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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. I saw 37 today, which was about the murder of Kitty Genovese in which supposedly 37 people witnessed it and didn't do anything. There isn't a single likable character in the whole film and the plot spread itself way too thin around its characters, all of which are far too eccentric. The director thought he could substitute overly dramatic individuals for a compelling story, leaving a super depressing barebones film. Also, the "true events" the film is based after is exaggerated, as several people did call the police, they just refused to report to the incident and the victim's brother has since come forth saying that the real number of witnesses was more around 12, not 37, but the New York Times blew the story out of proportion for sensationalism. Either way, the film was a hot pile of garbage surrounding a "based on a true story" tragedy.

  2. I think one thing people tend to forget when it comes to disbandments and all is that these are people in these bands with opinions and emotions. Maybe Sin just wasn't feeling it anymore? You can get tired of a job/hobby. I'm not saying that's the case, but I think people just instantly expect that when a band disbands that the members will instantly join another project. So it may have been financial, but regardless of the reason, its his decision and we as fans have no obligation to know why and where he is.

  3. 5 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Frank: I absolutely LOVED everything about this one. I don't know why, but somehow this film really felt like it captured that 'struggling artist' feel exceptionally well. The song at the end's been stuck in my head for days. Great performances from everyone, too.


    That film is great! I don't know if you're a reader or not, but the fantastic Jon Ronson wrote a book about the true story of Frank. His writing style is great and his other books are also worth looking at, especially if you have an interest in human behavior.

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