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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. ^ I found out way too late to get tickets, which is unfortunate because they were not coming around again before I leave.


    Hazuki confirmed that THIS COMA would also be vocal and piano only.


    But goddam, that's an expensive book!

  2. On 11/11/2016 at 4:46 AM, Ro plz said:

    Seems like it...


    because the first new song was supposedly violent....



    Holy shit


    what is going on??


    Yeah, I was at one of the Namba Hatch shows and I feared the new song being a ballad because it seems like this is all going to end soon, but when it was heavy as fuck, I instantly cheered up. Now there's ANOTHER new song and it is a ballad ... hmm.

  3. I was just cruising the Amemura DROP schedule and so many of these band names are horrid:


    Bitch Sylvia Never Ends


    Sacred Sound Slave



    Some others that come to mind are:


    We Butter the Bread with Butter (Dutch electro-shitcore band)

    Screaming Inside Can Kill (new VK band)

    Cocklobin (great band, terrible name)

    THE RUDIE SATAN PARK (mid-2000 VKcore band)

  4. 3 hours ago, Disposable said:

    I have a small update to this thread. I just did a survey with some Japanese exchange students at a bar, and the only vk band they had any idea existed was the one and the only


    Golden Bomber


    Visual kei in the 21th century folks. 


    I completely agree. I've been studying in Japan and every time I tell people that my favorite band is Dir en grey, they go "huuuu?" I then say that they used to be a Visual Kei band like X Japan and have been active for almost 20 years. They instantly know who X is, though.

    Out of all the people I've talked to, only one person said they knew who Dir en grey was, and she is actively involved in the music industry. I asked if they knew any active VK bands and they all said Golden Bomber. Granted I go to an international university, so the majority of students primarily listen to Western music, but still, you would think that VK was a bit more well known. Not anymore.


    So yeah, visual kei in the 21st century.

  5. 9 hours ago, Waru Chibi said:

    if it hadn't been for the 4 of us,
    we wouldn't have been able to call it such a cool band.


    If someone is missing we'd break up, that was decided from the start on


    This is what makes me think that someone wanted to leave, but they decided to disband instead.

  6. On 10/31/2016 at 7:08 AM, AliceParanoid said:

    Damien Rice:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPMrnMYlTew - 9Crimes Ft. Maria Mena 
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMm38957PBY - 9Crimes Ft. Lisa Hannigen



    Damien Rice - I Remember


    I could probably list Damien Rice for days, but I think this is his most impactful live performance for me.


    All the VK songs I want to show don't seem to be on YouTube, but I'll list them here for those who may have means to see them.


    Girugamesh – 壊れていく世界

    The way Satoshi keeps screaming at the climax of the song gives me shivers ...

    — SCISSOR – from住人toイロ off of FINAL CUT

    This was SCISSOR's first real song and is actually a rather poppy-sounding song, but it was also the last song they played together (except for their reunion). At one point, MIKI has to turn his back on the audience to keep from crying.

    — DELUHI – Orion once again (live) off of FLASH:B[L]ACK DVD

    The obligatory "sing-along" live portion, but this was when DELUHI was really starting to blow up. Juri has to face the back of the stage as he covers his face to avoid crying to hard, but you can see his shoulders shaking. Leda also is shown with tears streaming down his face.

    — Dir en grey – 悲劇は目蓋を下ろした優しき鬱 (pretty much every time)

    I have seen this song live many times and personally have cried each time. Kyo is a master of showing emotion on stage and I could probably list tons of Dir en grey songs, but higeki ha ... is the most emotional for me.

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