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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 1 hour ago, Kathy said:

    Todays setlist for Ricko and Zyean’s birthday oneman: 



    Also I’m very excited for their new release, I’ve been waiting for a full album 

    I'm hoping it's a full album of new music (or rehashes like Ajna-SgVer-). They have enough time to write material before August. They're not playing new songs yet at lives, though.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Alkaloid said:

    Dr.Mar is ex-Crecien de Rona-->ティアラ (Tiara)-->Faust-->gossip-->7Addict-->D'efend Chroma(雅美/Masami)

    Reuniting with Hiro!


    EDIT: Mar is also the primary writer for all their music, supposedly. The other members have say when it comes to the chorus/lyrics, though.


  3. The boys have tweeted that they're making an important announcement tomorrow at 22:00 ...



    EDIT: Daiki is trying to stay positive, saying news announcements are always equated to negativity, but look forward to what DEVILOOF can bring.

    Now Ray is joining in on saying to look forward to the announcement.

    Any thoughts fam?

  4. Leda tweeted a personal hand-written message for Mikio-san.



    Translation by /u/gakushabaka on reddit:


    Guitarist Mikio Fujioka san has departed to Heaven.

    We shared the stage many times, and he has taught me really a lot of things.
    Whenever I felt lost or I was troubled about my musical performance, I always contacted Fujioka san.
    Despite all my constant and troublesome questions, he always replied in a gentle and polite way.
    Occasionally, he made an explanation attaching a video.
    I really admire from the bottom of my heart both his guitar playing and his personality.

    I wanted to learn more from Fujioka san.
    I wanted to play more music together.

    No matter how much I think about it, I still can't believe it, and it's heart-breaking. I feel a pain in my chest.

    But towards the end of the funeral, Fujioka san's mother told me this: "Mikio kun was a boy who loved cheerful things, so please see him off with a smile, do this for him. I will also spend my days as cheerfully as usual as I did up to now. Because I think that is what would make Mikio-kun the most happy."

    When I think about Fujioka san, he was always playing with a smile, showing that he was having fun.
    Always laughing.

    Therefore, with Fujioka san's thought always in my mind, I'd like to keep living every day with a smile.

    Fujioka san, I'm truly grateful.
    I'm happy to have met you.

    I pray from the bottom of my heart for your happiness in the afterlife.



  5. While I don't think that hip-hop and race will ever be completely separate, there are some artists who are using the genre to convey true emotions. Futurist recently released his latest album and I feel like he and Locksmith are doing great things for the genre without resorting to constant N-bombs and bragging about what they have.



    Childish Gambino's recent music has not been to my liking, but Culdesac, EP, and Camp all have a great vibe with some "real" tracks on them that talk about some important issues, with a few bangers in there akin to more typical hip-hop.



  6. JILUKA have announced goods for their sold out oneman celebrating Ricko and Zyean's birthday.


    They both have their own tee shirt design as well as a set that includes an item and a chekki. Ricko's will have a DVD of stray clips as well as a vampire chekki and Zyean's set will include a Zoned-Out hat he designed as well as a chekki of him wearing said cap. Unfortunately I'm sure these items will be incredibly hard to obtain after the live.

  7. 1 hour ago, Komorebi said:

    Only item I'm missing is Sicks and it's expensive as fuck XD 

    Yeah, I haven't watched any of their DVDs, I suck lol I refuse to uploead them too. I want people to buy their stuff.

    I also don't have Sicks and am never going to spend 8000Y on a CD the band themselves refuses to recognize as one of their releases. Monophobia is listed as DPRJ-1001, too, so it's not even part of their numbered discography. So I'm okay with not owning it. Plus Ricko (going by Kanata at the time) was ... not his best on that release.

  8. 2 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Yeah... gonna have to discuss that whole "change words to make them sound cooler" next time I see him. That's a big no-no in translation.


    I actually haven't seen it. I'm a terrible fan who hates youtube lol

    Here's the direct quote from *groan* Shattered Tranquility:


    JILUKA has a lot of lyrics in English, right? Do you write those in Japanese first and then translate them to English?

    Sena: Yes, but instead of directly translating them, I choose phrases that sound good and rhyme cool while also staying close to the original meaning. It needs to fit the rhythm.

    Do you translate the lyrics yourselves?

    Sena: Yes. We try to. I'm not a good English speaker, but I like to read and write lyrics in English. I make sure to look up phrases that I don’t understand.

    As for the MV, I don't think it's on YouTube, but it's on the DVD for Xenomorphic if you want to get a copy *nudgenudge*. It's a mixture of live stuff, behind-the-scenes stuff, and a little staged generic MV stuff. It's my favorite song and has to be my favorite PV, but I'm a selfish man and refuse to upload their DVDs. Haha!

  9. 2 hours ago, Mamo said:

    Well they released it one other time anyway lol on "the dead sea" live limited version so it's pretty hard to obtain.


    Please do let me know if you see either of those on an auction again I wouldn't mind buying all of their CD's and getting them signed at some point in the future.

    Sure thing, man! I check Yahoo! auctions occasionally for the things I'm interested in, so if I see it pop up, I'll shoot you a PM. It was going for 500y, which isn't too bad (considering it was free at one point ...) but with shipping fees and shopping services, it was going to be at least $30 to get it to my doorstep.

  10. 2 hours ago, Mamo said:

    Yeah I've never seen it on an auction so far either. I'm still wanting to own "Hunger" and the live limited version of "the dead sea" that includes "Hunger" as a bonus track. But as I said, I've never seen either available for purchase so far.

    I saw Hunger on Yahoo! auctions not too long ago, but I'm honestly not willing to spend $30 for one song anymore. I did that back in the days of UnsraW's Dust to Dust and now it's worth diddly squat (especially considering they released it several times afterward).

  11. 6 hours ago, -Tetsu- said:

    I really hope they'll tour outside of Japan soon, sadly couldn't see them when I was in Japan, hoping to catch them in Europe instead now!

    I missed the opportunity to see them at their first live, too, and I went searching for Hunger and couldn't find it when I was there, so I feel your pain.

  12. Aside from their first release/live-limited version, everything this band has done has been in an attempt to reach an international audience. I hope it's working for them and I would be stoked to see them tour outside of Japan.

  13. 1 hour ago, Komorebi said:

    I literally went nuts translating this into spanish because I couldn't tell if it was just a typo or if Sena had gone al biblical and was referring to obscure meanings of the name.


    I hate him sometimes(?)


    Edit: Also, "Shut up, mother fxxker"? You kiss Boogie with that mouth?

    I read in an interview with Sena that he writes the lyrics in Japanese and then translates them to English the best way he can, but sometimes changes words to make them sound cooler. So I'm guessing this is a "lost in translation" moment and I'm guessing that it was just a typo.


    He does love bringing up faith and religion, so it could have a Biblical meaning, but the book of Ruth is all about accepting a God and I don't see anything like that in Ajna, nor is her name capitalized. Hence my assumption that it was just a typo.


    And hey, at least he censored himself! And if you haven't seen the MV for Lethal Affliction yet, there's lots of cheeky middle fingers tossed up that make me grin every time.

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