) kind of heavily, at least it did during the live, which helped set it apart. I doubt it will please us old school fans much but you new style mucc fans are probably going to love it.
  23. Going to see guniw tools for two days in Tokyo now! If there's any interest for notes on the shows let me know and I'll whip something up afterwards.

    1. Atreides


      That sounds amazing dude. I am so envious of you! Sounds like an absolute great time.

    2. Jigsaw9


      Sounds cool, thanks for the short write-up. :)

    3. Tokage


      Full has been eating too much of his own food.. But wow, it really sounds cool as hell. You're damn lucky, dude. Was the set like mostly a mix of their older and newer stuff, or was there  stronger focus on one of their specific eras?

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  24. WhirlingBlack

    I've been going wrong with mucc for the last nine years or so. Based on that fact alone I'm surprised how much I enjoyed yesterdays live. They played some of their best songs like 大嫌い、我、在るべき場所、ママ and オルゴール. Which I've been wanting to see for the past ten years or so. Sadly of course they were interlaced with upbeat pop rock which made them stand out a bit, but what can you do. Review of the show is that it was good enough to consider seeing them again, even though I probably won't go out of my way unless it's nostalgia tours. I noticed how excited the fans seemed for some of the new songs and it made me realise that as far as the band is concerned, they are not flopping, so I can see why they want to keep at the current direction and that's why one can't have much hope for a return of old mucc. Didn't feel like creating a live report thread so here it is.
  25. WhirlingBlack

    They played all those plus another new song called CLASSIC, tonight. (due for release 2016.09.14) It all sounded like bland modern MUCC to me, the kind of music you'd find on any anime soundtrack. (ironically it's going to be a anime track too apparently)
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