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    Wakarimashita reacted to Shmilly in ☆2018 Predictions☆   
    - the GazettE's new album will divide the fan base, as usual.
    - RAZOR will release a full album at last, or at least record all the songs they've been playing for months already.
    - MEIDARA will find a new bassist and continue to make awesome music, or disband, which would suck.
    - L from T3B/BALALAIKA will make another unsuccessful band.
    - ex-Grieva members will return to the scene in some form or other.
    - dadaism#4.
    - Kizu will continue to release singles with split tracks rather than just making an EP/album.
    - DELUHI will have a one-off revival live. (Juri and Aggy's project vanished without any releases, and FED's new single B-side is called 'farewell'...?)
    - GACKT will release one single to remind everyone that he still does music.
    - ex-CodeRebirth Katsuya will find a vocalist and his new band will slay.
    - llll-Ligro- will quietly release a phenomenal album that no-one listens to.
    - ONE OK ROCK will release another album all in English. (Or surprise hiatus since two of their members got married this year/are starting families).
    - LOVEBITES will tour Europe. (They already played two shows in London last month).
  2. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to yuuzhea ikubaru in [LYRICS] Far East Dizain - Beyond These Walls   
    Word : ryu, music : ryu
    I can overcome anything if I am together with you
    Even under the grim circumstances beyond these walls
    Break out, break out what you see on the surface over this shit
    No one no one can help this trap inside of yourself
    So let me in to the world you keep to see the truths you hide
    Show me the way you truly are the person that lies inside
    Fuck !
    The expectations they hold, sometimes it feels like they’re asking for perfection
    Go fuck yourself !
    Locked inside of a prison where the bars are made out of your fears
    Pounding on the walls of [black despair]
    Look past beyond the boundaries of your life in blue
    And help out to my hand that’s been trying to reach you again
    I often believed that the sky would make my dreams come true
    But in reality, all it takes is creating a stepping stone
    I can overcome anything if I am together with you
    Even under the grim circumstances beyond these walls
    Break out, break out what you see on the surface over this shit
    No one no one can help this trap inside of yourself
    So let me in to the world you keep to see the truths you hide
    Show me the way you truly are the person that lies inside
    Look past beyond the boundaries of your life in blue
    And help out to my hand that’s been trying to reach you again
    Let your hopes being reached to the height, whatever the situation is ready to fight
    Believe in your own sight, see everything will be allright
    I can overcome anything if I am together with you
    Even under the grim circumstances beyond these walls
    * leda Solo
    I often believed that the sky would make my dreams come true
    But in reality, all it takes is creating a stepping stone
    I can overcome anything if I am together with you
    Even under the grim circumstances beyond these walls
    Let your hopes being reached to the height, whatever the situation is ready to fight
    Believe in your own sight, see everything will be allright
    I can overcome anything if I am together with you
    Even under the grim circumstances beyond these walls
  3. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita reacted to Dillinger in DIR EN GREY new DVDs/Blu-Rays released + best album, "VESTIGE OF SCRATCHES"   
    Shinya aged into a nice old woman.
  4. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from suji in MU has dissolved.   
  5. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Mamo in MEJIBRAY members post-hiatus activities   
    I mean, what can you do about it? It's not like you can control it: in fact if something shady happened management wise there's literally nothing you, as a fan, can do about it. Both management AND band members have acted incredibly unprofessional since the hiatus announcement, and while you can only speculate through rumors about what the management has done, the super nasty unprofessional bullcrap the members pulled in their various lives lately is in everyone's eyes.
    Therefore I certainly am NOT into the drama mawma, I usually follow bands for their music and once they decide they're done, well, they're done... Especially this time around.  Can't we just move on and remember the band for the good things it has done instead of tarnishing its name with stupid drama?
  6. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Seiji in Initial'L new look has been revealed + 3-month consecutive digital singles release   
    Finally on par with their music, tehe
  7. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from pawzord in Initial'L new look has been revealed + 3-month consecutive digital singles release   
    Finally on par with their music, tehe
  8. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from urumomo in MEJIBRAY members post-hiatus activities   
    I mean, what can you do about it? It's not like you can control it: in fact if something shady happened management wise there's literally nothing you, as a fan, can do about it. Both management AND band members have acted incredibly unprofessional since the hiatus announcement, and while you can only speculate through rumors about what the management has done, the super nasty unprofessional bullcrap the members pulled in their various lives lately is in everyone's eyes.
    Therefore I certainly am NOT into the drama mawma, I usually follow bands for their music and once they decide they're done, well, they're done... Especially this time around.  Can't we just move on and remember the band for the good things it has done instead of tarnishing its name with stupid drama?
  9. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita reacted to Saishu in Akinori returns to lynch.   
    No, it was pot. 
  10. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to -Tetsu- in JILUKA   
    hello there~
    Maybe someone remembers that I've promised to ask my friend who goes to nearly all of the Jiluka lives about a shopping service!
    I've talked to my friend yesterday when we went out for dinner and she said that she'll get Jiluka stuff for everyone who wants to! She's really happy that there are so many people from overseas who like them!
