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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    chianti who is the hot twink boy in that gif
  2. Furik

    He had a fantastic voice. Kind of let go of the side projects since Kagrra, called it quits but he will be missed, a lot. I'm sure.
  3. Furik

    Really? What didn't you like?
  4. Furik

    Nice to see they are fans of Will & Grace.
  5. Furik

    I wouldn't jump to say that just yet. From what we've heard from the samples, DSS will definitely be closer to Uroboros than anything they've done previously.
  6. Furik

    Amon is better than what I was expecting.
  7. Furik

    I LOVE their new single. It's honestly pretty good. A mix of their self-titled with AvA.
  8. Furik

    new album > old album
  9. Furik

    Katy Perry does. So do I. Source Also, to be serious, one of my favorite shows is "Ancient Aliens". One of the best freakin' shows i've ever watched. Netflix for the win.
  10. Furik

    but id fuck the guy
  11. Furik

    Haven't heard anything from them since '07. Don't like the idea of them releasing songs every few months which, in then, becomes an album. Annoying as hell. Just release a few singles then an album. It's not that hard, Corgan. You're making this return a mess.
  12. Furik

    At work until 5pm Riding the bus home with a hot guy that isn't my husband Getting home at 5:30 like always 5:30 - tomorrow morning I will be in my air conditioned bedroom
  13. Furik

  14. Furik

    No THE KIDDIE? Do not care for this POS festival.
  15. Furik

  16. Furik

    MH FANTASY one-day reunion (needs to happen)
  17. Furik

    pk plz give me real cig ive been using e-cig for 2 weeks and im so agitated (screams of maggots)!!!!!!!!
  18. Furik

    omg pk u n i will be married soon mmm mmmm mmmm blow that fag all over me
  19. Furik

    Meat Water = fake Frog pickle = fake What's so bad about bulk rice? But, awww, I want pet frogs and turtles
  20. Furik

    way 2 go, chianti!
  21. Furik

    watch b4 it gets deleted. gjpx5LkwIAE
  22. Furik

    She just had to marry the ugliest of all LOST characters. If she had to, why couldn't she just marry Keamy or Jacob. Mmm MMMM
  23. Furik

    No she's not. Just because you make a YouTube video doesn't make you those things. Seriously - kids these days. Make a video, put it up online, get 100 hits and think they run the world.
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