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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. patientZERO

    I mean, aren't most bands? The whole virus is kinda putting a hold on everything.
  2. patientZERO

    Don't fucking joke ...
  3. patientZERO

    The gap in the middle is indeed for the ramp, but look at all the empty seats and spots all over the floor that are empty. They really shot themselves in the foot with the timing of the announcement as well as the timing of the tour. Granted, I saw them in NYC and it was a fantastic show, as well as incredibly packed.
  4. patientZERO

    It was sold out ... but really only like two thirds full. They announced the show months before a full tour, so people (like me) bought tickets to this but didn't go because there were shows closer to them. And then most of the other tickets were bought by resellers and never resold. So yes, it was "sold out" but not nearly at capacity. I'm searching for one particular picture that shows how empty most of the seats were and the giant gaping spots on the floor. I'll update once I find it. **EDIT** Here's one:
  5. patientZERO

    lynch. will live and die by the mantra "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  6. Joke or not, I think that may be the case. In watching interviews with the band, he always seemed the most out-of-place with the attention. Granted I never saw them live or anything.
  7. patientZERO

    Soroban and SCISSOR had a kid.
  8. patientZERO

    I won't knock the guy for trying to speak English since they're clearly attempting to get more non-Japanese fans, but the content of the interview is pretty childish. His answer to the hardest song to write is like a kid trying to sound super deep and smart, especially given his self-proclaimed lack of music theory ...
  9. patientZERO

    I like! They have a very Develop One's Faculties vibe.
  10. patientZERO

    Naoki said in a tweet responding to Cazqui that if DEATHGAZE revives, even for a day, he'll be waiting. While I don't think that's any time in the future, it at least sounds like he's not retiring any time soon.
  11. patientZERO

    That low growl is proof that Hazuki and Kagami (DEXCORE) have been hanging out lately.
  12. Worst upcoming cover art: lynch. or DADAROMA?
  13. patientZERO

    They fucking shopped out Hiroto and even covered him up in the preview of their single at the end ...
  14. patientZERO

    If you read and liked Parasite, it's a lot like that at first and gets pretty bonkers later on. Check out the spoiler below for a spread of how detailed and crazy the art is.
  15. I found a live video of nurié that they shot in the middle of A FUCKING MALL! That takes a lot of balls.


  16. patientZERO

    I've been wanting to see Guns Akimbo since I heard about it. Also The Power of Glove sounded interesting, though the peripheral is kind of useless ...
  17. patientZERO

    So I'm jumping into this topic late, but I've been reading a ton of manga lately and need to recommend Jagaaaaaan (yes, that's really the title) to any and everyone who likes seinen action/horror. The art is super unique and while the story starts off kind of generic has really taken a path of its own lately. Seriously, check it out.
  18. patientZERO

    Interesting ... he even said how there are pluses and minuses to posting this kind of stuff, but he thought he should. Omedatou my man!
  19. Damn, I really hope he's okay! He didn't just miss out on a live, but a HUGE 2man with DADAROMA. This must be serious.
  20. patientZERO

    I am so confused by this. Seiya, dude, you left DEVILOOF and now you started a new band. It's time to move on. Also, is Hiroto gone now?
  21. patientZERO

    So he's doing the "walk though the street acting crazy" thing again? There's a whole Sibilebashir MV that's the same thing and then he jumps into a river/creek.
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