    I'm allowed to post her twitter on here, so please feel free to contact her if you want some merchandise/cheki/CD!
    Her address is @ beautifulparade
    You can write her in English, German and Japanese
    Please remember that she does shopping services for JILUKA only!
  11. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from maryeon in JILUKA   
    Good luck to you then!!! You will need plenty of it XD I remember when I tried to buy the fool's mate edition of DELUHI's "Two Hurt"... Man...
  12. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from maryeon in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    No... Just no.
    Bland, uninspired, unoriginal. It might grow on me eventually, but it really feels like a track that any band could pull off.
    Leda, what the actual fuck are you doing?
  13. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to maryeon in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    I love DELUHI to pieces and listening to FED makes me so upset because it is still Leda; Sujk is also there but somehow nothing sounds as good? I don't expect Leda to put out the same things he did almost 10 years ago but like @chemicalpicturessaid, it is average at best. The guitar solo is actually very nice but I just can't get behind this band fully yet. Keita also doesn't possess the greatest voice imo, which perhaps also adds to the bundle. I loved Disgracer from their previous ep, and I find that's the one song I keep getting back to bc it just sounds so different and electric and just solid af. Still ain't giving up hope tho. 
  14. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to Mamo in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    Yep @chemicalpicturesis 💯 right here. We know they can do better because "inhale" is a fuck ton better than this bs.
  15. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to zombieparadise in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    This band is like Angelo to me. Well known scene veterans, but with incredibly boring compositions.

    Everything sounds good by itself and you can't deny these guys are talented, but it's just so unmemorable.

    Something's missing.
  16. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Mamo in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    No... Just no.
    Bland, uninspired, unoriginal. It might grow on me eventually, but it really feels like a track that any band could pull off.
    Leda, what the actual fuck are you doing?
  17. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to chemicalpictures in Far East Dizain new single "Beyond These Walls" release   
    Thing is, those guys are way above average musicians but the majority of their output is mediocre at best. They have set up all time high expectations, and most of the time failed to deliver (except for the mindblowing Inhale)... This ain't bad for your regular half baked vk act, but for a superstar team like this one is disappointing, to say the least.
  18. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from NightFall in DADAROMA new mini-album 「This is “LIVE”」release   
    Let's fucking go \m/,
  19. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita reacted to nekkichi in Setsuna (ex. THE EGOIST) Arrested   
    I believe this has to do with low car ownership in Hong Kong, where this method originates from; in the west they'd fire up a car engine and put an exhaust pipe extension into the car, shutting the windows tight.
    will visual kei appropriate a hongkonese app that locates rental apartments with history of inhabitant suicides, including the abovementioned method? is akasaka blitz haunted by the hopes of Dir en grey fans who perished while waiting for good releases?
    does the ghost of Akira (ex-Baroque) relevancy spook drunk bangyas who loiter in the streets late?
  20. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from Mamo in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    Are you fucking kidding me?!!?!
  21. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to patientZERO in Setsuna (ex. THE EGOIST) Arrested   
    Don't let the actions of one member from a disbanded RR band influence your feelings on an entire scene. Bad apples exist in every batch.
  22. LOLOL
    Wakarimashita reacted to platy in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    Bands are  rarely edgy enough to make me say 'this is fucked up'. But I can safely say that PV is fucked up.
  23. Like
    Wakarimashita got a reaction from suji in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    Are you fucking kidding me?!!?!
  24. Thanks
    Wakarimashita reacted to kareta-uta in R-shitei new single 毒廻る (Doku Mawaru) release   
    Just a rough translation ^^ if anyone has a better one or correction, feel free to add it!
    The conversation when they are eating:
    Mother to father: This Sashimi looks delicious, doesn't it? I added very fresh (?) things! Is it good? You love tuna, don't you? You also like Hijiki, right? I also made Hijiki. Is it good? And I made the Miso soup with Wakame and Tofu which you like. Please, eat!
    Mother to daughter: What are you doing? Eat already!
    In the end the girl is saying "Thank you for the meal./What a wonderful meal."
  25. Like
    Wakarimashita reacted to chemicalpictures in Do Japanese men dislike visual kei?   
    This. That shit is WEIRD AF. To be honest I find any kind of extreme fandom weird and kinda childish. Not that it's an exclusivity of fans of japanese stuff, but they sure get top scores at it. It can't be that healthy to dedicate so much money, energy and time to a hobby like that...
    But yeah, the gya culture is indeed what sustains the VK environment. But that's just because VK does not have a clearly defined purpose nowadays. The movement was created with an idea that made sense at the time, to create a space for expression, to counter the mainstream culture of the time, and it was necessary. It happened all over the world, there was Punk, Glam, Tropicalia, each with its differences, but it was there. You can bet X, Luna Sea, Kuroyume are bands with 50/50 fans. Today, there's no need for that. What does VK bring to the table? What's the message in 2017? There's none, it's a scene that exists sorely to fuel these girls/fans idealizations and desires, in exchange of their money. So those foundations are so set in stone, I don't really see it changing at all.
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