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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 10 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    The reason things ended up like this lies in my lack of considerations towards the members and staff, my lacking as a person, and my inability to grow as a drummer and an artist since the start of DIMLIM.

    I was reading that part all wrong. He's pointing out that he wasn't nice to members of the band/staff (and fans) and he couldn't grow as an artist BECAUSE of the band. Not in-leu of the band.


    AKA: they kicked him out, but since he's the leader, he can't say it that way.

  2. If I'm reading this right, Issei said that he  was lacking compassion for the band and couldn't grow as an artist in DIMLIM? Didn't he also say earlier that one of the songs they were going to release was one he wrote 10 years ago? ... Those two don't add up.

  3. 1 hour ago, Komorebi said:

    They are definitely my favorite band right now (besides D being my honmei). If someone knows a shopping service that goes to their lives PLEASE let me know, I need to throw them my whole paycheck. 

    I think @-Tetsu-said something about knowing someone who goes to JILUKA lives. They also have an online shop that occasionally sells goods other than their music. There's nothing on there now other than nail stickers, but they did have parkas, shirts and towels up in the past.

  4. They performed their fourth (offically numbered) oneman at Shibuya O-West last night, which is a pretty big success for an indie VK band. I'm hoping the place was jam packed with fans! During their live they announced that their fifth (offically numbered) oneman will be back at O-West on 2018.05.20!


    Their set list was posted as well. You can see that they shot a live PV for their B-side to Ajna -SgVer-, M.A.D!


    I don't know about you all, but I'm making my own playlist so I can see how the songs flow when I'm at work tomorrow.


  5. 46 minutes ago, Seimeisen said:

    Am I the only one who finds it cheap af for an intro track to just be called SE? Especially on an album (or mini-album)?

    At least you know what you're getting, though. Like when Nokubura put out their best-of album, no one was absolutely sure if the first two tracks were new songs or intros. Maybe if they put ~SE~ after it or something, that'd be better than just simply naming it SE.

    I will say it's much better than bands having completely unnamed intro tracks, as was the trend in the early 2000s. I have far too many tracks named 「 」 or some variant on that on my iPod.

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