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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. patientZERO

    I may need your help getting a copy. I'll let you know as soon as I can. Thanks!
  2. patientZERO

    You can purchase the instrumental version of Allium here: https://linkco.re/3ba5zPdT?lang=en
  3. patientZERO

    Zyean looking like he wore what he usually does on his way to chill with his homies.
  4. Is it just me or does anybody else hear "smoke weed" at around 2:14 in DIMLIM's song "Before it's too late"? You can hear the lighter flick (a weird common trend in VK right now for some reason ...) and then it sounds like some native English speaker say "smoke weed."

    1. Elazmus


      Yup not sure where the sample is from though

  5. patientZERO

    I honestly would hope sujk doesn't stoop down to this. I really wanted to like this band, but they're just so damn mediocre.
  6. patientZERO

    It looks like they're all wearing matching suits except for the last dude. Did they run out of his size?
  7. patientZERO

    The single has been delayed indefinitely and all pre-orders were canceled due to COVID. According to what I can understand from Daiki's tweet, they were in the process of polishing it up, but since the studios are all closed after Japan shut down, they can't complete it.
  8. patientZERO

    They started censoring their own PV's too. My guess is it was a directive from their label/agent/whoever. They had a PV with a straight up naked woman and then their latest, they blurred out the middle finger ...
  9. patientZERO

    Definitely their last good song.
  10. patientZERO

    I loved this band to pieces. If it weren't the apocalypse and I fear losing my job every day, I may think about flying to the other side of the earth to see one of these revival lives.
  11. I just realized that SARIGIA's RUIN's intro is pretty much the same as The GazettE's DOGMA. Why did it take me this long to place it?

  12. patientZERO

    Wait wait ... how did I not know about this Ninjak show?! Also, boy was Bloodshot bad. There was so much unnecessary CGI, like they were cutting corners to avoid having to shoot vehicles? Also that whole scene in the tunnel was cool, but flour is extremely flammable. That whole place would have gone up in an inferno the second they dropped the flares.
  13. patientZERO

    Do they seriously only have two songs released?
  14. patientZERO

    It will most likely be available on their webshop after the lives they'll be selling it at, just as was the case with their last two live DVDs. So just hang in there.
  15. patientZERO

    His statement at least guarantees he'll be back in a band. He said it may even be with the other three, so this just might be the end for "DADAROMA." In VK, we see this type of thing happen often. The concept of the band is lost and the band needs to finish because it was that image they wanted. It's good to know it's not due to in-fighting, but maybe due to label issues.
  16. I survived the purge at work ... the first time they've had to lay off employees in 60 years. 20% gone. I'm still employed for now, though ...

    1. YuyoDrift


      Just hope that at least when it does come time for you to be up to bat, that it's a simple furlough and not a layoff. I'm fucked cuz I'm pretty sure they are going to sever my contract with the company I work for, but it also means I can apply for unemployment since it will be a layoff.


      Good luck dude. 

    2. lichtlune


      World is getting rough out there man... 

    3. patientZERO


      @YuyoDriftGood luck to you too, man. I honestly hope this all blows over before it comes to a second round of layoffs for myself and before they terminate your contract. Yesterday was a hard day at work for everyone in the company and afterward there was a conference call where they expected everyone else to step up for those who were let go. A bit of a mixed bag of messages.

      I will give them a bit of credit, though, since they laid off those who were close to retirement age (and probably gave them early retirement) and also some of the chaff who weren't that great to begin with, but they couldn't afford to let go when we were super busy. It still sucks, though.

      Hang in there everybody. I'm trying to stay positive.

  17. patientZERO

    I liked like 95% of their output, so this super sucks. Although at least they disbanded before continually releasing the garbage they were aiming at towards the end ... Regardless, I look forward to Yoshiatsu's new project as his voice is sweet and sultry to my ears and he ain't all that bad to look at.
  18. patientZERO

    Looks like they aren't actually reforming ... and they are unable to get their merchandise from their suppliers, so they're shutting down their store as well.
  19. patientZERO

    Again ... Hiroto is barely existent. The only footage is quick flashes of studio stuff, maybe even things he recorded for his twitter ages ago. Is this even a band?
  20. patientZERO

    Obligatory suit-kei look.
  21. They straight up had nude women in their MV's before and now they're censoring the middle finger? What's wrong with you guys, DADAROMA?! You lost your edge.
  22. patientZERO

    Can you hook a brotha up??
  23. I'm so fucking scared of losing my job due to this outbreak ... I barely make enough to scrap by and can't afford to live on my own. How am I going to survive if all the airlines go bankrupt?

    1. Gesu


      I feel ya. I'm not employed yet but I've been looking for a job for months and I was set to have a tour around a local shop on Friday morning which would lead to a work experience placement, then a paying job if I did well enough. Guess what's getting rescheduled due to coronavirus.

    2. nekkichi


      there's like a real new global recession predicted for 2020 anyway why r y'all so worried about like the flu

    3. leighla


      I work in aviation, too, but I'm almost five years seniority, which is one of the oldest in the department aside from my boss. I'm still worried regardless because of the airline just going under. I know president said he'd bailout the airlines, but the money has to come from somewhere.

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  24. patientZERO

    Their other live DVDs were initially live-limited as well, then they sold them on their webshop, if I remember correctly.
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