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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 7 hours ago, Bear said:

    And I watched Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter. Pure movie magic based on an urban legend that Takako Konishi once went to Fargo to find the money hidden by Steve Buscemi's character, Carl Showalter, in Fargo. This is not how the real story was, but that's why it's called an urban legend after all.


    If this film does not have the status as a cult classic within 10 years of it's release I will be in shock and I'll send the biggest tsunami the world have ever seen to wash away and kill the entire popolation of this fucked up planet, but unlike tsunamis of the past this will be a tsunami of semen and you'll all drown in it.


    What a film! Brilliant!


    So it's a Japanese film based on a fictional Coen brothers film? That's an interesting premise.


    I saw Swiss Army Man last night. The film stars Paul Dano as a survivor of something stranded on a deserted island when Daniel Radcliffe's character washes up on shore. Hank (Paul Dano) then realizes that Manny (Daniel Radcliffe) has special "powers" that aid in his survival. It's crude (farts and boners), but it also has heart. It has homosexual/homosocial overtones at times and is definitely a super existential film and I enjoyed it very much. It's a hard thing to explain, how a film where a fart can make you laugh in one scene and cry in another, but it's certainly worth watch. Everything A24 puts out is usually good.

  2. Netflix has been on a tear of grabbing some decent indie films lately. Girlfriend's Day is not one of them. When I saw the cast behind it (Bob Odenkirk, Larry Fessenden, Andy Richter), I was game. Then I saw it was only 65 minutes long and wondered how the hell Bob ODenkirk wrote a "feature length" film this short. Even still, I never thought that a movie that's barely an hour long could seem like it was already 20 minutes too long.

    The story follows a gift card writer who has lost his touch after his wife leaves him. He then gets wrapped in some sort of noir/mob fiasco as he tries to write the perfect card for a rival company. Maybe I missed the point, but I honestly didn't laugh the entire time. I was just so confused on how they were taking this so seriously. I know that's the joke: how ridiculous that people are murdering each other over the idea of a "perfect" gift card, but still, it wasn't very funny. Instead it fell incredibly flat, which is how I would define the film in one word. Flat. The color tones are muted and flat. The characters are flat. The mood is flat. Netflix, you led me astray on this one.

  3. I've been overly grumpy ever since going back to school this semester. I miss Japan. I miss her. Every little thing that frustrates me blows up into this overwhelming anger and I've damn near ground my teeth to the roots. I'm just so sick of a lot of things right now.

  4. 8 hours ago, Bear said:

    I also rewatched Equilibrium yesterday. It doesn't bring anything new to the table and is basically a mishmash of several other films' (ideas), but I love the shit out of this film. I think it's excellent!


    Equilibrium is so laughable, but it's also so badass. George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four meets The Matrix directed by a wannabe John Woo. Gun kata is such a cool idea and if Equilibrium didn't exist, I don't think we'd have John Wick.

  5. 10 hours ago, Takadanobabaalien said:


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    I've started missing my ex-gf more and more lately, and it tears me apart.

    We were together for almost 4 years, and what bugs me the most is that we will likely never meet again.
    Sure, we're friends and all that, just like all ex's claim to be but everyone know deep within that it usually doesn't end like that.
    I think in the end, I'm not missing her as much as I'm missing the memories of her and the memories we have together.
    Fuck man, we travelled the world together, and we spent basically every day together for 4 years... How are you just supposed to let go of that so easy?
    It's been about a year, and as I said I am usually doing okay... But sometimes it still hurts

    People have told me that you usually just find a "replacement" for that special one and eventually fall in love with that person. That's not what I want to do and that's probably why I haven't been interested in a relationship with someone even though people have been with me.

    I think that in the end I just want something that feels real. Something that feels as real as it did with her. I hope I'll find it eventually.




    Sorry just need to write somewhere. Twitter, Tumblr or any site like that is not an option as we still follow eachother everywhere~


    I know exactly how you feel, man. To keep things short, I was in a similar situation. I was engaged, she broke it off and cut ties completely. I haven't seen or heard from her since the day she left me. This was almost five years ago. I didn't seek anyone else because I didn't want anyone else. But here comes the good news: sometimes someone finds you. I wasn't on the prowl for a girlfriend, but recently someone found me. It just happened and I started to forget about my ex. It's really that easy, and I know it sounds like everyone is telling you the same thing: you'll be fine when you find someone else. But it really does work that way. It just takes time. It may be two years, it may be ten, but every one has their own amount of time to move on. Without trying to sound too Dr. Phil, if you need a listening ear, send me a PM. I'm here for you fam.

  6. 1 hour ago, kisumi kinbaku said:


    I see. I didn't know that Kami band had some relation to vk. Thought they're non-vk jrockers. Once again, thanks for your responses!


    Leda (ex-DELUHI, ex-GALNERYUS, ex-UNDIVIDE, FAR EAST DIZAIN) was their guitarist for a decent amount of time and was part of their first live with the Kami-band. And one of their drummers, Aoyama Hideki was the drummer for the shortlived VK band EVER+LAST.


    You should check up the talent that's behind the girls because they're pretty phenomenal!

  7. 8 hours ago, kisumi kinbaku said:

    Please message me if you guys want to buy their BD + singles + album. They're in totally great condition, I just don't know where else to advertise (beside tumblr)!


    Try here.

  8. I very rarely give up on movies. I figure that a whole team of people worked a long time to create the product on my screen (and in this case, Netflix bought the rights to distribute it), but a half hour into The Charnel House I had to stop. I knew there was nothing there for me; nothing that would be redeemable. From the opening shot of the hilariously bad CGI building, I knew we were of to a good start. The wretched acting added to the ambiance as police cars blaze up to the building and cops come running out, guns held high, to arrest one man. Yeah, that's not the way things work. I guess the story is that the building was a butchery and when turned into a high-tech apartment building two decades later, the ghost of the son of a man who committed murders inside the building possess the AI, slowly killing off the residents. I honestly didn't make it long enough to see more than one person die, but that was enough for me. The acting is horrible, the set design is lackluster, and so many things are unnecessarily CG-ed that I had to bail.


    I probably should have looked up the director (Craig Moss) before starting. He's helmed such fantastic projects as Bad Ass 1, 2, and 3 (they made THREE OF THESE!), The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It (a "parody" of Judd Apatow films) and Breaking Wind (a parody of Twilight). Yeah, the dude's got a stellar filmography.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Platy said:

    so they used a 'random character' generator to come up with the look of each member (looking at the pictures at the start of the thread), then clicked 'random PV theme generator' and finally 'random song parts generator' for the overall release.




    Seriously! That song is all over the place! Those random blasts at 1:14 that lead to nothing, the transition at 2:44 comes out of nowhere and the completely sudden end!

  10. 3 hours ago, itsukoii said:

    i just found out there is a visual kei band named 麺's卵 (Men's Egg). i am beyond angry.


    there's already a magazine called Men's Egg, and another magazine called Men's Knuckle...........

    i'm just so angry.


    the fuck is next,

    men's knee?

    men's elbow??

    men's cornea???

    men's toenail????

    men's achilles tendon?????



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