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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. Kyouki's voice sounds really ragged in this release. He's got the raspy yell-sing thing going on and I fear for his health if he's going to record music like that. But overall I liked the single. Happy Birthday NEW Mother Fucker's sing-talk reprise that the band does reminds me a LOT of ISABELLE (which is a good thing).

  2. Given that this is happening, I don't know if Shiki would be involved in a new project AND be doing a session band from his old band. It seems a bit counter-intuitive.


    EDIT – also, digging through their source code yielded no juicy results, but there is a bigger version of their photo where you can make out some facial features (eyes on the dude on the left and a flat-looking nose on the dude in the middle) if you want to play Sherlock some more!

  3. This thread is dedicated to instrumental metal music. I have quite a catalogue of good instrumental metal bands, from djentlemen music to technometal and figured I'd spread some of that over here for people who don't particularly care about vocals. Are there MH people who dig this too? Here's some picks of not-so-widely-known instru-metal (I skipped the obligatory Animals As Leaders, Russian Circles, Cloudkicker, and Pelican).



  4. 4 hours ago, herpes said:



    The victim didn't proceed with charges after he publicly shamed her 


    If you've ever read American Psycho (and if you haven't, don't), her ordeal sounds very much like it was taken from a scene in the book—almost to a fault. Something about this seems fishy, from the way it all just disappeared to how much detail she put into it, yet remained anonymous. I won't pretend that I know the truth or that Gackt did or didn't do this, but it just seems very fishy indeed. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, herpes said:

    karma* will get gackt for what he did to that woman


    *the philosophical/metaphysical system of retribution, not the shitty vocalist


    Wait ... what happened?

  6. 36 minutes ago, Carmelzors said:

    Maybe you should not let your discoveries escalate to the point of typical "All [any ethnicity here] are racists" though? Her perceptions are her own issue, but when it comes to you, such obstacle - or challenge, if you will - provides more opportunities  in regards to how you prove your skills' worth (and your worth if we stretch it a lil bit). Don't let yourself down because of this: chin up, you will definitely graduate. Just acknowledge that if you keep your cool and do your thing with some devotion, you will be always smarter than her in that sense.


    Most people that face racism should acknowledge that "handle" somewhere around them exists - something they can grasp onto to reach up and further from the cesspool of hate that victims of perceived racism usually resort to as the means of self-defense.  Don't be like them (there are some in MH unfortunately)




    Oh, I definitely won't resort to "all Koreans are racists," in fact, quite the opposite. I don't think that an entire ethnicity is racist, but it just surprised me that a person of her stature would constantly remind me that I'm a white male (as if I didn't already know) and how that means when studying another culture. Pretty much, she told me that my thesis paper proposal was bullshit because I was born to caucasian parents and with a penis. Because I had any choice in that matter. I'm really just frustrated because my paper's grading pretty much presides in personal opinion and I feel that since she's already decided to knock me down a peg based on my race and gender, little of what I say about my chosen subject will do anything to impress her.


    I honestly thank you for your comments, though. I legit have nobody to talk to about them because I fear pissing off someone higher up and them tanking my GPA or whatever. I just can't wait until teacher evaluations roll around.

  7. Feeling in a slump, I decided to take a risk on something last night. So I gave Teenage Cocktail a shot on my brother's recommendation. Usually we don't gel with our movie taste, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and dove in. I like the show Superstore (don't laugh at me) and saw that the film starred Nichole Bloom, so I was in. The plot follows 17-year-old Annie who moves to a new town with her parents and younger brother and can't quite find her place in school, until she meets Jules—a slightly rebellious don't-give-a-fuck lesbian loner. They get involved in some mild webcam-ming activity with the hopes of getting enough money to move to NYC so Jules can dance and Annie can live away from her slightly-picturesque family. Things go a bit haywire, but it takes a bit too long until things start getting rough.


    Annie comes off as a winy teen with no motives behind her rebellious stage other than Jules' influence. Jules also has an absolutely barebones backstory; all we know is that her mother left her when she was young, yet her family still hangs LOTS of pictures of her mother on the wall. Speaking as someone who has had a parent abandon them at a young age, I don't have pictures of him at all, let alone a whole wall dedicated to the person who fled my life ...


    For a film about (portrayed) under-age teens performing illicit activities on webcam, the film is surprisingly lacking in an nudity. I was glad that they decided to avoid the typical route when depicting sexual acts and the film even teases us in an earlier scene. The camera is focused on Annie's face in a medium-close up as she moans and squeezes her eyes together, lying in bed. As the camera starts to pull back, Annie writhes and moans a bit more and we see that Jules is leaning over Annie's crotch. The camera pulls out further and then cuts to Jules' hand on a makeshift tattoo "gun" as she inks up Annie's hip area. The scene was crosscut with a mechanical clock that had two toys kissing. I appreciated this playful attempt at teasing with audiences minds, as if any scene of two lesbian girls alone in their bedroom would instantly depict them as fornicating.


    However, the film's depiction of the girls slowly deteriorated as the film went, showing the two "play" with each other in front of the webcam, often in slow motion with the audio on their kissing pushed really high (like ASMR levels). I instantly checked to see who was the director and saw it was a man (John Carchietta) and this is his first feature directorial credit. Instantly I'm split on how to feel on the film. Of the four writers of the film, two of them were women, but according to auteur theory, the director is (arguably) the true author of the film.


    Without diving into feminine film theory or anything like that, let's just say that I'm completely unsure what to think of the Teenage Cocktail. It was entertaining and respectful at first, then felt a bit exploitative, then ... well, if you're interested, I won't go any further. It won't be winning any awards or turning any heads, but it is what it is—just another potentially throwaway indie drama.


    Goddam I wrote a lot ...

  8. 8 hours ago, Bear said:


    I don't always get to chill though. After all, I am working 1on1 with a 6 year old kid diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and they've also seen signs of epiletic activity in his brain. So it's usually a bit more action during my days when it's regular school. 


    Oh wow. That's incredible! Not everyone can do that type of work. I didn't mean to downplay what you do. I just figured it was like an office job or something that let you chill when things got slow or something.

  9. I guess I'm in the minority, but I'm not as enamored with Tenten's vocals as everyone else here seems to be. But I figured I'd give his new project a shot. Lack-co is lacking for me. They don't know what kind of band they want to be and their songs lack any consistency. They have potential, but just like their look, they're all over the place. I do find their choice of lyrics is humorous in their first song. GOOGREY AIYZ!

  10. Yeah, the second video looks very much like an art school project that nobody gets except for the one dude on stage in the white tee. The "drummer" is even concealed behind half of his crate. Why bother playing live if you're not going to be live-ly? It's all too (attempted) high-brow for me, as I'm sure it was with the audiences of the tour they were on.


    I have a feeling this was MetalSucks' choice as they seem to be wavering on the line between metal hipsters and metal trolls. Sometimes they highlight really good bands (like last year they featured a tour with the amazing core band Toothgrinder), but this just screams of douchebaggery. 

  11. Most recently, I was flying through Ronald Malfi's Floating Staircase and was really digging what was going on. It's got a very J-horror-esque vibe to the first half of the book. The MC, Travis keeps seeing remnants of a ghost(?) child that reminds him of his past lost brother: children blocks left on the table, wet footprints, a handprint on the wall. Then he finds out that the house he moved into belonged to a family whom lost a child at the same age of his deceased brother. But about 60% of the way through the book, it's turned into more of a detective story as Travis is trying to uncover the truth behind the family's past. The other characters are a bit unbelievable as his wife passes off the strange happens as if they're no big deal. A child's handprint appearing out of nowhere on the wall is not a big deal? How about the blocks that just appeared stacked on the table while your husband wasn't home?

    I'm still holding out hope that it has a bette finale, since I really like Malfi's Snow (if you want something to read that's creepy during the winter, I highly recommend it), but as of right now, nothing really scary has happened since about 40% of the way in.

  12. 53 minutes ago, Bear said:


    No, it's an american film by David Zellner based on the urban legend of Takako Konishi's death. The film itself is not based on the film Fargo, it's based on a misreported story by the media at the time. The movie Fargo is just her motivations to travel in the film, but that's all it is.


    Oh wow, that's way more interesting than I thought! I had a hard time piecing together your first synopsis. It's on Prime, so I will definitely give that a shot tonight or tomorrow! The reviews on Amazon are surprisingly spread all across the board. haha

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